I played with my poop

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It was the old Thermosan system.  I've been considering doing a mock up of it on my rig.  Uses a peristaltic pump to meter fluid into the hot  exhaust.  Boils off the water, incinerates the solids, and all goes out the exhaust.  From my research, the issue would be dealing with solids and metering in small enough amounts.  I'm thinking a macerator type pump might work best or just a big strainer.  The original system was based on very low flow with a thermal interlock.  I'm wondering if a small digital timer or maybe an Arduino could be programed for the application to incorporate speed sensor too, so it only comes on at freeway speeds.  I understand it makes a dirty diaper odor at speed...  Neat idea, makes sense, sanitary, convenient, cheap, and probably illegal in 52 states...  Even if it was used for grey water it could only help to prolong time and need to dump.
bullfrog said:
Barth motorhomes in the 1970's offered a system that injected the gray and black water (as they were both in one tank at that time) into the exhaust of the chevy motor which burned or turned it into steam as you drove down the hwy.  Using a macerator pump and some simple plumbing you should be able to do this if not running a converter.
I tried searching google on the Barth out the exhaust system, but didn't find much. Apparently, it didn't work well and was discarded. It would probably wreck the catalytic converter in a modern vehicle. 

Something newer, ZLD system.
- http://rvtoilets.blogspot.com/2012/06/new-invention-eliminates-need-to-dump.html

- https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.outdoors.rv-travel/MwsI8v9bVvc
- https://books.google.com/books?id=j...lKBCIeyUQc&focus=viewport&dq=Thermosan+system

 I understand it makes a dirty diaper odor at speed...  Neat idea, makes sense, sanitary, convenient, cheap, and probably illegal in 52 states... 
Hopefully the guy behind you isn't a State Trooper.
bullfrog said:
Barth motorhomes in the 1970's offered a system that injected the gray and black water (as they were both in one tank at that time) into the exhaust of the chevy motor which burned or turned it into steam as you drove down the hwy.  Using a macerator pump and some simple plumbing you should be able to do this if not running a converter.

Thanks, bullfrog.  I was trying to think of where I had heard of that.  The patents will be expired on the system so why reinvent it, just copy.

Bet the smog check readout would be interesting  :p
best use a stainless exhaust system for that. I don't think the solids would be exposed to a high enough temp for a long enough time to be rendered inert. highdesertranger
The living context while actually travelling at highway speeds is not at all a challenge, dump stations and public toilets abound.

The problem is while your

days stationary :: miles driven

ratio is high.

And personally, while spreading a thin layer / cloud of burned poo wherever you go, may technically be "sanitary", IMO it really does not pass the smell test as a viable solution.
It would definitely spread out the caravan while traveling! Water is a by product of combustion, many engines use water injection mainly aircraft and engines with converters often put out a rotten egg smell so I doubt it would be noticed if working properly although would require maintenance I guess.
That "smell test" should've been "sniff test" I guess. Did not mean that odor was the only or even the main problem.

I know it is stupid to ask "what if everyone did it" but. . .

If such a solution became widespread, I'm sure it would be made illegal.
John61CT said:
That "smell test" should've been "sniff test" I guess. Did not mean that odor was the only or even the main problem.

I know it is stupid to ask "what if everyone did it" but. . .

If such a solution became widespread, I'm sure it would be made illegal.

I doubt it would become wide spread. Most people prefer to defecate in huge quantities of laboriously "purified" water, only to have the sullied water returned downstream for another go-around.
Well yes, I meant off-grid van-lifers.

Would not help our reputation either :cool:
John61CT said:
And personally, while spreading a thin layer / cloud of burned poo wherever you go, may technically be "sanitary", IMO it really does not pass the smell test as a viable solution.

First month on the road, I tried getting a fire really hot (a Dakota Fire Pit) and burning the poo.  Doesn't pass the smell test, and you don't want to be downwind of the smoke.  It was not pleasant.  Have done no further investigation in that direction. 


Kind of gives me a new respect for people who used buffalo chips as cooking/heating fuel. Or a new found pity.


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^^ Fortunately, cow, elephant and buffalo aren't very efficient at digesting grass, so their poop is mostly just dried grass stems. Of course there are SOME ... additives....

Increasing number of Smart Landfill sites around now. Clay capped ones collecting Methane from the decomposing contents are well established and love any kind of bio material, like Poo. Friend works for one gas collector/producer putting gas in the local grid. One sellable byproduct from the cleaning process of raw collection from Smart Dump site gas is Dry Ice.

Some smart dumps are heating the contents to drive off combustible gasses and using those gasses in electricity production. Same friend mentioned above recently ran a Proof-of-Concept plant testing for output rates and payback time for the heating and burning method.

Back to discussing the disposal of Poo. Poo in land fill is not much of problem in the bigger picture as technology comes online. Poo wrapped in plastic and dumped in land fill is not much of a problem when seen against the methods that use heating to drive off combustible gasses for use as a fuel source. I guess I am really saying that a Kilo of raw poo, double wrapped in plastic to shield rubbish handlers from the Yucky stuff, is probably a useful and acceptable and hygienic option for disposal. I am probably also making an argument for simply doing the business into a plastic bag and doing away with Kitty Litter or moss or wood shavings as unnecessary.
wanderin.pat said:
First month on the road, I tried getting a fire really hot (a Dakota Fire Pit) and burning the poo.  Doesn't pass the smell test, and you don't want to be downwind of the smoke.  
I should have added the "Ewwwww" factor data that most of us know if we think about it.  Smoke is particulate.  
That means, yep you guessed it, that smoky smell that sticks to stuff downwind of the poop fire is NOT just a yucky smell.  I think you see where I'm going.  
Buffalo chips have 2 characteristics that are helpful.  They've dried out (at least some) and they're not human.  
Have a manic Monday, folks!
QinReno said:
A 1/off traveler is one thing, but when you have groups of 75 or more people traveling around together for several months, they need to take proactive measures so as to not to make problems for the neighboring communities. That should be a common understanding. But those issues should be addressed on a different thread too.

I think the idea of incineration tanks needs to be followed up. Good thing I don't need one tomorrow morning.

Instead of the tank idea, how about a flatbed trailer with a few of these aboard?


Or these - https://natureshead.net/index.php

If I had a full-sized RV, I'd rip out the flush toilets and install one of these. Alas, too large for a standard van.

I simply can't stand the odor of whatever it is that they use to to clean Porta-Potties. Much rather use one of these.
you would need one hell of a generator to run a few of those Incinolets and you still don't meet the BLM's requirements for self contained. highdesertranger
johnny b said:
Propane fired Norwegian model...
1/4 pound propane per 'flush'. 12v ignition and ventilation.

Makes me think of a spud gun (potato canon). Does "wide area dispersal" count as hygienic? ;)