I'm not very social or active online. I'm a lurker, usually. However -- I found Cheap RV Living through YouTube and I wanted to say it's been a profound resource and confidence/inspiration builder for me. So... I wanted to thank Bob, Suanne, and everybody who makes the videos possible, and everyone who shows their builds & tips. It's really helped me make some decisions that I think will make my journey better and safer. I'm still half terrified, but that may just be my current life stress seeping into everything it shouldn't be. Anyway...
I tend to be verbose in text, so... cutting to the chase-- advice needed:
1). How can I order things online to help me build out my car as needed in the weeks after I've started living on the road? Where would they be delivered?
2). Any specific locations you'd highly recommend for this first-timer to acclimate to her new life for a few weeks? Ideally: free (or very cheap), safe, but I won't have to be too close to others (I'm not social), but with resources not too far if I find I've forgotten a major thing. Not off-road, because I have an itty-bitty car (not much ground clearance), and personally, I'm out of shape. I prefer cool, wet, and mountains as opposed to hot, sparse or flat scenery (but I'll take ALL advice into consideration). I was trying to get a summer job I'd had before at a resort near Jackson Wyoming (the valley is so beautiful it makes me ache), but it looks like I've missed the best window of opportunity for that. Plus, I'm having major knee problems and I figure not working will actually be healthier for me for a while. I love that area, but I know staying there is very hard on the finances, so unlikely for me for long. The states I'd most like suggestions for: South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico. Not trying to be picky, just trying to give a lot of information because I usually see a lot of vague questions on forums.
3) Any other tips are welcome! I've watched a ton of Bob's videos (and others). I'm going for bare minimum living at first. Just the basics (eating, sleeping, keeping warm, waste, cleanliness) and that's probably it, to start. But if anything jumps out at you that you think I should know, I'm all ears. I'm trying to do this right, or as close as I can get, but I'm still learning.
More Detail:
I'll be heading out around the last week of April, and will likely be living in my car for at least 5-6 months, if not longer. I'm leaving a situation that is physically comfortable but making me deteriorate mentally. I'm scared, but I have to go be on my own, focus on myself for the first time in years, and just concentrate on being healthy mentally and physically, not needing anything from others, and not having others needing things from me.
I've randomly slept in my car a lot over the years to escape my home life or get some peace & quiet, but I've never lived in a vehicle. I have been camping a few times, years ago (still have the tents and sleeping bags though), and I've traveled coast to coast alone before, and done numerous shorter 2k mile trips, so that should help a bit. But it's still daunting to make the big leap.
I thought I'd be traveling with a sizeable trailer, but life intervened and I will likely end up in my tiny Hyundai accent hatchback with 217k miles on it (new engine and clutch 2.5 years ago, but still.), simply because I already own it, and that leaves more of my meager savings to live on for a while as I figure my life out (as long as the car holds up okay). I'll make do with what I have. That's my motto lately. I actually have some designs in my head for car living (now that I've adjusted to that idea), and I'll gladly share them later if they build out okay.
I'm currently in the planning phase, trimming my "wants" down to "needs" as far as things I must purchase before I leave. I know my "wants" may change as I experience the reality of living and utilizing the space in my car for a few weeks, and I don't want to regret a crazy build layout, so I'm not letting myself go nuts (also, my budget is small and won't allow it... heck, my car is small too and won't allow it! lol).
I had trouble deciding on a forum name, but I used to play a 5-piece drum kit, so I went with Stix. I can't fit the drum set in my car with a mattress though. maybe someday if I have a trailer.

I may still pack the sticks though. Hard to let go, even though I'm way out of practice.
Also, I may like.my privacy and solo time a lot, but I do hope to meet some of you someday. Maybe I'll join up with a caravan at some point.
Anyway, you all seem like good folks. Hi.