Reporting My 2nd Review, Living on BLM Land on My New Camper/Truck

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Jora said:
Hi Mario!  I love your posts.  I would love to go to Baja.  What is the name of the campground or how could I find it?

Thanks Jora, I thought about this very hard and was very scared to give out my hideout. First, I will warn you and anyone who goes there. YOU WILL ENCOUNTER LOUD ANNOYING PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO CRANK THEIR MUSIC UP! There are the weekenders who do this and sometimes one or two during the week but most are just passing buy. The campground has about 8 small palapas and two that are very big, I have a one of them and was given the privilege to even put my own white picket fence and done so partially to separate the 2nd big campsite which is seldom used, it costs as much as mine and very few people rent it, they use the small ones. I'd rather hear generators than umpa lumpa music. 75% of the time its super relaxing quiet, which I really love. I uploaded a pic and resized it to 800x600. The green star is the location and you can see the entrance to the campground. This place is primitive with bathrooms and showers but they offer them and electricity at no cost. I just ordered Telcel for phone service and was told they have an internet service where you buy the modem and get internet as long as your modem is plugged into an outlet, which the camp offers free. The owner is extremely tolerant of the noise but if you bug him about it to much he will tell you to leave but the wife might be a better choice, she does not seem to F around! I'm not sure why I was given so much privileges but its a God send after all I have been through in my lifetime and I have been writing an enormous amount of "Captains log's" lately which have also soothed my soul and comforted my anxiety enormously and for some reason I sometimes don't even want to consider leaving but I have a goal and right now time does not exist for me. I'll be very happy to get my cell and internet going but Telcel does not offer services promotions on weekends and was told Monday or Tuesday I should get a text saying I can now activate the chip they gave me and go to an Oxxo and pay the fee, the chip was free and the promotion is for 5 months. I was told its a great service and reception is way better than Moviestar. I'm going to take a closer look at the internet service they offer in the following days. This will be my last post until I get my cell going next week. Right now I'm in Rosarioat McDonalds using their WiFi and ravaging a meal before y drive back home. Did I say home? I'd like to know I have a home because the peace I have found is something i'vfe dreamed of for a long very long time and all I need now is to find my life partner. Hope you ge the photo. If you or anyone is driving a heavy RV or camper its best to use the pay road and are very nice to drive on. I'll be unmounting my camper in the next few days so I can start to use my pick up to go places and sight see more, it will help avoid the dullness but if your an ocean person your going to want to get a couch or lazy boy because almost every day I feel like I must have one after my almost daily (during the week mostly, when the camp is quiet) ocean exercise. I wish I could upload more pics but will be posting more of my logs for those who enjoy reading and also hearing my trip/s and life. I must go now, its almost 8pm and I need to get back to camp so I can park and hook up my power to relax and watch a move on my TV wit the beautiful sounds of the ocean waves. Bye, Nomadic Mario.


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NomadicMario said:
Hi Mario!  I love your posts.  I would love to go to Baja.  What is the name of the campground or how could I find it?
Hi, here is another set of pic's I found and hope the size is large enought to see. I'd like to explain more about these images but its getting dark and I need to go. The house with the baby blue color and white picket fence is a pic I found somewhere online, it's my dream home. Good night. 

Nomadic Mario.


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I'm currently in Colorado, too, and had some similar problems. The first week as camp host I had to call law enforcement on a large group of drunk campers. After law enforcement left, I stayed in my trailer from 7 p.m. to 10:30 a.m. the next day to disengage from any sort of confrontation. That group hates me. I got a lot of negative comments on the comment cards that are provided at the camp site. Oh, well. It made no difference because I ended getting an offer to transfer to another camp site which I like better and get paid more. Those bad campers had zero effect on me. In fact they might have helped me out as my bosses got to see how I act around a bunch of drunk jerks.

Then, long story short, I had to buy another truck while I am up here in the boonies! That took all of my emergency reserve fund. That was a pain, but it's all taken care of now. I like the new truck better, so in the long run, this will have worked out better. It's interesting how often things don't work out the way you plan, but they end up turning out better anyway. Not sure how that works, but, boy, am I glad it does most of the time.

3 years ago I also had a slide in camper that went by the way side. Lost a few thousand on that. Now I have a trailer and love it.

I'm not sure if we should ever get together; people might start calling us the Disaster Twins.
First, thank you for the replies on my 1st review and decided to write a second and answer a few questions on this one. it be nice if I could reply to everyone in one post on post one but I think it replies to each one below one another. Second, I have been taking video after video of my life and how things are going but since I don't have a fast or home I can't post them. I do have a relative who just gave me an ok to stay with her in Baja (5 minutes after you cross the border) until I figure out where I"m going and will upload them there. Third, I am no longer or ever going to return to Colorado unless I'm others or know I'm going to meet others. The driving took a toll on me and it sucked! I am currently back in my home town "San Diego." I 've been boon docking here since I left the night mare of YUMA! I passed the area where "Bob" talked about near "Algodones" and to tell you the truth I don't know how anyone can stand that desert heat, my fuel pump died on me right where the "Inspection" station was at the end of YUMA! I had to rent a hotel for a week because it was cheap 200 a week and had to really rest, I had been driving for long hours and very slow because I was pulling a 4x9 U haul trailer after I ran out of patience with the BLM land and the hatred from others and their homophobic minds and many gunshots!

First, I am not a flaming "gay" person with a rainbow flag in face nor do I act like one. I believe the whole thing started at the 1st BLM land at some reservoir where some SOB and his friend in an RV where staying. The BLM spot was a tiny spot and this guy in his RV had his entire crap spread outside on sticks and as if he had just washed everybody's clothes or something but it was as if you where looking at some guy upin the Himallayan mountains with those bandana hanging on loooooong ropes with messages except this guy and his friend decided to be the opposite of friendly "NamYohoRenge" nice! The RV guy had some other "demon" parked next to him in a small station wagon, "Subaru" if I'm correct. When I got there I was wearing my comfortable usual shorts and plad tennis shoes. I do not wear shorts that go down to your ankle either, I like to be very comfortable and my shorts to above the knee. Sometimes they are jeans and others are like short running shorts, comfort is my preference. Those long shorts started by a basket ball player who said he felt fem in them then after that the whole team followed! ************ and self confidence in ************ is in you not your clothing. So, this guy in the stationwagon decided to make funn off my after I got out of my truck and went into my camper, he and his fkedup knucklehead friend in the RV decided to make fun of me and I overheard it. The nextthing you know It was spread all over the campground and after that it seemed its all I heard, even knew people who drove up where being given the news that "I" was who knows what and I could feel the negativity all over so decided to sleep and leave the following day! The next few days I ran into the sam POS in the station wagon at another BLM land with another person in an RV! The list goes on and on... I ran back down to town to see about other places far from these people but the last draw was the gunshots very near me and that one dude pulling his pants down and shaking his ass in plain bold view! You know, i'm not exactly gay and do consider myself Bisexual and would much prefere a female in my bed than a man if I could ever find one that is!

My frustration has gone down a bit after I arrived to San Diego and been staying at my favorite spots and been parking with no hassles anywhere at night, LOVE IT! I am trying to figure out if I can afford to go to the SF Pride fest, I am also trying to figure out how to find a spot in BAja beach areas because I hear that you can buy a piece of land for a few grand down and make payments, I am a Mexican citizen. My batteries are still dead after the guy who repaired my Fuel Pump said he charged both my batteries but when I left YUMA and parked somewhere near El Centro (El Centro is a nasty nasty filled town full of nasty nasty ugly drug infested and gang like people, rented one night and left within 2hrs after seeing the cockroach thugs scamming my truck and stuff in the parking lot for 2hrs I watched them out my window. I turned the key in and said I'm sorry I cannot stay here, lost 50, no refund). Never stayin El Centro! I tried to connect my batteries and not one of them worked. I absolutely love San Diego but I still have to visit the Nazi DMV, deal with MediCal., and I've found a mailing address also to help with my SSI and got it fixed yesterday. I wish I could stay here permanently but I'm going to visit bAja a bit next week and I also am very unhappy with my camper.

My camper was $2000 and the fridge pilot comes on but not the fridge! The stove works great and so does the oven, If I can get the fridge to work I'd keep it! The sinks pump has a short and works if you wiggle the red cable under the toilet and batter compartment. My knees, temperament, and frustration are not gently lately due to so much frustration from life and things that have happened to me in my entire 51yrs of life. Life has not been very nice to me and I've been use to the idea of death. I'm an undesirable, a nomad, a nothing I've become! God does not even desires me. My whole life all I ever wanted was to get married, have kids, live in a little house with a white picket fence and Ive been nothing but a fk up! Even buying this big truck was a mistake, the dealer took me for $6500 and it has mechanical problems, now you know a little about the camper and might sell it and get me a pull trailer to put into the piece of land in Baja if I can find one that suits my taste and then again... i sometimes wonder if I will reach the age of 55 due to the stress, depression, bad luck of life, and the list goes on and on and on. I always say that if a lovely lady showed up and lifted my life up with love and affection it surely would make me want to live for her, she would be treated like a queen and who knows what else I'd do show her my gratitude to have found someone that would simply caress me and tell me "I love you Mario." For now though there is nothing anywhere near approaching that and all I have is death approaching me and finding ways to make it fast and quick, I think alot about "Bob's" friend who committed suicide and said "I've been a fk up in ths life and learned from it and there is no way to correct them so I'm going to start new" and boom, he left, he killed himself! I just hope that I find some peace in BAja, I've been there and once I tak care of the Nazi DMV and get my meds at Kaiser I should be leaving to BAja.

I tried to upload a video but it rejected, I tried to upload pics and said they where to large! So... I guess I can't do much can I? Even this website finds me unworthy! anyhow... I have many more pics and vid's to upload and will do once I get my U tube Channel up, I do believe I have a channel I'm not mistaken. More to come. Oh, the other reason I left BLM lands was that there is non/zero/zilch of phone or anything reception. Down here in Baja I can get cell for 12 bucks a month and then you tether it to your laptop and bam! You can also get a really nice antena and bam, you got TV! Up in BLM, what is it $400 for a service or the antena? Nah! Even here in SAn Diego or the coasts you need just a a good TV antena and bam, TV anywhere! When I rented in Colorado I remember waking up and watching every single day "The View" with a great coffee and breakfast and that alone was enough to motivate me to get up and lived. Simple stuff but hey, it helped.
Hi Soul Raven,
I used to have a dog named Zeke. Anyway, once you get to a place where you can get internet, you might find a couple of Youtube channels that are helpful. One is Patrick Teahan's channel, and the other is Anna Runkle's "The Crappy Childhood Fairy." Patrick Teahan has many useful, informative episodes, but one I found really resonated was the one on "Trauma Noise." Once you can get internet, find his channel and put that title in the search bar. I think you will hear someone describe your internal experience in a way that makes you wonder if he wasn't right beside you when some of this stuff happened. I want to echo another member who said to be kind to yourself. Be kind to the little boy who didn't get the kindness he deserved when he was growing up.
I'm not sure what happened here but SoulRaven died years ago. Somehow Mario was posting under his name which appears to be some kind of software glitch because another member's posts ended up under SoulRaven's name too. Mario has been banned so I don't believe he even visits the forum anymore.

This thread should be removed because it's just a rant. I'm leaving it up for now but locking it.
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