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HarmonicaBruce said:
I've been here almost a day, and have had enough.  What a bunch of unfriendly people, NOTHING to do, I can't put up a tent because the rocks would tear up my tent, no grass or shade, more dogs than people.  At the events I go to people camp mext to each other and do things together.  I doubt if my post will be up more than an hour.  At least I didn't have to pay anything or go out of my way to get here.

I'm not sure where you're at exactly, but there are plenty of friendly people here. A bunch of us were hanging out at HDR's last night under his tent. I chatted him up about it and invited the people I found nearby. You're likely to have the social experience you make for yourself here! Some will prefer to stay in their vehicles and there's room to spread out for that.
Funny, I've met a lot of friendly people here and I've only been here a day. It's a little cold and windy to be outside socializing right now. Grass? Shade? This is the desert, son.
The Dirt Track Travelers are headed in. We are hoping to make it before dark if the weather holds. You'll be able to find us by the trucks we drive. ;-) Well set up a gathering space and all are welcome, . . . well, after 11:00 ;-)
It took joining quite a few groups for me to find one I feel suits my particular style p.of nomadism....LOWS, WINS, Escapees, who have camps north of quartzsite, are great people - and have a style different to mine...I searched until I found this group, and it's a great fit - currently at least....I can't condemn the other groups for not being what I was looking for.....

As for yesterday - I had things I needed to do - getting food, doing laundry, picking up packages - so I was gone most of the day doing that - so the resort rtr will mostly be spent visiting and attending seminars....had I not had errands, I'd have spent the day in my rig - as I do any day it's cold and windy and rainy....i gotta take care of myself before I can be of service to anyone else...also, one of the things I particularly like about the tribe is self-sufficiency is promoted....if I want /need something, I gotta go get it...true, others may. E of serve to help me obtain whatever I want - and I gotta do my part....

I, for one was looking forward to meeting you...still hope to....

Come by the van on Saturday where haircuts are being done...I'll put some pretty color on your nails!....
HarmonicaBruce said:
I've been here almost a day, and have had enough.  What a bunch of unfriendly people, NOTHING to do, I can't put up a tent because the rocks would tear up my tent, no grass or shade, more dogs than people.  At the events I go to people camp mext to each other and do things together.  I doubt if my post will be up more than an hour.  At least I didn't have to pay anything or go out of my way to get here.

maybe the weather has something to do with it, or maybe you are a little tired from driving, I must admit the scenery doesn't call me either but I am sure the company will get better if you give it a chance, not all gatherings are for everybody and not all environments inspire everyone, maybe sit by the fire and pull out that harmonica, go into town for a day of shopping or go away and come back to another site.... hope your day gets better. :) :)
HarmonicaBruce said:
I've been here almost a day, and have had enough.  What a bunch of unfriendly people, NOTHING to do, I can't put up a tent because the rocks would tear up my tent, no grass or shade, more dogs than people.  At the events I go to people camp mext to each other and do things together.  I doubt if my post will be up more than an hour.  At least I didn't have to pay anything or go out of my way to get here.

This is not just directed at you Bruce. Many people here are shy and unsure. A lot of us have never been here and don't know what to expect. If you wander around and see someone outside or even a group of people together, take a deep breath and approach them. There are no exclusive high school clicks here, just a bunch of people trying to fit in and survive.
I'm camped with a friendly group off to the left towards the back. Anyone, please come by, I have been inside much of the day with a headache, probably from having to much fun at last nights spur of the moment party under high desert rangers tent.
Unfortunately for those that aren't fond of dogs, yes there are a lot. You may need to consider there are people such as myself that have an emotional need for pets. It may be nice if that weren't the case but we all have different weaknesses.
If someone comes to my camp to socialize and wishes it, I will put my mutts up, no hard feelings.
Now, to crawl out of bed, take an alive and be social.

Diane and ivy and cricket.
PS, harmonica Bruce, I have a rug that might work under your tent if you want to borrow it.
Bob and Judy just staked down the free tarp near the fire circle so bring all of your treasures! (we have a good view of all the goings on)

We're so happy to see everyone here, old friends and all of the people soon to be old friends. :)
tonyandkaren said:
Bob and Judy just staked down the free tarp near the fire circle so bring all of your treasures! (we have a good view of all the goings on)

We're so happy to see everyone here, old friends and all of the people soon to be old friends. :)

Good, I have a ton (well, not quite) of women's clothes to bring, plus some misc..
dragonflyinthesky said:
PS, harmonica Bruce, I have a rug that might work under your tent if you want to borrow it.

Ha ha, I'm already in California.  I guess I came off sounding a little harsh, but why do people all camp so far away from each other?  Also, there didn't seem to be any sort of central focal point (like a stage, or bathhouse, or pavillion).  It was the first time in 60 years that I've seen the desert.  I can't figure out what anyone would like about it, there's no trees, no grass, fewer life forms per acre than anywhere.

By the way, I stopped by your trailer to say hi but I guess you weren't around.  Nice paint job on your trailer!
This is my first RTR and I have to say everyone has been very friendly. I love to walk so I am always wandering around and meeting people. I do like to park off by myself though so I can have my alone time too. Wonderful gathering, Bob, thank you for all your work.
Tonyandkaren - I think satyr is the word we were looking for!...
I remember Satyr from the last RTR. The little guy with the sewing machine, who lived in a minivan. Interesting person! He was in Oregon much of last year. Too bad he's not around this RTR!
Currently, about 180 miles west of the RTR, and headed eastward:

That's right Steve...El Nino has knocked usfor a few degrees and thrown some rain and a little extra wind for good measure.
We can usually count on sunny days, fit for T shirt or long sleeve. Wind/dust is the worst complaint sometimes.
Nights can drop to freezing for a few hours but mostly 40 ish.
Can't say we don't need the rain...just makes it uncomfortable to get out and meet people.
The ones we have met are really nice. I think we're gonna make lots of new friends this year.
I have to settle for living vicariously through this thread for now. Have a great time everyone!
Steve, Florida weather is currently exactly normal for this time of year.  A few days warm and rainy, a couple days cold, then repeat.  After the MLK weekend it gets cold.  SOP.
Last year, we had twenties a night or two in November!  THAT was weird.
I can see why folks like the SW deserts this time of year - normally.  Y'all are getting some Florida weather!  I'd feel right at home.  Except for the lack of greenery......   ;)