Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

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I have always felt at home here in Ehrenberg.

I have been on the road 8 years now, 5 in a camper and 2 in the van.  

 Out of all the places I  go to each year, Ehrenberg and Quartzite off season
 are the two places I call home.

Normally I get here in November and head back out around march... May... June depends on what's going on that year.
wagoneer said:
Yes we can certainly be friends, i know your not asking me but Hi my name is Adrian

Thank you, Adrian. My name is Steve.
Hi Steve, nice to meet you. Should you feel like venturing back to where we are for a day or so you can have internet off of my hotspots and charge up anything you want off of the rolling power station.
jimindenver said:
Hi Steve, nice to meet you. Should you feel like venturing back to where we are for a day or so you can have internet off of my hotspots and charge up anything you want off of the rolling power station.

Thanks, Jim, for the neighborly hospitality! I believe you and I have some mutual friends.  In any event, your reputation precedes you, and I look forward to our meeting. 

After an unexpected two day lay over in Sierra Vista I will be pulling in over n8ght to Ehrenberg.

I'm looking for anyone to maybe sit by a fire and cook some dinner.

I have to be back on the road at dawn.

Google says I will get to Ehrenberg ay about 6 pm (dec 11 2017).

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I have no way to cook for you ZZZ but there may be some friendly conversation going on.

Oh wait! The 11th is today! It's 7:30 Now so I assume you found somewhere to park for the night.
Not that I am one to turn down a meal I'm fully able to cook for myself. Was just lookinh for some company.

I'll be in LA until after the new year at which point I'll be back.

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Too bad I missed you Z. I was out by the river having flat bread tacos.
I get the winning the dust to I guess it's just part of living in the desert. Hey to see you leave so soon. I found the spot near the power lines were the wind is not so bad and there is plenty of firewood welcome to join me if interested I'm in a red Suzuki Ventura with a blue cooler on top. There still groups of people close but not close enough to here them but close enough if I got her I could get help

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Don't know if you've made it out here yet but I am looking for people to camp with two I found a spot near the power lines that's level pretty much out of the wind and has plenty of firewood more than welcome to join me if you're interested I to am quiet and have to service dogs that love to play with people

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I agree it's only as hard or is easy as you want to make it isolation is a choice

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I am in you Sandburg now I found his spot close to the power lines got plenty of firewood early out of the wind close enough to people they could hear me holler if I got hurt but not close enough I have to listen to their generators music or anything else you're more than welcome to join me I have some food water and to service dogs that like to play with people. If interested and need directions I'm even willing to meet you at the Flying J or something and let you follow me back here I have to go get water today anyways

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Guess my phones not a smartphone and can't spell ehrenberg

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You say "there is plenty of firewood" where you are camped. If you are collecting firewood from the desert, that is not OK. not even if it's dead wood but especially if you are cutting wood from bushes. We must all try to leave the desert as we found it.  
Back east I'm sure it's fine to collect dead wood for fires but the desert is slow to replace bushes.
I'm only picking up the Deadwood that's on the ground I would never tear up a tree

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Besides everything out here has stickers on it not to enthused and climbing into a Brier Bush for a piece of firewood

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And I'm not the from the east coast I'm from out here in the West I worked for the forestry fire department so I know how dangerous a small sport can be all I ask is that people that dude have fires please be safe because you're right it takes forever for something to grow out here

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
I'm only picking up the Deadwood that's on the ground I would never tear up a tree

 From what I understand we are not allowed to collect dead wood.  You have to purchase firewood.
the area around Quartzsite you defiantly can not burn any native vegetation weather dead and on the ground or not. I looked for the rules around Ehrenberg and couldn't find them. in the Low Deserts I would imagine that they do not allow burning of natural vegetation no matter live or dead. plants just grow way to slow and the dead material provides much needed nutrients to the soil. BTW Ehrenberg is in the low desert. highdesertranger