Making $100 at a Casino, professional gambler discussion

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Let's play this game. I'm the guy that is wrecking gambling and changing the math books. Now that is true or it's just another delusional lie by another whacky gambling nut. I happen to know it's the truth. I'm not alone in knowing it's the truth. Others have used my free to the world methods to discover that they, as active gamblers, have been lied to by math experts, gambling addiction therapists, and casinos for centuries. I'm happy for you and your perspective. You basically have nearly the entire world on your side. Just to make this clear. I've decided to change the world. 3.5 years ago I validated for myself that I could teach a know-nothing motivated person to break all the accepted assumptions regarding mathematical probability, beliefs regarding randomness, and obliterating accepted norms regarding casinos always winning in the long run.

Now this is true or it's a deliberate lie as suspected by just about everyone. So let's get to the real issue. Why, based on human nature, would anyone tell the world where the next gold rush is located without first getting as much as they can for themselves first? My answer is why would anyone dump their high priced rent or mortgage and live in a vehicle? I'm not going to attempt to blow sunshine up anyone's Kazoo. I'm bringing an army that will make such a great and laud noise that it will be impossible to ignore it. If you look into my method of sharing this in the wide open then there is only one conclusion that can be made. I have given it away for free with no reservations or compensation of any kind expected. I have also done this in order to validate it. You can trash the messenger but you will never beat my army of those that know the truth.

Now you can suggest that I'm starting a cult. There's that human nature thing again. People don't give others things of value. Really? What about Nomads? There is a reason I try to share this here. I can't think of anyone more deserving, even if they would have to start out at absolutely no prier knowledge.

The slings and arrows I can take. But you won't like it when you find out that you were the one that is insulting. This is a battle over the truth and an argument in the math world that has been going on since the mid 1700's is about to get a big boost. I'm doing it this way because I can. My favorite part will be how happy Nomads will be when they took your advice to avoid this. It's a skill and an education in unmarked boundaries before the throng of the curious descend on it. It's the I wish I had listened opportunity.

I have been increasingly tolerant of the skeptics. This is and was an offer that has been thrown back in my face. OK, so what. Life's tough all over. You think that seeing me being wrong is a public service. I think that changing the world is right. This is going to be fun when you find out the truth. It's not like the world is flat or that it's concave and we all live inside of a globe. It's nothing earth shattering like that. It's just human nature and a few brain cells put to ingenuity. I'm still like what the nomads have started. They have said no to the establishment and voted with their feet. I just want to hand them something on a platter for being so right with character and grace.

P.S. The guy that posted that advice doesn't even like me much. But he does like what I showed him was possible.
Only play Black Jack (21) Best odds at any Casino
First bet determines your winnings for the round. If you want to win $25,000.00 Bet $25,000.00, if you want to win $25.00 bet $25.00 your first bet.
If you lose, double your bet.
If you lose again, double your bet.
When you win, you have bought all the money you lost, and gained the amount of your first bet.

First Bet, $25.00, win that first hand, you now have $50.00.
First Bet, $25.00, lose that first hand, you are now negative $25.00. Double your bet to $50.00. Win the second round and you have the $25.00 you lost in the first round and have gained $25.00.
First Bet, $25.00, lose that first hand, you are now negative $25.00. Double your bet to $50.00. Lose that second round, you are now negative $75.00. Double your bet to $100.00. Win the Third round and you have the $75.00 you lost in round one and round two, and you have gained $25.00.

IF you lose 12 hands in a row, betting $25.00 first bet.
01, $25.00
02, $50.00
03, $100.00
04, $200.00
05, $400.00
06, $800.00
07, $1,600.00
08, $3,200.00
09, $6,400.00
10, $12,800.00
11, $25,600.00
12, $51,200.00
You win $25.00, the first bet.

IF you lose 12 hands in a row, betting $25,000 first bet.
01, $25,000.00
02, $50,000.00
03, $100,000.00
04, $200,000.00
05, $400,000.00
06, $800,000.00
07, $1,600,000.00
08, $3,200,000.00
09, $6,400,000.00
10, $12,800,000.00
11, $25,600,000.00
12, $51,200,000.00
You win $25,000.00, the first bet.

If you don't have enough money to double you bet's, then don't bet a nickle.
If you spend any time at the gambling forum where I published my method you will find out that the majority of us gamblers in the know think that the "Martingale Progression" is for beginner gamblers that want to lose their entire bankrolls. They come around and go on a week, month, or even, a few months winning streak until all their winnings and the bankroll are all wiped out. It just shows James here has very little knowledge about winning. At the gambling forum at least 5 or 6 experts would warn everyone to stay away from this reckless method of wasting your money. Every time that happens the neophyte proposing it goes on a tirade of certainty. It never changes. Someone somewhere always thinks this is the Holy Grail we have all been searching for. The casino will just become your very own personal ATM machine where you can back a truck up to and fill it with money.
If you spend any time at the gambling forum where I published my method you will find out that the majority of us gamblers in the know think that the "Martingale Progression" is for beginner gamblers that want to lose their entire bankrolls. They come around and go on a week, month, or even, a few months winning streak until all their winnings and the bankroll are all wiped out. It just shows James here has very little knowledge about winning. At the gambling forum at least 5 or 6 experts would warn everyone to stay away from this reckless method of wasting your money. Every time that happens the neophyte proposing it goes on a tirade of certainty. It never changes. Someone somewhere always thinks this is the Holy Grail we have all been searching for. The casino will just become your very own personal ATM machine where you can back a truck up to and fill it with money.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
Go for it. Make your million. I've been at this game for more than 30 years. I'm a computer programmer and have created and tested for others all kinds of Rube Goldberg contraptions based on elaborate and even simplistic progressions only to discover that they all fail. The last thing on earth that I want to do is to prove you wrong. I want you to go out there with your money and prove it works to yourself.

BTW, there isn't a casino on the planet that has table minimums or maximums that will allow you to place those bets. I hope you can find one though. It's always the same. They always insist that they win all the time. Progressions are phase one of a common gambler's education. Next come money management and magical beliefs. Can't wait until you progress a little. The only lesson that works for this is to go out there and find out for yourself. Then you will know.
Go for it. Make your million. I've been at this game for more than 30 years. I'm a computer programmer and have created and tested for others all kinds of Rube Goldberg contraptions based on elaborate and even simplistic progressions only to discover that they all fail. The last thing on earth that I want to do is to prove you wrong. I want you to go out there with your money and prove it works to yourself.

BTW, there isn't a casino on the planet that has table minimums or maximums that will allow you to place those bets. I hope you can find one though. It's always the same. They always insist that they win all the time. Progressions are phase one of a common gambler's education. Next come money management and magical beliefs. Can't wait until you progress a little. The only lesson that works for this is to go out there and find out for yourself. Then you will know.
No limit tables, Deep pockets, can't lose.
Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
Why do I have to do that? I hope you sell your house, buy a skateboard to live in, and invest all your money in your Martingale Progression. It's like watching base jumpers in their flying squirrel suits. Will he or won't he? No, really, you need this phase in your life. I need to laugh, because I like you more now. You actually mean it.
You won't prove me wrong because I'm right!
"If you can't double your bet, don't bet a nickle"!
Gambler's Anonymous - "When It's No Fun Anymore"
You won't prove me wrong because I'm right!
Of course you are right. In fact they are going to carve a 5th face on Mt Rushmore. Your face. I'm agreeing with you. You shouldn't have told everyone though. Your chance will dry up now. The casinos will find out that you are coming with big money and armed with the Martingale Progression. I'd bet that they would even roll out the red carpet for you. You should demand free private jet travel and $5000 per night suits.
Now back to the topic. You go somewhere else where the skills are explained, if you want. You can also ignore this thread as most of you have no interest in gambling, even if it works.
James, you want attention for you progression then start your own thread, please.
Sorry for intruding BUT, I just watched an interesting Youtube video that explains how people cheat with cards counting computers and dice while using movie clips as examples. Well done, entertaining and informative. I don't gamble but I did take a chance at the Powerball tonight. I could be a pretty nice guy with $400M!

I just love what you posted, thanks.

In this video the person telling the story says that the first thing that the casino wants to know when suspecting a card counter is to watch the money. In the movie "21" the basic card counting strategy is to bet bigger when the cards are in a state of advantage for the player over the dealer. This is possible because of a condition pointed out early in the same movie explained as "variable change." You see it when the math professor tries out the "Monty Hall" game on the student in the classroom with the three doors and a goat behind two of the doors.

What I teach people to see in the Reading Randomness thread is a unique form of conditional change that I have labeled "coincidental change." The same money strategy used in card counting is applied when it is working in "coincidental change." When the advantage exists you bet the big bets. Only nobody believes it can work like this in Roulette because math is supposed to be finite and therefore the advantage can't exist. But I show anyone willing to learn this that it not only exists but it happens all day long every day right under their noses and they have no idea that it exists.

You can take any consistent bet selection method that you want to and wait for the conditional change to take place by coincidence alone. It will go through phases of your bet selection method working and not working. It will be strong in your favor, strong against you, like as not working, and chaos where you can't see either the strong or weak condition. Reading Randomness is all about reading the conditions of your bet selections.

Now this knowledge is not pointed out right away at the Reading Randomness thread. It is deliberately explained much later on purpose so that the bet selection method is deliberately used to place the hidden secret in a state of disguise. I have given away the Holy Grail of gambling but I did it on purpose as a secret that you must dig for.

You people here in this forum are the only ones on planet earth that have been given this secret before seeing the bet selection method that I use. It works with every bet selection on earth and with every casino table game of chance. I chose you people because I want this secret to come from people that have had their lives blow up in their faces, well at least some of you, and you have come through it all with style and grace. There is no way that the gambling community will come here to see this secret hidden in this obscure thread. It's even buried in the thread behind this wonderful video on cheating. If you are confused then I will demonstrate it here for you in this thread. When I said I wanted to give this to the Nomads I meant it. I'm even going to sandwich this secret between another video.

So here is that clip from the movie "21" where variable change is explained.

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I have a better idea. It involves a school of learning where you become a teacher yourself and pass on the skills needed to teach this. When I first set out to prove this works as a method that can be taught to others I took on one paying student. I charged just enough so that the student was clearly motivated and would stick with it long enough to actually prove to themselves that they have it down cold. I charged that student $1,000. I did that with no guarantee that he would get his money back if he fails. He succeeded so well that it was mathematically exceptional in his results. He became every bit as much good at this as I have.

So I just about have my van build in the last stages and will be done this summer. I can do this face to face with a full money back guarantee, just like the first and only student. Only that was by email only for two months at two hours per day for 60 days straight.

This new method would be camping at the same BLM or National Forest sites and traveling together as a mini caravan. It could be several students at once and will also include real visits to casinos to win money. When a student completes this course they will be able to pass on and teach others in the exact same way. They will charge for the training and travel with their own students. Once it's your knowledge I do not need to be given any money from students teaching others. It will spread slowly and eventually someone will get discovered, So a person wanting the knowledge to beat the casinos will need to make a small investment in the education. They will need the up front tuition, the same fee charged to the original student, enough money to travel and camp, and a $700 bankroll to be used to get them going. That $700 will always be in their own control but must be used to prove that they have learned how to beat the casinos.

I have practice software and a real Roulette table with weighted chips for practice and instructions. Nobody will go near a casino until they have proven to me that they know what they are doing. They will play me as the dealer at my own practice table using casino styled chips. They will have all the time it takes to learn. They will be experts before ever going to a casino. And after they have won many times they can go out and start their own schools.

This is only being offered in the nomad community because they are mobile and can go to different casinos. That is important if you don't want to be discovered. It's also perfect because you will be able to travel with your own students once you become experienced.

BTW, I'm offering this as a full money back guarantee. You spend the time faithfully, learn your skills, show me in practice that you can do it, and actually go to casinos with me to start winning money. You can then do what I'm doing or you could just make money by playing.

Some states allow you to play online. That has been working out for me since this Covid-19 started. I have not been to a casino in two years. But things are changing now. I want to travel and do it keeping things interesting. You want to make money. Prove to me that you are qualified to teach others how to beat the casinos using their own principles against them. They depend on human nature as a weakness. You can turn the tables on them and use logic and self control to beat them. A few others are already doing this. I created it. I discovered it. Now I want to prove it. and I want to go boondocking too.

What do you guys think of this?
So here is that clip from the movie "21" where variable change is explained.
Monty always opens a door where the car is not. He doesn't open a door at random. Isn't this the part that improves your odds?

So how does this work at the roulette table? Who is making non-random selections that show you the best place to put your bet?
The point is that strategically you have a mathematical advantage when you count cards and wait for it to line up in the advantage state. Then you attack the weakness with bigger bets. My concept of Reading Randomness is also a waiting game where you wait for the advantage and attack during an advantage phase. It's just not mathematical or statistical. The who is showing you is you, It's a well trained skill watching and waiting for it to be the best time. All this can be demonstrated. Most people dismiss all this because it does not work all the time. But I train people to see the only conditions where it won't work. They know when it works and when it does not. It's easier than chess. I teach lightyears beyond simple trend recognition. I teach people to beat the casino by taking advantage of randomness.
The point is that strategically you have a mathematical advantage when you count cards and wait for it to line up in the advantage state. Then you attack the weakness with bigger bets.
Very true, but this is so because you are dealing with a fixed number of cards (3 decks). Roulette is open ended; nothing fixed. So how would one color ever be in an advantaged state? Each spin the odds are the same...

If it isn't something like reversion to the mean (which doesn't work here, does it?), then it does sound like "magic".
It's taking advantage of when your bet selection, that's any bet selection, goes into a condition of being in a dominate winning state. I can prove this to you with a picture of a graph of 100 spins all flat bet on red only for each spin. Just give me a second to run one off from my practice software. Back in a few minutes.
Here: I ran 100 spins at $90 a bet on red only for all 100 spins. There are phases of red dominating and phases where black dominates. This stuff goes on all day on Roulette tables. You just have to know it when you see it. That takes skills. I teach those skills and way more when it comes to dealing with winning and losing.

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