You described my financial situation perfectly.... I am in Washington. I stay here because we are the liberal benefits state. If you are playing your cards right and not in a state that offers nothing and over 65, it's not as bad... I will explain.
If you want max benefits... Try California their state supplements to SSI are several hundred dollars... But everything is so expensive.
I get SSI/SSA dual checks with a small $38.50 state supplement, I believe we get to cover the Medicare meds copay I did not have before, total monthly exactly 899.50.
If you are single in WA on SSI there is a special state category for you and you get more food benefit than you would otherwise.. Plus you don't wait on hold forever, you are special, lol.
My Food Benefits are $191, but because of COVID, WA has added $95 a month to that.. So for now $286 food benefit, it was $304 til recent SSA raises.
If you are 65 and on SSI, WA state pays all of your Medicare monthly costs, I pay zero to Medicare. You should not be paying Medicare for anything. My $1400 a month of meds costs me like $10 month..
What you need if on SSI-SSA is the SNP Medicare Advantage plan... Which is for people getting both.
From them I get,which is not reported or counted against SSI
$610 every 3 months over the counter drugs and transportation benefit... Soap, vitamins, socks, first aid etc... All kinds of stuff you can buy. I use $26 bottle Neutrogena, anti wrinkle cream lol... Why not

.. Let's stay young
$150 cash on flex card, every 3 months as part of the Chronic Illness Benefit (you must qualify by illness) that pays for my dog food and supplies for the Dog. They consider emotional support.
Plus $85 a month Fresh Food Benefit.
Medicare Advantage is a great scam by health care corporations, but it is good for me. Glasses, dental.
I have the usual bills
Car ins.
Fuel, heat
Net Server
2 cell services
Weed and cigarettes lol
One credit card.. Small balance
So.... My Brother got bad cancer, my Family live in So Fla. His state benefits and Co pays etc. When he explained, I was happy I was living here.
I would like to move, buy a few acres in like Arizona, New Mexico. I went to college in Boulder. But benefits are an issue. I think better to brave the winters and stay here.
So for guy on Disability benefits... In total I have a pretty good sum coming in now. COVID cash helped out too, COVID has been good for me.