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      SLB_SA reacted to wayne49's post in the thread Forced Retirement with Like Like.
      I forced my retirement upon my management. They were not good people. When I was ready and qualified I handed in my notice before they...
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      SLB_SA reacted to vanbrat's post in the thread Forced Retirement with Like Like.
      My retirement was when hubby decided to retire. It was time for him he was ready and at the time I was working at home as a home...
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      SLB_SA reacted to Tony's Dream's post in the thread Forced Retirement with Like Like.
      My retirement was sort of forced upon me, in as much as they made the job undesirable. I took retirement at age 60 but it had been in...
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      SLB_SA reacted to rruff's post in the thread Forced Retirement with Like Like.
      My first voluntary retirement was at age 30. I discovered that I was perfectly fine letting my living standard drop way below the...
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