I played with my poop

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I tried to find one of a guy living in his cargo trailer with his favorite cow, Tilly. Half and Half, but no luck.
No problem with transport. Get a mini cow and put them in the van



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QinReno said:
 . . . But I like the idea of bringing along a cow, as then you can have fresh milk, and dry out the cow poop and use it for cooking . . . 

LMAO.  One of my chores as a teen was cleaning out the manure trough in the barn.  Think you have trouble getting rid of your waste, a cow will generate about 60 lbs of poop in a day.  Very wet and sloppy 'cause they pee right on top of it.
Wow! what an idea train the cow to poop on to of your poop bags, nobody will dig in that to find it!
QinReno said:
I saw on a video of the van build that they are building custom "composting" toilets for people with vans. Sizing them specifically for the spaces available. I assume they have some standard design, but no idea what it is.

If Moxie disses the incinerating toilet, that's good enough for me. Poo on that. But I like the idea of bringing along a cow, as then you can have fresh milk, and dry out the cow poop and use it for cooking. Moxie has good ideas. In my mind's eye, I can see her cooking over a fire pit in the desert and milking the cow.
I'll cook, you milk. K?

The Dire Wolfess
Funny story. I had a head Ranger see a little old lady with a small dog in a National Park allow her tiny lap dog with no lease and no pickup bags in her possion run out into the desert and poop. The Ranger immediately grabbed one of the little green poop bags out of the car and ran over to the lady that was picking up her dog and told her she needed to pickup the poop. The little old lady replied " All of it?" to which the ranger replied "Yes." Then the Ranger looked down where there were two little turds resting on a two foot round cow paddy. I went back to the car as I knew they were gonna need a lot more bags!
QinReno said:
I've seen many piles of poop in desert areas. When I was boondocking on BLM south of Lake Havasu, this woman was living in her car and going out leaving little piles all over the place on top of the ground. It will dry out in the desert and sit there for who knows how long.

I doubt that it is really much of a biohazard once it dries out, but it's extremely unsavory to make no effort whatsoever to be conscientious. Plus, you don't want piles and piles of it all around the areas that are popular boondocking places. That's even grosser than playing with your poop.
Yanno, it seems to me that if we can pick up piles of dog poop either with a pooper scooper or by hand with bags, we **could** apply the same space-age technology to human droppings. Deposit, let dry out in the desert air for a day or two, then pick up and store in a lined bucket until ready to dump down a proper sewer-type receptacle, whether a pit toilet or even a regular toilet, in several flushes, of course.

I get particularly disgusted in forest settings when my dog finds yummy "tootsie rolls" tucked under the moss or pine needles. Mmmmmmm.

The Dire Wolfess
Moxadox said:
I get particularly disgusted in forest settings when my dog finds yummy "tootsie rolls" tucked under the moss or pine needles.  Mmmmmmm.
Yanno, ya gimme an newer idear. Ya kamp about 100 yarrs away from someone what has one of those big $120,000 RVs and has a couple of big dogs, and ya go empty yur poo bags over near their rig in the night when theyar watching TV. Save money on kitty litter too.

Oar, complete with little grill built in.
- https://www.amazon.com/All-Season-Solar-Cooker-Camper/dp/B074S74FQC
^^^ just don't eat corn on the cob the day before this switcheroo plan. Sounds legit to me.


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bullfrog said:
Then the Ranger looked down where there were two little turds resting on a two foot round cow paddy.  I went back to the car as I knew they were gonna need a lot more bags!
Now you're gonna have everyone boondocking near a cow pasture.
wanderin.pat said:

Is "milking the cow" a euphemism for some OTHER activity?  

Just wonderin.  Inquiring minds, and all.
Naw, there was no [font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]double entendre[/font] about it. The issue came up of having a cow along to provide fuel to burn, so ya might as well get milk in the bargain.

In fact, you the guy what started the business with the cow patties.
QinReno said:
Naw, there was no [font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]double entendre[/font] about it. The issue came up of having a cow along to provide fuel to burn, so ya might as well get milk in the bargain.

In fact, you the guy what started the business with the cow patties.

So, what went around came back around?  Fair enough.   :D


AMGS3 said:
^^^ just don't eat corn on the cob the day before this switcheroo plan. Sounds legit to me.


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Good going, Angie, you just made me choke on my spit. [emoji1787]

The Dire Wolfess
get sheet aluminum and polish it. actually in that pic it looks like heavy duty aluminum foil. Jim AKA Jimindenver is very knowledgeable with solar ovens. he gives a seminar at the RTR. boy now I am off topic, no poo in this post. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
get sheet aluminum and polish it.  actually in that pic it looks like heavy duty aluminum foil.  Jim AKA Jimindenver is very knowledgeable with solar ovens.  he gives a seminar at the RTR.  boy now I am off topic,  no poo in this post.  highdesertranger

what do you call that phrase, HDR?  :D
highdesertranger said:
  boy now I am off topic,  no poo in this post.  
Ummm. HDR, just between you and me, I didn't want to tell the 2 ladies what I was "really" planning to do with the solar cooker. But knowing me, it could be anything at all with barbecue sauce on top. Hush, now.

I like the idea of the separate polished sheets which can be bent in curves and arranged in different formats, like for a coffee pot ... or a hot dog for that matter.