Legalities of residency

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akrvbob said:
What most of you are missing is that nearly all states now require you bring in a receipt proving that you live at the physical address. The few states that do not require it will start requiring it soon. It's part of the Real ID Act and without it you will not be allowed onto a Federal property, including airports. You still can with a Passport.

Go back and re-read the OP. They demanded a piece of paper that proved he lived there. It has NOTHING to do with your mailing address whatsoever or the address at the mailing address. They required a piece of paper proving he lived there. That will also be true of a friend or a relative.

The OP created a lease, that did it as a piece of paper. You can do the same with your friend or relative if he is willing to lie for you.


Should be able to make a lease for $1 a year...nobody can say what a lease has to cost.
UPS Store, most known letterbox / maildrop / forwarding services, work fine for a mailing address, will not pass for a residential one for any org that cares, gov, banks, credit, insurance.

Or may work fine this year with your current providers, but then no longer later on.
This world isn\ said:
I did not read the 6 pages of the thread, I simply looked up the nearest UPS store website.  It claims to be a “real street address”, I dont know if that suffices or not.
It won't. All of those maildrops and mailboxes are in a database, and will be kicked out if you try to get an ID or insure a vehicle there. The law was designed specifically to stop people from using such maildrops to get IDs.
John61CT said:
Or may work fine this year with your current providers, but then no longer later on.

Most states are already Real-ID compliant but a few aren't yet. They have until 2020.
I'm not just talking government, many financial companies have been kicking these letterbox addresses back for years, only accept as a secondary mailing address.

And lots don't yet, but will.
I can tell you that the Medicaid here knew that the UPS store was the address I was using for a mailing address. It was one of the options that came up as I typed it in. On the other hand there is a "I am homeless" tab and then you just fill in the mailing address. The homeless here can use the Mission or a couple of churches as mailing addresses.

I can also tell you that I transferred my tags on the truck and trailer to the P.O. box and they sent the renewals right on time.
All addresses issued by commercial mailbox providers are marked in the system as "CMB".

UPS Store will work for non-Real Id DL, but not for local voting.

It's a huge database and every address is in it. Along with GPS coordinates.

Every land tract has a street address now. My family has a lake cabin in Minnesota. It resembles an ancient building overtaken by the jungle. The driveway cannot be discerned unless you know that it is there. It has a brand new sign with a street number.

Voting is a right. They use that right to have everyone located within a legal jurisdiction to exercise that right.
> marked in the system as "CMB".

> It's a huge database and every address is in it. Along with GPS coordinates.

> They use that right to have everyone located within a legal jurisdiction to exercise that right.

Please define "the system", "It / database" and "They" above as specifically as possible.

In other words, which company or gov entity is the owner or service provider of the database you're talking about?
John61CT said:
In other words, which company or gov entity is the owner or service provider of the database you're talking about?

I dunno who owns it or maintains it, but I do know that my insurance company kicked it out within seconds and would not issue me a policy at my Florida maildrop.

I ended up using my sister's address as my residency.
Yes, the phenomenon is common, I was asking Wayne since his post implied detailed knowledge of at least one of the service providers / list maintainers.
All this is really getting to be a chore, Id like to be in Tx or SD for tax purposes (Tn is a possibility, don't want to drive across to Fl or up to AK) and I'm getting concerned that the powers that be will twig onto the "America's Mailbox" type services soon too.  

Only thing is likely the Escapees in Tx I guess.  If a person doesn't vote, that's their choice but getting a late or no notice of jury duty and then a summons would not be nice.  I haven't had one in over 10 years, that likely just means my turn is coming up...Annual vehicle inspections in Tx are a requirement (once you re-enter the state) and then there's emissions in bigger cities...  Sigh.

I know, lets all chip in $20 for Bob W to buy a broken down trailer home in Nv and then he can have 1,000 roommates...
I had a neighbor ran a small letterbox service in the 90's.

She quit when the legal requirements got too onerous.

Obviously there are real criminals who want the same services, that's why we can't have nice things.

I've lived in a few countries where every resident is tied usually for their whole life to the family origin location.

Moving elsewhere requires a lot of bureaucracy, so most people moving to get work are "illegal immigrants" in their own country.

Want to vote? Have to return "home". In a few places you get fined for not voting.

Wish we had that last part here anyway, seems to me essential to a true democracy.
John61CT said:
> marked in the system as "CMB".

> It's a huge database and every address is in it. Along with GPS coordinates.

> They use that right to have everyone located within a legal jurisdiction to exercise that right.

Please define "the system", "It / database" and "They" above as specifically as possible.

In other words, which company or gov entity is the owner or service provider of the database you're talking about?

Commercial off the shelf database with frequent updates.

Used by Internet sites for delivery address verification and for service address.
I encountered it working for Verizon.
Another use was to calculate sales/use taxes for the appropriate taxing authorities for a given delivery/service address.
There also was an internet version of address look up, back in 2001-2, that I had checked out on my own. That is where I saw the GPS coordinates. My first reaction was that could be used to program a drone to deliver something to a specific house. Amazon came up with delivery drones later.
I would think an internet search should bring information on what's available.
Recent personal experience was that the UPS Store was okay for NJ DL, non real id, but the local election board kicked it out as a business address and not valid for determining polling place. Then I noticed that address was marked "CMB" on a label.
Voting is becoming an issue in SD. The locals are not happy about a large number of eligible voters that do not actually reside in a community.
VanKitten said:
Medicare doesn't care where you are as long as you are inside the USA.  The supplimental plans ...well, some of them have covered service providers...and you have to go there.   But, you can get insurance good for anywhere.

As for Medicaid...that is State dependent.

As for my sounds like I should just keep Florida.   No one seemed the know of a western state that has all my requirements.... no income tax, no Vehicle inspections, easy to get documentation for DL, etc

Every 5 years have to plan a long trip.....

Washington has no income tax, and vehicle inspection is not required by the state, although some of the urban counties do require it. 

But vehicle registration fees are pretty high for newer vehicles.

I had no trouble getting a WA DL when I moved here.
JimInDenver. Please tell me what state you did your registration and everything that has the " I am homeless" option. I am on disbility and get my medical through medicaid and won't change over to medicare till 2019. This and only paying less than $200 a year for taxes on my house is what tilts my decision to stay put in Florida where the medicaid part has been decimated and decent care is difficult to find and keep
bullfrog said:
I live part of the year in Arizona and the rest in Utah.  I have P.O. boxes in both places.  I recently bought a car and registered it in Arizona.  Since my drivers license expires this year ( in Arizona you can get them for 5 years even though in 2022 it will not meet federal standards for boarding a plane ) I went a head and got it renewed.  They sent my drivers license to my Arizona P.O. box.  My Arizona car title was mailed to my Utah P.O. box as that was where I listed my address when I bought the car, crazy but I do like how the small Arizona DMV offices do everything they can to make it easy for you.

According to, AZ is compliant, please clarify.
Also, do they send a driver's license renewal notice?
If so, does it go to the PO Box?
Could you have renewed your AZ driver's license using an out-of-state post office box?
Which small DMV office did you use?
Terry said:
JimInDenver. Please tell me what state you did your registration and everything that has the " I am homeless" option.

Colorado, it is on the Peak application
Arizona has just begun with the real ID. within the last year I believe. they made me get all kinds of stuff, I think I have it all now. highdesertranger
Thirsty Boots Nomad said:
True; ... but can cause problems.  Twice I've bought vehicles where they INSISTED on using the address on the physical license for the paperwork.  Both times I had problems with registering/renewing (and once insuring) the vehicles.  Now, whenever I am able I pay the extra fee and get the physical license changed (often insisting on it as have had the DMV clerk state, "we just give you this slip of paper stating your address changed" --- DID NOT work when I purchased the vehicle)

In Tennessee, it costs the fee of a duplicate license to get a change of address listed on your physical card.  However, you can even change the address online and it will generate a printable receipt of the change, which I printed out, folded up and carried in my wallet along with my ID card until I renewed the license and got a new card with the address change showing on it.

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