I played with my poop

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bullfrog said:
On any public land you can dig a "cat hole" I would believe you could do a latrine, just my opinion.
"Can" of course in the sense of get away with it, sure.

I'm talking here about what is legal and permitted, as in, if LEO or camp host etc knows about it they'd be OK, no sneaking required.

> When done correctly does no harm to the land. 
Also not getting into that dimension here.

> BLM land where most of us boondock does have restrictions on RVs with black tanks I believe but probably most simi-perminent cowboy camps on BLM land have a latrine with a portable wooden box type cover (open on the bottom) and attached toliet seat on top.

So you're saying they have these strict requirements for vehicles, but the people are free to just leave their tanks empty and dig a latrine?

> As long as … leave no trace is practiced

How is **that** compatible with even cat holes, much less a group latrine?

To me LNT means **everything** gets packed out, including grey water.

And no idea how nudity is in any way related?
Q..... since the original idea was to find a solution for disposal of the bagged body waste other than chunking in a dumpster, etc. Have you thought about pulling a portable waste incinerator on a trailer? Maybe even a business idea :) I think the SCAT machines have payment methods.

An entrepreneur might do well setting up in certain areas. Whadaya think? :) Probably just a minor issue of getting permitted....
Dennis, there was a suggestion about everyone tossing it in the big bonfire at night, but it didn't stick. The only trailer suggestions so far has been either just a good-sized holding tank for common use, or a trailer carrying porta-pottis. Incineration is an idea.
MrNoodly said:
I used kitty litter for a while, then sawdust, then peat moss. But I couldn't see a reason for any of that unless I was composting,
The other half of my kitty litter scheme is to dump the bags (contents only of course) in local "pit" toilets, and that is my preferred method, although HDR came down on it on an older thread. I just have to make sure he's not around. But I think it's 1000X preferable to dumpster.
I think throwing it in a bonfire would thin the crowd very quickly. Burning cow patties get old after a while.
Dennis said:
I think throwing it in a bonfire would thin the crowd very quickly.  Burning cow patties get old after a while.
Sometimes you just can't get the party goers to go home, no matter what. OTOH ....
I saw the title of this thread and thought it was way too funny to pass over, so I had to read it through.  It got me curious as to legality and so I did some research on what might be proper.  I think I found exactly what everyone else has found...not much.  But I did find a couple of interesting tid bits.  First, EPA doesn't view human waste as hazardous waste but the language is vague as to the proper method for sewage disposal.  Second, the National Park Service encourages the use of "approved" WAG bags to be deposited in a designated dumpster.  From the language it seemed the decomposition of the bag in the landfill was more of an issue than the human waste.   It seems state or local laws will likely dictate how best to handle and those will generally be misdemeanor issues even if discovered.  I looked for guidance from local waste haulers and landfills.  Most seemed to indicate it's acceptable to pour the solids into sewage or put solids into landfill.  I think it boils down to this.  My conclusions for van dweller leave no trace... be responsible, store and pour or bag and dumpster, use bio-degradable materials, don't piss off the locals...  

Human Waste is not Hazardous Waste:  Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR §261.4(a)(1)   https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/40/261.4
NPS informs EPA safe Wag Bags can be disposed in dumpster  https://www.nps.gov/cany/learn/news/news0801513.htm
Doubleone said:
Thank you. You will notice that it says right there on that site ... "Disposing of untreated human waste in landfills is prohibited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."

[font=verdana, sans-verdana, sans-serif]If you really want to about talk about this, you might go back and read some of the other threads .... the purpose of THIS thread to think of other alternatives, NOT to re-argue history.[/font]

[font=verdana, sans-verdana, sans-serif]- https://vanlivingforum.com/showthread.php?tid=33143[/font][/SIZE]
[font=verdana, sans-verdana, sans-serif]- https://vanlivingforum.com/showthread.php?tid=30944[/font][/SIZE]
[font=verdana, sans-verdana, sans-serif]- [/font]
Here's something. If you have a few thousand to spare


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I like that. It says "bum chamber", unless I'm seeing it wrong. Could you imagine someone hauling something like that along on the caravans. "Sit here, it's only propane".
I wonder how bad the odor would be? If there was a way to neutralize the odor it would be something to consider for the Tiny House I'm looking at to build on my son's property.

I wouldn't want to stink up my son's property lol. Although! Couldn't be worse than when the farmers around us spray manure on their fields.
Rowan, maybe someone sells a waste tank with incinerator built-in. Then it could be placed some distance away from the tiny house. Use a pump to send the waste over to the tank.

Likewise for a caravan, a separate tank carried on a trailer and which people could deposit their waste into, and which had a built-in incinerator, might be a good solution.
Well, it's still looking like the ole "plastic bag in a bucket" thingie is the most practical and workable option. If some cop really wants to arrest me for dumping it, OK. I'd very much like to see the look on the judge's face when THAT case comes up...........
Given EPA violations, it would likely go before a federal judge. Good luck and HAGD, lennie.
^^I'll have company, with every baby and every dog owner in the United States.

I hope they have lots of jails.
Given how much coverage the Van Dwelling/Nomad movement has been getting - if local townships want to flex their strong arms, catching people dumping excrement might be a way they could do it. Plus, impounding the vans and wracking up impound fees to unaffordable amounts? I'm not saying it's likely, but as improbable as it would be it isn't in the realm of impossibility.
A 1/off traveler is one thing, but when you have groups of 75 or more people traveling around together for several months, they need to take proactive measures so as to not to make problems for the neighboring communities. That should be a common understanding. But those issues should be addressed on a different thread too.

I think the idea of incineration tanks needs to be followed up. Good thing I don't need one tomorrow morning.
^^^ Alas, when we get lots of people camped together, what USUALLY happens is "Slab City".

Meanwhile, I go my merry way across the country, dropping my poop in the dumpster on those rare occasions when I need to, bothering nobody, and attracting no attention or backlash whatever.

Spaceman Spiff said:
The reason I put a little bit of sawdust in my poop bag is because I dribble a little urine during the process.  The sawdust absorbs the pee so if there is a pinhole in the bag it doesn't leak.

I don't usually unless on a regular toilet, but there's always the chance, so I lay down some kitty litter and/or peat moss in the bag first so the liquid might get absorbed before it starts to leak.  Not that I expect it to, but poop can have some moisture too, and the price of being wrong about that is one I don't want to pay.

The kitty litter sometimes seems to help a little with the smell ... not nearly enough though.  I don't know how people can say various approaches somehow pretty much cure the smell problem.  Even adding kitty litter and peat moss or coir plus double-bagging and tying off the bags TIGHT doesn't seem to stop the smell for very long at all, at least for me. 

I do wish that adding all that stuff didn't increase the volume of stuff I have to dispose of, so much.  For how little it does, it sure does increase the size of the whole business.