Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

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Just got into town and am going to spend the night at the Flying Hook. When I get up tomorrow I want to head over to that laundromat and get set up with them for showers and do laundry. I'll head on over as soon as I get my errands done. Thanks!

For anyone else I'm pretty quiet and tend to be by myself a lot but don't let that fool ya. I don't mind being around people and my dog very much appreciates the attention!
You will love these ladies then. Pretty much the same way. There are 5 of us in this group but lots of room for more. I’m probably going to move towards this one cactus I got spotted out ASAP. I am usually a late sleeper but these ladies are usually up early. I just found another member behind the Pilot taking a nap. Long story but she’s with us now.

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Cancan said:
I was camped there , came for the RTR. However decided to not go after I realized it wasn't my scene. I appreciate the support here and the info from bob thank you and have z great time

Where are you now?

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Maggie Flinn said:
if you're on I-10 and you are going East on I-10 get off on exit 1 take a right and go around the roundabout not the first but the second Frontage which will say Frontage East take that one go straight about a mile and a half or so the road kind of looks like it's a y stay to the right don't go left go straight to the right the road gets pretty rugged you go up the hill and I will be like the second driveway it's not a driveway but you can see cars go through there but I'll be at the second one on the left. But there is tons of space.

Done in town and on my way!
Maggie Flinn said:
Yup, I stuck it out and am now at peace. I think it was mainly the holiday weekend.

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Is there anyway I could hook up with you so you could take a look at my system and give me a couple pointers? I am pretty independent but don’t want to die because I don’t have my batteries and solar vented and fused properly.

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It has been very quiet since the holiday with just one slowly moving ATV passing.
Maggie Flinn said:
Where are you now?

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hi ! im near parker az...less people no atvs beautiful views . u having nice time?
Gypsy Peripatetique said:
I also was there last night, but moved up to Lake Havasu City so I could have access to "normal" - like a library, a fitness center, etc.  More like urban stealth but without the need for stealth. Tomorrow some lucky somewhere is getting my books and the too much of the too many clothes I brought. I'll be at the RTR though.

I agree with you, Gypsy; Ehrenberg is a bit too primitive to be spending much time there. 

Been hanging out at Laughlin / Bullhead City for the last two weeks, arrived at Lake Havasu City tonight. Will be looking for a campsite tomorrow. 

PM if you'd like to meet
Quartzsite has 5 different 14 day free camping sites. Much more sceanic than Ehrenberg.
But are they 26 miles apart? The requested distance after the first 14 Days expire.
I am in Ehrenberg....this is primitive?

I would guess nearly everyone here is rather comfortable. Well...since the ATVs went away 10 days ago.
LOL, yall sound like the kids that come to the natl parks campsites expecting wifi, cell service, power, all the luxuries of living in the city while in the middle of nowhere.

Ehrenberg is too :rolleyes:

Got WiFi
got power
got running water
can run anything in my rig including the A/C

So what is so primitive?
I'm an actual VANDWELLER. That means NO air conditioning, NO running water, NO 110 volt power, etc.

I enjoy using the library, going to Planet Fitness, and occasionally enjoying a restaurant meal.

Ehrenberg IS primitive camping! That's what it's called!
siriusb said:
LOL, yall sound like the kids that come to the natl parks campsites expecting wifi, cell service, power, all the luxuries of living in the city while in the middle of nowhere.

Ehrenberg is too :rolleyes:

I guess I'm just a sissy, huh?
Given money, knowledge and the will, you can take almost anything with you.

One, man's luxury is another's must-have, within their means.

Except high speed internet, if that's a necessity for you, then you need to go to where it's available..
Reno said:
I'm an actual VANDWELLER. That means NO air conditioning, NO running water, NO 110 volt power, etc.

I enjoy using the library, going to Planet Fitness, and occasionally enjoying a restaurant meal.

Ehrenberg IS primitive camping! That's what it's called!

I am a actual cheap RV'r and have seen vans with much of the comfort I have aside from space. At times it is really impressive with what all they can do in limited spaces. That said, yes you are correct, Ehrenberg is primitive camping just as any of the areas I have been in are. Luckily most services are close by in town unlike the Colorado RTR where the closest water was a 50 mile round trip.

As for internet, I do not just teach how to get it. I am not hard to find and am happy to hand out passwords to hotspots so that people can get online.
Reno said:
I'm an actual VANDWELLER. That means NO air conditioning, NO running water, NO 110 volt power, etc.

I enjoy using the library, going to Planet Fitness, and occasionally enjoying a restaurant meal.

Ehrenberg IS primitive camping! That's what it's called!

Me too! Well, an actual Van Dweller!

I don't  need air conditioning, I'm considering turning on the heater... :D

I have running water - it runs out of my jugs any time I want it to!

I have 120V power - it comes from my batteries and a small inverter.

I have my kindle so I have access to a consolidation of all the libraries in the whole province not just the one in my town. I can borrow a book at 2 AM if I want to (and I do).

I get my exercise by walking on the ground instead of the treadmill!

My cooking is better than 90% of the restaurants out there TYVM.

To each our own, but please don't look down on those of us who prefer 'primitive' that really isn't all that primitive at all.
Gypsy Peripatetique said:
Come up to Lake Havasu City.  Much nicer and close to the water.  See my earlier post.  I am in a Sienna also.

Lake Havasu City sounds interesting. What’s the name of the gym that you go to there? Is it a planet fitness? I may just head that way
Almost There said:
Me too! Well, an actual Van Dweller!

I don't  need air conditioning, I'm considering turning on the heater... :D

I have running water - it runs out of my jugs any time I want it to!

I have 120V power - it comes from my batteries and a small inverter.

I have my kindle so I have access to a consolidation of all the libraries in the whole province not just the one in my town. I can borrow a book at 2 AM if I want to (and I do).

I get my exercise by walking on the ground instead of the treadmill!

My cooking is better than 90% of the restaurants out there TYVM.

To each our own, but please don't look down on those of us who prefer 'primitive' that really isn't all that primitive at all.
How did you come to the conclusion I was looking down on those who prefer primitive camping?  I said no such thing. 

Spending two weeks boondocking in the desert is going to be a real challenge for those of us without solar, refrigeration, 30 gallon water tanks, and hot water. 

I, too, get my water from jugs and read on my Kindle. The library is mostly to recharge my 110 volt stuff. 
I'm disabled and don’t walk as well as I used to,  but the gym membership is good for hot showers. 

And, I would be honored to share some of your fine cooking! 

Can we be friends?