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Staff member
Feb 6, 2011
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Somewhere in the US or Canada
I hate this rain! Yesterday was so warm and sunny. We walked around and visited with old friends and met a lot of first timers but today all of us are huddled in our vans and RVs just waiting on the sun.

  We've been watching the procession coming into the site. Since we don't know everyone's vehicles we don't know who all is here yet but welcome to everyone!

  What are you all doing on this yucky day? We've been cooking stuff in our little oven to stay warm without using power - food and heat at the same time.:)
I think I walked by you guys when I came in yesterday. I'm towards the back of the main stretch now. I've been working all day (and will have to every week day until around 3) so the rain hasn't affected me much, but I'm running my furnace intermittently for the cold. Slightly jealous of your oven - it's one of the few things I'm missing.

I'm sure we'll see plenty more people in the coming days...
I'm planning to arrive some time on Wednesday. See you soon! [Yes, this weather is so un-Arizonan! It's been beautiful until today.]
Nope. Spirits are still dry at camp TMG. Mezcal, mostly.
I will be pulling in tomorrow after noon.
I'm having trouble filling a prescription. I should be there tomorrow. with or without the freaking prescription
Nice to finally get to meet you two yesterday! I've been following with great interest your trip on Route 66.

I ventured out today to join a crazy mob at the W/M in Parker... :dodgy:  - dodged a lot of buckets from a really leaky roof!

Probably the only W/M in AZ that doesn't have a fabric department...yep I was looking for some fabric I need..sigh!

Friends convinced me that I really shouldn't be parked across a very shallow wash so they helped me move all the wet stuff and my van on to safer land.

And other than hanging out in the middle every time it almost quit raining, I've been doing the same thing as you two - staying warm, dry and well fed!

See y'all tomorrow!!
I should be rolling in there tomorrow afternoon. Made it to Flagstaff, looks like a winter wonderland. After driving 14 hours today I didn't want to push on, especially with the fog and snow coming down. Me and the pooch are holes up at a Walmart here, will hope its not too terrible tomorrow. :)
You're doin' good...
If the weather isn't good tomorrow please wait till it clears.
The desert will still be there and so will the tribe.
Where I came from I was the only white van with solar panels...and now I'm surrounded by them.

I had a boss say to me you sure are weird and I said what if I'm normal and everyone else is weird.

*Today I built a porch awning with PVC and plastic floormat material to sit a top my side doors. Then I played a little guitar and watched it rain.

See ya tomorrow.
We in the Southeast are thinking of y'all.........    :D


Seriously, hoping y'all have a great time!  :cool:
I was glad to have a relatively windless day to put the awning out and open the door...

The pups and I enjoyed a nice little walk and getting under cover just as it was starting to rain again early afternoon...

I enjoyed our visit under the awning and meeting a few new people...it's so nice to meet so many others who truly get my lifestyle....thank you!....

Other than that, I've been working on crochet and drawing projects, and being generally crotchety due to social media....I really gotta quit doing that stuff (the social media)...it's bad for me...

So looking forward to the next couple weeks here....
I was hoping to be able to get out there for at least a few days, but traveling to Arizona is just not in the budget this year. Hopefully next year will work out a little better.
So what is with this RTR, do you guys just park in the desert in a circle, sit in your vans, behind black out curtains and type messages to each other like a bunch of teenage girls in the cafeteria on their cell phones. Very stealth like, good job, I bet no one would know that there is something going on. That is great, we will be able to attend all the seminars on line. The world is a funny place.
flying kurbmaster said:
So what is with this RTR, do you guys just park in the desert in a circle, sit in your vans, behind black out curtains and type messages to each other like a bunch of teenage girls in the cafeteria on their cell phones. Very stealth like, good job, I bet no one would know that there is something going on. That is great, we will be able to attend all the seminars on line. The world is a funny place.

Uh no, people are as social as they choose to be. You're seeing chatter from some people who don't want to go stand in the rain. Myself included. I'm sure desert weather will take hold again shortly.