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    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      While we’re not as hot here, the humidity is high and not feeling the best. But 70’s there sound pretty sweet.
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen reacted to maki2's post in the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything with Like Like.
      So glad to get back to camp and out of the town! I ended up staying later than I planned in town as I decided to get a haircut but had...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread FIRES and Tires Oh My.
      The problem I found was torque being way past the required lbs. so much that studs are taking kind of a hit. Electric impact wrenches...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      Swifts bar is so low it would be hard to stoop that far… I did hear of a Swift truck making it to a destination on time. But upon...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread Mini-Van-Camper-Conversion.
      They had on his year and model a new technology tire that was pretty vehicular specific. It ended up being a flop and was probably...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread Mini-Van-Camper-Conversion.
      On the Honda… my son has the “touring” model oddy… two issues is the feature that cuts out a couple cylinders while idling causes...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread FIRES and Tires Oh My.
      Glad you made it to the tire shop… nothing worse then being stuck changing a tire with people speeding by inches from your vehicle. I...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread Camping coffee bags.
      I have to laugh… I keep my beans in the bag in my freezer… and have a container I grind in I keep in the fridge. And on the bay it says...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread Camping coffee bags.
      I think it is… use it every morning… You only use so much water through it. Once brewed you just add coffee up to level of cup. But I’m...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen reacted to jacqueg's post in the thread Camping coffee bags with Like Like.
      I've never done this - can't drink coffee anymore :(. But you could make your coffee bags with your favorite ground coffee. Google up...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      I’m very blessed… only my arm is pushing third degree burns in a couple spots. I can attest flushing and cooling with cold water is the...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen reacted to bullfrog !'s post in the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything with Like Like.
      lol!!! I have looked forward to doing that several years from way back when Camalu made and sent me my “I don’t need no stinking badge”...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen reacted to maki2's post in the thread Nature Lover and friends keep in touch with Like Like.
      Naturelover, you are definitely not a forgotten person. It is great to see you posting again. The frustrations of being in a nursing...
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      You should join pirate camp… Doug is the master there of giving of self!
    • NctryBen
      NctryBen replied to the thread 24/7 Chat About Anything.
      Yikes Abnorm… stay safe… A week and a half ago daughter Sadie and I heading to Cedar City from Salt Lake City found me overheating...
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