Practical Self Defense For Everyone (including you)

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Gideon33w said:
While a long and sharp hair pin is probably better than nothing it makes for a rather poor weapon.
Even knife wounds dont hurt in the moment and they have a much higher probability of hitting vitals.

Nay nay nay----you are talking with someone who studied medieval swordfighting for quite some time....  ;)

The "cutting vs thrusting" debate has been going on for 3000 years. A thrust into the body cavity, though, whether from an arrow or a rapier, will put someone down and they will not get back up. Despite what we see in the movies, nobody, but nobody, will either continue fighting with an arrow in them, or pull it out and keep on fighting.

In medieval times of course any deep penetrating wound was also very likely to be fatal from infection.
My walking stick has a metal point on the end, but I "listen" and "feel" out my surroundings first for the most part. If after some time "this place makes me uncomfortable" I just drive away and hopefully avoid the whole thing. Its a big world out there and I love to explore anyways.
I grew up with a few dozen males in the neighborhood and we liked to have boxing matches for fun. So I learned how to fight and got a lot of practice. The few real fights i've been in over the years I used what I learned then.......a good hard hit on the jaw and it's lights out.
Gideon I have a question. Would a long handle punch be more likely to be taken from me? The reason I ask is because I keep a long handle sharpened BBQ fork next to my drivers seat for quick access. My reasoning is a couple of thoughts first a puncture wound can be more efficient and quick if vital organs are hit, the depth of the sharp is greater than the slash is long. Second I thought that it would help to keep a controlled distance between us and help him from getting his hands on me. Thx sharon
Gideon33w said:
"While a long and sharp hair pin is probably better than nothing it makes for a rather poor weapon."

Gideon, I'm afraid you missed the  *point*  of my  Hat Pin  suggestion!  Perhaps a re-read of my original post will clear things up.   Reference:  "muggers, overenthusiastic gentlemen callers, & mashers."

There are times when even a sharp Hat Pin would be overkill.   Sometimes just  "Watch it!"  will do. 

Lenny, you have the wierdest way of agreeing with what I said ... And no, not illegal unless you live someplace where a regular knife would be an issue.

Every Road - Most people have a Hollywood derived idea of fist fights. The type that last for several minutes. Just not reality.

Sharon - There's two ways to stop an attacker. Pain and damage. Puncture wounds dont hurt much unless you land one in a few certain places. They just don't traumatize much tissue and adrenaline is effective. As far as damage, this isn't the movies, people don't die readily from a poke in the gut. You can have half your guts hanging out and drive yourself to the hospital. If you are not trained you are only landing a fatal puncture wound through luck. Opt for a weapon which increases the odds of intimidation (therefor avoiding the fight), and is capable of inflicting pain and damage readily.

Charlotte - Better than nothing and certainly effective in the situations you mentioned. But this isn't the roaring 20s ...
> not illegal unless you live someplace where a regular knife would be an issue.

Varies a lot by location, but in the US few states and fewer populated areas have no restrictions.
Gideon33w said:
Charlotte - Better than nothing and certainly effective in the situations you mentioned.
But this isn't the roaring 20s


If Hat Pin not appropriate, I will go for my 20 gauge 870 or my CC Ruger SP101.

But never overlook the power of a  *sense of humor*.   Never leave home without it.

Perhaps I should upgrade from a W-80 to a W-88............

When I got my CCW the instructor was a retired cop and he told us that avoidance was king and then he offered us a truly unique way to prevent a problem before it starts. This was it:

If you see someone who causes you any concern or worries, do this simple thing: look them in the eye and raise your hand high with palm out and fingers spread, just like you were greeting a friend. But then push it away from your body like you were telling someone to stop, and leave it there. At the same time say VERY LOUDLY, "Hey, how you doing, good to see you again" and keep looking at them. They will either look at you with anger because you foiled their attack or they will look at you like they think you've just lost your mind. All you have to do now is say "Sorry, I mixed you up with someone else" and go on your way. Think about what you did:

1) You took away the element of surprise--you know they are there.
2) Everyone within hearing turned at looked to see why you were yelling.
3) You not so subtly told the suspect to stop with your gesture.
4) You alerted them you were not an easy target, maybe they should look for someone else.

He made us practice on him and he said he had people who could NOT do it. They were just too nice and timid to do it in public.

He encouraged each of us to make it a routine part of our lives so it came naturally and easily. I thought it was a brilliant idea!