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There is a long interesting history of federal lands and their use. "Don't fence me in." The BLM is just one part of it.
There is a long interesting history of federal lands and their use. "Don't fence me in."
Growers here put up all manner of BS signs on public property and easement roads. They’ll make things up, like “Private Hunting Reserve - No Trespassing” and such. The signs are to keep people from finding their illegal grows. They call them “camouflage signs”. I have seen this in California and Oregon. If I see signs of growers I turn around.

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Thanks for not beating me up, HDR. It would still be interesting to know the previous owners of the land under Eagle Crest and St James. I obviously have a more jaded opinion of how the rich operate.
You'd think the Pawnee National Grasslands is all USFS, right? In fact, it's leased by the power company for a wind farm. All of the FS roads are gated, locked, and signed. In addition there are many inholdings that are private ranches. This is northeast Colorado.

The Dire Wolfess
Here is a rundown on PNG.
"Recreational activities on the Pawnee Grasslands have been somewhat curtailed over the last 10 years due to the discovery of extractable oil and natural gas.
According to the US Forest Service there are 63 active vertical oil and natural gas wells, and less than 3,000 acres from the 193,060 acres is protected from drilling".

Hmmm, much of National Forest land in the west is leased for grazing cattle. I imagine a lot of it is fenced and gated for that reason too. I was once hiking in the NF above Manzano NM, and ran into (3) monster bulls right in the middle of the trail. One circled me, giving me the "eye", so I kept a tree between him and me, then slowly walked away.
Cattle usually only result in gates to open and close. I've run into some gigantic bulls also! They can be a menace, especially if you have dogs with you. I get personally offended when our public lands are closed off because of gas/oil leases, etc.

The Dire Wolfess
I thought we were getting all we needed through the pipe line from Alaska. LOL !!!
That pipeline has outlived its' original design. It should have been decommissioned years ago put they keep repairing it.
B and C said:
And the stuff that allows you to get on down the road.
For a few more years anyway.

Some people still smoke tobacco too.
I still smoke and have for over 50 years. Probably will until the day I die. Only go around once and this is one of the things I enjoy. There will always be holdouts for the "old ways". I don't want an electric vehicle. Will I be forced into it? Hope I die first.
No worries of that in the US anytime soon, when gas hits $10 / gal then the free market will push things along.
For electric vehicles to take over three things have to happen:

  • We need to find more lithium or a new battery technology that uses no or less lithium.  Demand for lithium is going to outstrip the supply for the foreseeable future.
  • We need to bring massive amounts of new electrical generating capacity online.  Our electric grid is at close to capacity now without everyone plugging in their cars.
  • Governments will have to massively increase the price of gas, which will be unpopular, to put it mildly.

It will be a while.

Oh, and don't go telling me that California (and some European countries) have already outlawed the internal combustion engine in the future.  Those laws are easily repealed when found they are unworkable.
I think we need to have a lot more emissions free power plants before anyone with an electric vehicle can truely call it an emissions free vehicle. If the fuel we're using to run our electric vehicles was burned, producing emissions, in another state, it's still producing emissions, it just isn't producing them outta that cars tailpipe. That's not even taking into consideration the manufacturing process on the car itself.


BTW- I don't have an electric car. This is hypothetical.

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Edited twice because I can't spell :)
Spaceman Spiff said:
Oh, and don't go telling me that California (and some European countries) have already outlawed the internal combustion engine in the future.  Those laws are easily repealed when found they are unworkable.
If you'll remember in 2012 or so, the gommint announced "[font=arial, sans-serif]fleet-wide average goal of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025". Poo. Guess which circular buffer that's in today ... of course, it was obvious to most of us which buffer it was in back then too. [/font]
AMGS3 said:
I think we need to have a lot more emissions free power plants before anyone with an electric vehicle can truely call it an emissions free vehicle. If the fuel we're using to run our electric vehicles was burned, producing emissions, in another state, it's still producing emissions, it just isn't producing them outta that cars tailpipe. That's not even taking into consideration the manufacturing process on the car itself.


BTW- I don't have an electric car. This is hypothetical.

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Edited twice because I can't spell :)

Coal burning tech (scrubbers) has/have come a long way but it's unfortunately still vilified while in the same breath unsustainable renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and the like are pushed down our throats.

I would love to use only solar panels, wind and tidal turbines, or whatever other techs are out there or being developed, even LPG/NG. But they all come with costs, disparities, failures to address need, and in the case of nuclear...spent fuel which is a ticking time bomb whenever containment fails. The Pacific Ocean is slowly being poisoned because of just one single nuclear facility not being able to survive a freak wave.
let's not forget California already tried to mandate zero emission vehicle. the law was written so that in order for manufacturers to sell cars in California 10% of their sales had to be zero emission vehicles. as D-Day approached it became apparent that only GM and Honda could meet the deadline. California hurriedly repealed the law. this made Honda and GM furious they spent billions to make the deadline. some of the manufacturers only had token programs, to tell you the truth I would have been mad to. highdesertranger
Blanch said:
Growers here put up all manner of BS signs on public property and easement roads. They’ll make things up, like “Private Hunting Reserve - No Trespassing” and such. The signs are to keep people from finding their illegal grows. They call them “camouflage signs”. I have seen this in California and Oregon. If I see signs of growers I turn around.

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People in Hawaii disappear while hiking because of this.

Some of them, too, are lucky enough to be able to turn around.

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