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  1. S

    Incident on the land I just bought. At a loss.

    Are you referring to the readers or the posters? ;)
  2. S

    Incident on the land I just bought. At a loss.

    I should have looked at the date or read to the end. LOL
  3. S

    Incident on the land I just bought. At a loss.

    If you have a gun, do you have a gun safe or other ways of keeping your child safe from a gun? Are there bears around? I would not have a gun in your situation; there is more risk of bad outcomes with a gun than without.
  4. S

    Very new

    Our normal route to California (without a trailer) is along I-80 but the thought of coming off Donner Pass without trailer brakes caused us to go south and take I-40. The Prius (without a trailer) would zoom up and down the hills in Wyoming, California, etc. with no trouble. While 1100 pounds is...
  5. S

    Very new

    With the AC300 and B300, you have to feed the beast!! With the inverter on (and no draw), the AC300 draws 30W. It also will not charge if less than 100W is being input. But we ran the chest fridge (constantly), microwave (occasionally) and AC (at night), as well as charging a couple small solar...
  6. S

    Very new

    We only took 300W of solar this trip. We plan to add up to four 245W panels, depending on the weight. ("four" may be unrealistic)
  7. S

    Very new

    The basin they installed looks great!! :)
  8. S

    Very new

    My granddaughter texted on Monday to say that the water heater was leaking. Told her how to turn off the water and drove straight through to arrive home at 5am today (Wednesday). Got home exhausted to discover (fairly limited) wet carpet in the basement. I am supposed to get a new water heater...
  9. S

    Very new

    The Prius hated the hills in New Mexico and Arizona. Otherwise it worked well. We need more solar (but who doesn't?).
  10. S

    Very new

    My son and I have a 14 foot Penske truck (not yet fitted out for nomadic life) and a Prius towing an 1100 pound Harbor Freight foamy trailer conversion (to California at the moment). The trailer has AC, a fridge, etc. powered by a Bluetti AC300 (+B300) and 400 watts of solar (when driving) + 100...
  11. S

    Forced Retirement

    Lots of people have a plan on when to retire. The truth is that many people are "retired" before they are financially ready for retirement: If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours This article Forced Retirement: What it is, How it Works, FAQ has a brief summary...
  12. S

    Another newbie

    If you are on medicare, you can probably (no promises) get a 24 hour blood pressure test to get an "honest" reading. My cardiologist told me that my systolic pressure (in this 24 hour test) averaged 126 and that I did not have high blood pressure; not so bad for a 70 year old guy. A friend with...
  13. S

    building a healthy meal plan

    I find this video channel Healthy Immune Doc worth watching. Here is an example: Healthy Immune Doc: How I Stay Healthy Daily. In one video, she discusses blood sugar levels; I can't remember which video but she states that one should focus on healthy eating rather than blood sugar levels. She...
  14. S

    Social security insolvency 2033

    This claim is interesting; I'll certainly encourage my twin 2-yead old granddaughters to get jobs!! But can you give a reference in support of this claim? I cannot say if the claim is true or false but I know that the 2024 tax year might (MIGHT) be the first year in 50 years that I didn't pay...
  15. S

    Social security insolvency 2033

    That's why I waited untiI I turned 69 to claim my SS benefits. Now I can make "69" jokes for the rest of my life!!