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74 miles at 7 miles an hour in a straight axle, leaf sprung vehicle is more than enough payment for pink hair! Lol!!! Unbelievable vistas and few people though!
I was experiencing a constant mild headache these last few days which is not at all normal for me. At first I was wondering if it was from my 2nd Covid shot but the timing seemed off. I was not dehydrated and drinking more water did not fix it.Then this evening I realized what the cause was, I am now in higher altitude and adjusting to it. Silly me, the light bullb regarding my headache's origin went off when I was firing up my diesel heater/stove using its high altitude setting. My headache is almost gone this evening but the colder nights are flaring up my arthritis. Oh well it is either roast at the lower elevations or wear my fleece jacket to bed for a few weeks to protect my neck and shoulders. No big hardship to dress warmer and use more blankets at night for a few weeks.  I am enjoying the green and shady piney woods very much after 6 months in the dry windy desert.
I usually have difficulty with elevation starting at 7 thousand feet. Here is a link from CDC on altitude effects, recomends sleeping at a lower elevation.

I'm currently at 141 feet in the low desert, and no altitude sickness here, though I share your headache symptom - time for caffein! High is 98 degrees with a low of 64.
Some of my headache issues might be from minor dehydration. Taking some fiber containing protein shake mix seems to have stopped the dehydration headache issue. I will need to do that daily this summer. I am doing OK here in Flagstaff this evening., no headache with the increase in elevation.
Elevation of Flagstaff 6909 feet (variable hilly terrain there) and Grand Canyon village 6804 feet. I am sure I would notice the elevation, but others will be more resilient with elevation changes, backpacking at 10 thousand feet etc.
crofter said:
I usually have difficulty with elevation starting at 7 thousand feet. Here is a link from CDC on altitude effects, recomends sleeping at a lower elevation.

I'm currently at 141 feet in the low desert, and no altitude sickness here, though I share your headache symptom - time for caffein! High is 98 degrees with a low of 64.
Man, your in the nose bleed section of the desert. Haha! I had some nasty headaches recently too. Elevation never seemed to be the issue, but hydration and allergies seems to be my culprit. Well, with a touch of covid.
Are humans subject to the molds or fungus  in the desert like dogs can be? Am I saying that right? If so, can that cause headaches too?
Agree. Once things open up and I have good insurance again, I am getting tested for allergies. Would not surprise me to find out that the palo verde trees are killing me off. I parked near one that was done flowering and had the bean pods on it, and it still got me.

IDK about mold in the desert, though there are watered and irrigated areas that might get mold.
A blessing for world peace, rain at Fatima, Portugal today for the post 100 year pilgrimage (oracle started about 1915, but 1917 was the year so many observed). 

The oracle foretold the end of WWI, the beginning of WWII, and the killing of the priests. A blessing was given for all humanity. Along with gold and silver, bullets removed from the pope-mobile are in her crown.

As so many in the present time are killed in the pandemic, at that time the Spanish flu raged, along with WWI.

Mary crowned both "....with the silver and gold of our joys and hopes, but also with the bullet of our anxieties and sufferings...." Benedict XVI
No vaccine for valley fever, but develop immunity if you get it. Risk factors include being outdoorsey and being in southwestern states and PNW. 

Gee, I have lived in at least 4 of the states mentioned including dusty places & agricultural areas. Mask & washing skin damage is recomended as a preventive (common sense for a dusty day).
Its a cooker today at 104 degrees and sunny in the low desert (141 feet elevation).  Breezes are not makin it cooler. Low was 80 last night. Sand lizards are coming out, a light tan lizard about a foot long or so, member of the iguana family. 

I am currently parked in front of my arctic air portable fan having a cool down session. Can't seem to accomplish anything today I should just give up, but I will try one more foray..... in a minute or two.
Hello All,
I am camped at about 8,000 Ft, the weather is great (80/50), and the views are amazing. 
Please dont forget that the air up here begins to get thin and the higher you go it will get thinner.
I am a long time smoker, have had no issues with health however. But... I have noticed that the higher I get in elevation (was over 9,000) strange feelings come and go. Slight dizziness, short of breath while walking up hill or with physical activity. 
Those who have been long term smokers, have breathing illness like COPD, Asthma, etc, or are 70 + in age please remember to take it slow when going up in elevation. 

Most Common Symptoms of altitude sickness: Shortness of breath, Nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, and general fatigue. 

Most of the time you will adapt to changes in air pressure over time if you slow down and go up in altitude slowly. But, if you have severe breathing complications I would advise not going above 4,000 ft as most often this is the altitude that one must be taken to to reverse serious complications from high elevations.

As a retired Firefighter/Paramedic I can easily self diagnose my symptoms most of the time and make corrections as needed. But for those who have never experienced sudden shortness of breath it can be terrifying.
Your pets can suffer from altitude sickness too.  So watch them for signs of difficulty breathing and listlessness.

The only relief is to go back down in altitude; then move back up at a much slower pace when symptoms abate.
Hotter weekends predicted for the low desert (141 ft elevation), actual temp was 105 degrees today. Time to use your cooling towel to stay comfortable.
Heat warning continues until Sunday, 119 degrees expected on Friday. Link to NWS heat map and warning.

Rest day today. High today was 108 degrees and the low of 91 degrees in the low desert at 141 feet elevation. Phoenix was reported to be dangerously hot at 113 degrees and is also under the heat advisory (TWC reported the low of 90 degrees as the high, wishful thinking). Use your chill its & electrolytes.