PIRATE CAMP '24-25....................Desert SouthWest

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The gazebo's tent stakes were still in the ground afterwards so don't blame me for not staking (the sewing where the nylon straps attached ripped instead). Sure wish it was caught on video.
That lower seam is always a weak point for failing on those tents. I had that happen to the first one I owned. I did not throw it out, I repaired and strengthened it. I opened up that seam and hand stitched in wide webbing with a grommet put in the end for the stake. The webbing goes about 4 inches up the outside of the corners. I also add webbing tie downs at the corners of the roof. No more air born issues! It is a lot of hand stitching labor and requires a bent leather needle if you are sewing solo. Plus be sure to use heavy duty polyester thread. My first screen room popup died from UV roof damage. When I bought my new one I immediately reinforced it the same way when I got it, I did that before I set it up. Takes a lot of hours and patience to do that. But now it can withstand the strong winds.
More strong wind gust 46mph possible in Pirate Camp coming tomorrow afternoon. Coming in from the West-Southwest this time. At least it is not hot and windy too! Yes that forecast is showing cloudy and a chance of rain starting early morning on Friday. Cloudy right now so I am hearing generators running around me. I will download a few more library books tonight. Always nice to have good books to read on stormy days.
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About a month ago at Skooliepalooza, on a calm day, I was laying down on an inflatable couch inside my six-sided pop-up gazebo tent and suddenly the tent flew straight up into the air and then headed downwind at a high rate of speed until it crashed into a thorn tree. My friend in the bus across from me saw the whole thing. A dust devil came through camp and hit me dead on. I suppose if I hadn't been laying on the inflatable couch (that I had just gotten from the clearance aisle), that would have flown off too. The gazebo's tent stakes were still in the ground afterwards so don't blame me for not staking (the sewing where the nylon straps attached ripped instead). Sure wish it was caught on video.

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