I played with my poop

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rm.w/aview said:
The cover of darkness or a big beach towel would work, depending on your schedule relative to time of day. But we stray from the OP, and I'm just as interested in another solution as well.

Sounds like a job for a collapsible utility tent?
I guess no one here has dug a latrine away from a water any water source preferably in loose dry ground about 16" around with two sections of logs for a seat and a y shaped branch for the toliet paper with a tin can over it to keep it dry? If you are really fancy four 4' tall posts with a tarp folded and staked or held down on one side witha rock to form a 3 sided wall with the opening away from camp, if a chance of rain lay the rocked part of the wall tarp over the area to keep water from flooding the hole, a shaker for a coating of lime after every use and a small layer of soil. Cover with the soil or cut sod upon leaving.
I thought latrine also bullfrog, but if on BLM land is that even allowed? To set up your own latrine? no clue on that.

if like 50 people converge on BLM land can they set up a latrine like it was their personal property? just wondering if a ranger would come by and say, nope, ain't happening???
Definitely illegal on most public land.

May get away with it on your own land, depends on the town / county enforcement and (especially) your neighbors.
QinReno said:
Yeah, what a great image, 50 people in the night wandering out in the BLM wearing beach towels. LOL. 
I snorted coffee out my nose laughing at this!
Just an interim report. There seem to be 2 different avenues coming out here .... groups and 1/offs.

In regards 1/off travelers, as an experiment I tried flushing the kitty litter bag contents down the regular toilet. Not good. First off, as Angie said "never flush kitty litter down the toilet", and certainly you'd never want to dump a regular 5-pound kitty litter tray that way. But I figured, what the heck, there isn't much kitty litter in a poop bag. Well the problem seemed to be that the kitty litter dried out the poop enough that it didn't just go swirling down the drain as normal. So ixnay on kitty litter bag in the regular toilet.

For that matter, this is why my "first" experiment with the toilet used the solution of cooking oil and dish detergent, rather than kitty litter. So probably cooking oil isn't the best ingredient to use in the bag, but detergent ok. So, for me, this is a viable solution when camped with some access in the area to a regular flush toilet. Detergent in the bag helps keep both the bag clean for disposal in the regular garbage, and also the toilet clean. I would not want to store the filled bags for very long of course.
QinReno said:
...But very expensive for daily use.

Kerri and I use "Poo Powder" - https://amzn.to/2SRbdDP

The price tag is large, but the 120 scoops is deceiving. For a single person's poo, you would use about a teaspoon of powder, a fraction of a "scoop". We have had the large jug with us for well over 6 months and it is still going. Easily 6-12 months of powder for $60 or so. Still, combined with a bio-bag (about 3c each in bulk) and some T.P. and/or wipe, you are looking at 30-50c *per poo* in cost using this method. Don't get the pre-packaged bag+powder, that is definitely cost prohibitive.

Obviously, if you are boondocking you can simply go dig a hole (6" deep) and make your deposit (do not bag it... deposit raw straight out of your bum). Bury and dig a different hole for your next deposit and you are 100% legal.  Pack out your paper!!!
Poo Powder sounds like it's a mix of baking soda, yeast and unflavored gelatin:)
You could try making your own, QR - just to see if it works.
RowanFae said:
Poo Powder sounds like it's a mix of baking soda, yeast and unflavored gelatin:)
You could try making your own, QR - just to see if it works.
I'm no cook, but I looked it up and that seems to be the formula for pie crust. 

Hmmm, maybe we're going about this all wrong. Just toss the poo out in the sun for a day or two, and sprinkle some pie dough on it. Fossilized poo might be acceptable in the dumpster.

Seriously, I'm no chemist, would have no idea what I'm doing!! Then try to explain to the BLM man what all those little doughy looking piles are behind that bush. "It's just an experiment, sir".
RowanFae said:
Poo Powder sounds like it's a mix of baking soda, yeast and unflavored gelatin:)
You could try making your own, QR - just to see if it works.

Unflavored?  I wouldn't consider it unless it was flavored.
QinReno said:
I'm no cook, but I looked it up and that seems to be the formula for pie crust. 
Oh Lordy, that tickled me. Definitely not pie crust.  

I still say you mix up a batch and try it. BUT! If your poo starts rising, don't blame me. 

I'll monitor the news for any suspicious "Death by mysterious Blob creature."
Dingfelder said:
Unflavored?  I wouldn't consider it unless it was flavored.

0.o  I'm not sure I'll ever look at Jello the same.
My neighbors (as well as everyone on this forum) already think I'm pretty darn weird. If they learned I was trying to make poo rise in my secret laboratory, I'm sure the HOA would take swift action. Maybe when I get to the desert.
Oh Pish, Tosh. Poo on the Neighbors. Live Large. Experiment and try new things


Rowan "The Instigator"
Dingfelder said:
Unflavored?  I wouldn't consider it unless it was flavored.

That's one way to get your s**t to smell like roses, or at least strawberries.


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RowanFae said:
Oh Pish, Tosh. Poo on the Neighbors.
If you had read the stories I wrote on the other thread, you'd know that all the neighbors here (being women, BTW) already dislike Q quite a lot, and largely because their dogs all love Q so much. Any of them would turn Q in in a blink. When a dog turns and starts barking at its owner, well ...
Angie, you need to work more on your portable tank idea. I think it's a good way for traveling groups to handle the common problem.