Crofter's Online discussion and check in chat includes any health condition

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Triple digit heat! Made it to 100 degrees in spite of the jet stream coming south, low of 57 in the low desert.  Nice day, a little breezy what with all the ppl blowing thru here, made my skirt swish.

My basil plants are trying hard to get true leaves, chives and dill going strong. Yellow lantanas blooming like mad, but the blue lantanas just growing leaves. Time for more sunshine on it and less water.
Weather app shows 91 right now in Quartzsite.... must be warmer where you live.
Camper said:
Weather app shows 91 right now in Quartzsite.... must be warmer where you live.
Quartzsite, at 897 feet elevation,  is not the low desert in AZ.

This thread was specifically started to replace the "good morning" thread, with the purpose of checking in, reporting the local weather conditions from your instrument WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE, and from time to time briefly report on what your plans for the day are.

For purposes of checking in you may also discuss any health condition and cite internet resources.

If you are not reporting local, please don't discuss what an internet site says about any of the above.
To better understand desert biomes in AZ, here is the following link.

I am reporting weather data from the low desert, Sonoran Desert below 150 feet elevation, one of the hotter areas. 

Quartzsite is on the northern edge of the Sonoran Desert, vegetation is closer to upland and temperatures are relatively more moderate than Sonoran Desert under 150 feet elevation. 
Currently 85 degrees in the AZ low desert (141 feet elevation), low was 56 degrees, a very nice day after the blowing sand yesterday. Gives a new meaning to "bit the dust" but we were out in it anyway.

Recycling some oak boards into something useful today.

Here is the new cityscape pic for San Luis

crofter said:
...This thread was specifically started to replace the "good morning" thread, with the purpose of checking in, reporting the local weather conditions from your instrument WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE, and from time to time briefly report on what your plans for the day are....
Link to the original "Good Morning" checkin thread by Dean & Buster (Buster the dog, a very important person).

Remember, even if you are in downtown Detroit Michigan right now, someone on here wants to know if you are OK and how bad the blizzard is. 

Your entry could read something like: "Hello from Dorothy and Toto! We spent the night boondocking in Kansas and going out to take Toto for a walk. Currently sunny and 75 degrees with dark clouds blowing in on a stiff breeze.

Didn't realize there are rules and a template that is to be followed to post on this thread.

Dean started his thread to have folks to talk to as he was stuck in MO.  He didn't seem to care what the subject was.
shadowmoss said:
Didn't realize there are rules and a template that is to be followed to post on this thread.

Dean started his thread to have folks to talk to as he was stuck in MO.  He didn't seem to care what the subject was.
This thread is just a check in thread really shadow, plus good to know what the weather is locally just in case you are going there. I felt the thread was getting away from the check in function too much, time to get back on topic. Many of us travel solo, and good to have a contact now and again.  I post every day or so.

Right now, nature has not posted in some time and no one seems to know his status. He did have connections with both healthcare and his family/ community so I am sure he is not just out there someplace. But if he was one of us loners, I would be worried.

So that is the reason for the "structure" on this thread. TA's 24/7 chat thread is much more free form for those who want that, and is also loosely a check in thread.
Jet stream has dipped into Mexico giving us overcast & clouds in southern AZ (141 feet elevation) and mild temperatures, 72 degrees was the high today and 64 degrees was the low. 

& rain! That is rare, more of a sprinkling but I will put out the rain guage just in case.

Chore day today while it is so nice, going out to make some noise with my saw.
Nice clear day, high of 80 degrees today low desert (141 ft elevation), last night low was 53 degrees.

I think you would call the rainfall we received yesterday a trace, about 1/8 inch in the rain guage.
Wet and very cool here this afternoon in Kingman AZ. Woke up this morning in Lake Havasu area with arthritis flairing in my neck and shoulders. Have not felt that ache during the last two warm months in Quartzsite. But it was getting too hot there.

Did my dental visit in Los Algodones this week. Just a little tenderness left in pain killer injection. Two side by side root canals meant extra doses to keep it numb long enough. Of course that long session contributed to the arthritis flair up.

Sunny tomorrow! I plan on some solar heat radiating on my back time. Wonderful treatment.
Glad to hear you got your dental work done, maki. Full body health benefits from getting those infections cleared. I am still saving up to get started with these teeth in my head. Have a great travel season!
What a relief to have the dental done! Things can get painful quickly if we don’t fix our teeth. I chipped one the other day. It’s in the back. Small chip but annoying.
A balmy 105 degrees is the 3pm high temp in the low desert (141 feet elevation). Ugh no air con today as I am drying paint at the flip sweat sweat. You know sweating is actually good for you and people pay good money to sit in the sauna.  Low last night a comfortable 64 degrees.
Camping in Williams Az at present. A little on the cold side in the mornings but the daytime temperature was nice. Going to be some stronger wind gust on Saturday and even stronger on Sunday. It will be interesting to see how much the pines difuse the wind. But at least I won't be plagued by the desert dust devils now.
Funny you should mention dust devils. The red sand and dust turned my white hair strawberry blond the other day on the Flint trail here in southern Utah were it was a warm 87 degrees at 4,000' elevation today and has cooled to 76 degrees at 9 PM. Still got a good 1/4" of dust to get out of the Samurai!