What's on Your Travel Bucket List?

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There's so many different places I want to go see that I can't name them all, but the ones already mentioned here are pretty much at the top of the list. 

VanGrrl57  :)
"More than those though I just want to see what I haven't seen. I want to do route 66. Did it as a kid, but don't remember much. I'd like to go see the redwoods again. We just want to be out in nature."

Stephen....I would suggest reading the thread last year in the months preceding  the January 2016 RTR by tonyandkaren about the excellent venture they had on Route 66 from the beginning to the end.

With pictures and commentary she/they made you feel like you were with them....excellent documentary of their voyage.
Leaving a boot print on Antarctica is at the top of my bucket list. Not many can claim to have set foot on all 7 continents.
Phantom Blooper said:
"More than those though I just want to see what I haven't seen. I want to do route 66. Did it as a kid, but don't remember much. I'd like to go see the redwoods again. We just want to be out in nature."

Stephen....I would suggest reading the thread last year in the months preceding  the January 2016 RTR by tonyandkaren about the excellent venture they had on Route 66 from the beginning to the end.

With pictures and commentary she/they made you feel like you were with them....excellent documentary of their voyage.

Thanks phantom blooper! I'm about half way through and loving it. They did a great job.

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squatting dog2 said:
I want to spend some time in Arches National Park, and Monument Valley.  :)

Yes, Utah sure is beautiful! I'd like to see several of the parks there! We live in Arizona, and a lot of our work is in this state, but I've found some great events all over the U.S. 

Who wrote that poem? Can you post it in it's entirety? It's wonderful  :D

Wow, that Oregon coast looks amazing, too! Someone told me they have a great State Fair up there, a ten day event, so we may have to check that one out! (we work as event vendors).
Top of the list are the NPs in Southern Utah...all of them. I'm spending my first winter south in the area so I can hike all of them and just explore (and work unfortunately).

Hike the Colorado Trail (this summer)
Hike the PCT (some time, eventually) which would cover the California NPs that I want to see too. Yosemite is definitely on the list but I want to do it outside of tourist season.
New Orleans, Savannah and Charleston are a handful of the few cities I actually want to see and spend some time in. Cities in general don't interest me.
Olympic Peninsula; I've done Rainier and Mt St Helens on a road trip but didn't have the chance to go all the way west. I should have, but I didn't.
The north east states...Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire etc.
Alaska and Canada, although not sure about hauling the fifth wheel up there. I might just do that out of my truck.

So many others...I want to go everywhere. Once I've done the US, New Zealand, Scandinavia and other parts of Europe I haven't seen yet are on the list.
DesertDweller said:
I've been to a lot of places, and plan to visit many more.This time, however, I plan to stop and smell a lot of campfires along the way. One of my first stops on the way will be Utah. I've passed through, but didn't get to stop and explore at all. Lake Powell looks sooo cool! I'd love to see the Pacific northwest, too. Oregon coast, Washington and all the wide open spaces of Montana's big sky. Oddly enough, I'd like to visit New York City just once, and Washington, D.C., viper pits amuse and intrigue me. :D What's on your travel bucket list, and why?

I was fortunate to be able to do the biggest thing on my bucket list just after I retired.  It was the Alaska trip.  I took three months off.  We started by going up to Wisconsin to visit our son, then west to Rapid City, on to Yellowstone, north to Glacier, then Banff/Lake Louise/Jasper.  Then went up the Alcan, spent time in Valdez, Fairbanks, Denali, Anchorage,  and Seward.  On the way back, I drove up to Chicken, over to Dawson City, drove down the Cassiar to Seattle,  and finally back home to Dallas.  We spent most of our time at national/state/provencial parks, BLM land, and National Forests.  It was wonderful.
Well I can check off Finding Bigfoot from my list...

I have a few more... two of which are going to the Kentucky Derby and another is to view the Northern Lights. :D

I will be working at Yellowstone starting in April. I'm hoping to get some great pictures, too. I figure on my days off I will have time to explore the park as well as the Grand Teton National Park. As a seasonal employee of Yellowstone, I get a free seasonal pass to Yellowstone and Grand Teton. I'm looking forward to it.

So, that's two places off my "travel bucket list!" :D

VanGrrl57 :)
When I used to take Scout troops to wilderness camp in Ocala National Forest I would tell my family if I ever ran away I'd go there... it has obviously changed since those days, but I have added it to my bucket list of places to (re)visit! I also had great times in Clark National Forest... backpacking and canoeing... not sure I could get to the really nice spots any more.

I used to have parachuting/sky jumping on my list... if it goes back on it will be last on the list :D
I also want to visit the to-scale Noah's Ark in Kentucky. :)
DrJean said:
  I also had great times in Clark National Forest... backpacking and canoeing...  not sure I could get to the really nice spots any more.

This sounds like a lot of fun. For just cruising the backwaters do you prefer a canoe, or would a kayak be just as good?
I can't do either now... but it would have to have room for my Poodle! :D
Dennis said:
#1 on my list is Monument Valley and the canyon lands of Utah. Never been.
#2 Is Sequoia and Yosemite Natl. Parks. Least crowded times. I want to see the giant Sequoia trees and take my own photo of half dome.
#3 The Redwoods of Northern CA.

After that in no particular order is: SE Arizona for some bird photography and probably roam the state again----back to Yellowstone and spend more time...at my own leisure ----Grand Tetons---Possibly a Baja trip at some point----been many years since I have been to Montana so.....
Oh, heck just crisscross the whole western U.S. Would like to see the fall foliage in New England if I have any time left over. :)

Well....I spent most of this past month of September working on my bucket list. Others got added, some as a result of the road and others intentionally. As for this list.....
--I did get Monument Valley and photos.
--Several of the NP's in Utah.
--Yosemite and my own photo of Half Dome.
--Sequoia NP and the giant forest including the General Sherman tree. Those trees are amazing!!
--The coastal redwoods will have to wait. Probably for a long time.
The better question is whats not on my list. I want to everywhere and see everything. Next, I want to do a southern coastal road trip. I don't think I can handle it in the summer, so its likely thats what ill be doing right after the rtr.
The New England states, Alaska anywhere, backroads of America and the small towns they lead to
DesertDweller said:
 I'd love to see the Pacific northwest, too. Oregon coast, Washington and all the wide open spaces of Montana's big sky.

What's on your travel bucket list, and why?

Hi DesertDweller.  I just got the van in May.  It was in Oregon and I am currently living in Louisiana.  I had to get it home to put it in my name so the only logical route home included Wyoming and New Mexico, lol!  Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and the part of Wyoming that includes Yellowstone changed my life. EPIC journey for my maiden voyage. Big Big time bucket list for me!  It rains almost everyday in Oregon and Washington so keep that in mind, they do get sun at some point but not for long.  Fabulous trip!

Right now on the bucket list is Arizona, lol!  Have never been there in my life.  Hope to make it to RTR and all over the state when the weather's right.

Thanks for the great thread!