Been thinkin (Again)

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Been Thinkin'
Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2022
Reaction score
Pinconning, Michigan
It's been a while. You know how thinkin goes. Anyway, creaping up on my 86th and still moving along.
Oh, have to scat back to yearly wellness checkup site, where they do all the stuff that doesn;t matter but keep the pills comming every ninty days.
"They" are trying to trap me into one of those "assisted" living deals. "They'll" have to catch me first. I'm like a fart in a mitt, jumping from finger to finger, doncha know.
Anyway, NEWS, I did catch me a companion of the female varity. We did get along very well for a few months, but, she began to long for familier places and friends and decided she needed 4 walls that stayed put, soooo, we went back to her starting point, found her a place where I parked my rig for a while, till she was settlrd in to what I call humm drumm, then I left for nomad land again. Had one other that lasted 2 weeks (14 days). then she decided she needed more room than my trailer provided. That was over a year ago now. I still stay in trouch with them and stop by now and then. They are happy and so am I.
Now, usual breakdowns and up grades. water pump quit and fixed, bought a propane outdoor water heater, fixed me up an outdoor shwer arrangment with curtains that I don;t need when I'm by myself away from others. Suits me just fine. I don't think anyone would care much either way in any case. Replaced the radiater in my old pickup, stills runs just fine. We look alike but don't care. Neither one of us will win a beauty contest.
Just looked at myself in a piece of a mirror that I have. Time to whack off some of my beard, then be fit for town (sort of). I'd actualy shave but kinda worried what I might find under there. Let sleeping dogs lie is a good Idea
Nice post. Thanks. You're doing great. Congratulations.

Stay out of those Assist Living places. Before you know it you are in Memory Care. Life is miserable in those places. Have two sisters that were talked into it (siblings). One died after a year and another is miserable crying most days. And these were "the best' around.

I've told my wife I will die in my RV. No way will I go into one of those places.
As you get older the length of time that is designated as a “long term relationship” can very greatly. But it does need to be longer than one night sitting around a campfire🤣
Of course even “relationship” gets redefined when reaching the far end of senior years. 🤣
Nice post. Thanks. You're doing great. Congratulations.

Stay out of those Assist Living places. Before you know it you are in Memory Care. Life is miserable in those places. Have two sisters that were talked into it (siblings). One died after a year and another is miserable crying most days. And these were "the best' around.

I've told my wife I will die in my RV. No way will I go into one of those places.
Thanks for the encouragment. Looked into what my kids want me to do. They don't want me underfoot so assisted living is what they think is best for everyone, Me being close and availabe to visit when they find it convenient to visit and bring the grand kids around to look at the old guy.
To me it would mean giving up my freedom to choose what I eat, when I nap or travel, even give up my own vehicle. Also being given an alowence each month. ($60.00).
Anyway, I know I know I'm going to die one day, I want it to be at a time and place of my choosing.
I've already made my final arrangments no mater where that might be. No fuss, no muss.
Mean while I get to see and do life on my own terms. I keep saying things like what i've yet to do Like smoke a joint or sky dive, and chase wild women.
Heck, none of that is possible in an assistanted living place, well not even in my camper but this way at least I can still dream. cooped up some place, the dream will be dead, with me not far behind.
Just got out my garden rake, shovel and trash bags, going clean up a wooded parking site all trashed by some kluts who gives us all a bad name. Who will do it if I don't. Might even set a good example for some newbe just getting started being a nomad.
^^**imply if they don’t knock it off instead of going into a nursing home you are going to move in and start sleeping on their couch and eating their food and begging for gas money. The same way adult kids who can’t get a job move back in with their parents. 🤣

Humor can be the best persuader to leave that conversational topic alone.
Do not fight them or agree with them. There is an alternative, diversion! if needed tell them you want to move in with them and do not need much space for your few belongings but can your girlfriends do a sleepover now and again?
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This is a subject that is very heavy on my shoulders and heart right now. We are trying to find something for my Mom. Mom and stepdad lived for a couple years in an RV. Living is a long way from what they did. They bought it just as Covid hit. So mostly they parked in a RV parking lot. They did NOT do any traveling. Then he got sick, so they 'lived' in my son's driveway and took over his house until his wife said them or me. They came to my house and took over my life. Mom is not an easy person to live with. They looked for an apartment and we started noticing her mind was really slipping and she start sabotaging all attempts at apartments. Not because she didn't have money they make more in SS then we do. They never paid for anything. I got to work and got them into a senior apartment in the area they wanted. Then my hubby got really sick and we didn't have time or ability to do much for them. Step dad got sick a few times and passed last week. Mom has lost more of her memory and ability. Now we are again scrambling to find a safe comfortable place for her. She is way beyond able to be alone. We (my adult sons and I) have had to rescue her 3 times from some very scary things when she decided to drive and the police got involved.
While this may or may not be what anyone else is dealing with. But if they had done a few of the things they should have done a few years ago it sure would have helped at this stage of things. Some of the assisted living places are also independent living and they could have traveled all they wanted until they got to the point she is now. This has cost me personally several thousands of dollars and the last 2 years of my retirement. With no end in sight. All because they didn't have anything planned.
So again this is not me telling you to go to assisted living it is me telling you to make plans NOW for the time you don't have a choice. Until that time if you have the plans in place then everyone can enjoy things without worrying about it.
Something to take a look at is Escapee’s Care Center in Livingston Texas. We volunteered there 20 years ago and we always thought it might be something we would consider. I imagine it has changed drastically but still I believe the were even dealing with memory loss members then.