Be kind my friends

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
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Just read a thread that kind of touched on how I was feeling but couldn't respond because it was closed.  It discussed a seemingly well liked poster who was taking a hiatus.

I didn't read the thread that was discussed but I have to admit, a few posts I've read recently kinda make me want to stay away again too. I'm no angel and can handle a lot but talk about cruelty to animals no matter how small just makes me cringe.  The OP in that thread was not the offender, the responders on the other hand... 
The last straw the previous time was somebody stealing food from hospital patients.  I may be old school but being a cheap rver does not mean having no morals.  I appreciate the lack of political posts.  Yes I am strongly on one side but have lost long time friends because of current events.  The forums for me are a safe place to walk in someone elses shoes and see if they fit.  To travel without ever leaving home.  To exchange ideas and solve problems.  I just wish people could be considerate and think of how your words might be taken.  Kathleen
I liked your post and clicked a Thank You. But then I didn't want it to go without a reply... so here I am adding a reply. LOL
Thanks for speaking up.

Been looking forward to the Humor thread daily- need chuckles right now....
Yesterday I expected it to be locked over some ignorance, I want to thank the mods for cleaning it up quietly.
i've become pretty picky about what i read here lately
a brief glance tells me whether a thread will enlighten me or just piss me off
it sux because there is always gold hidden in seemingly random threads, tidbits of info and insight, but it's not worth slogging through the crap to find it anymore
It always amazes me when people get mean online. I guess it may be because we aren't "face to face" but it costs nothing to be kind and nice.
I always find that my day goes better, when I am nicer to others and not mean.
I agree with this post, Be Kind!!!
It will always make you better, a better person in this world of people who find it OK to be mean.
Glad to see so many responses, at least I know I'm not alone. The Mods here really do a great job but it must be hard to gauge what is just a little off color and what is truly offensive. My thought is that if you wonder if you should place a warning label before your post, you probably shouldn't write it.
I have responded to posters before ~~~ Then not hit Post Reply.  It is their loss not recieving my insightfull thoughts. 

I save my anger on something that matters.  Like WalMart not selling me moonshine because it is too early on Sunday.   ;)
Not all of my post have been angelic and a few I have been glad to see they were removed. It would have been nice to have seen the post I was responding to removed to but I do not make those decisions. Most of the time I let that type of post sit for a while before hitting the button but a few slip through. I know that I see some things differently than others so I have decided to stay out of those conversations. It's not like my input is needed when there are so many experts already. Even if I do see something less than moral in my eyes, the best I can do is post how I handle it. It's not my job to judge others, it is to make sure I sleep well at night and that's all.
The moderators do a good and difficult job. I have asked for a couple of my posts to be deleted because I hit send before I engaged my brain. They have done so quickly and without recrimination.

All that aside, I would suggest for people not to wear their feelings on their sleeve and take offense where none is intended. Ask the person you think offended you if it was meant. Just a pm might stop someone who we all enjoy commenting from leaving.

Just my thoughts..

Gunny ~~~ Agreeing to disagree is a hard lesson for some people to learn.   :)
As is often said, many people can't "disagree" without being "disagreeable".   :-/
i'm kind of kind,kinda

let delete those couple of lines and try these,nope,deleted those too
i'll just go sharpen my chains and saw some wood

dont get butthurt over an interweb post!
Decodancer, well said!

Or to put it another way, we could use a little less of this -



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FWIW, I have found people here to be pretty respectful in their disagreement. But maybe all my IRL are A-holes so it is a bad comparison? LOL
Gunny said:
 I would suggest for people not to wear their feelings on their sleeve and take offense where none is intended. 

  ^^ THIS! ^^
It's interesting to see the different takes on being kind. Nobody wrote anything to me, about me, or otherwise. I was referring more to posts wishing a slow painful death on an innocent animal looking for a meal. Posts about killing or seriously maiming somebody who got in your personal space. Posts about stealing something that doesn't belong to you and somehow justifying that you're not hurting anybody. The old Ten Commandments stuff and no I'm not the least bit religious. Maybe the world is not all rainbows and unicorns but I don't like having to make a mental list of who I would never want to meet in a dark alley.
decodancer, I have never read a comment from anyone wishing any animal a slow, painful death. Ever.

Posts about self defense may have some harsh comments, sort of comes with the territory, wouldn't you think?

I may be naive but I don't remember anyone suggesting stealing and trying to justify it. Maybe I just missed it.

Sometimes the people you would not want to meet in an alley are the ones protecting you from the people who LIVE in the alley.

I don't know you but I suspect you are a very nice person. You started a very thoughtful thread.

Gunny said:
I may be naive but I don't remember anyone suggesting stealing and trying to justify it. Maybe I just missed it.

Actually, Rob, I remember this.  It was before your time.

We also had a guy here who advocated sleeping in motel parking lots, and going in and helping yourself to the free complimentary breakfast every morning.  He had plenty of money, he just preferred to save it to pay for skydiving and skin diving trips.  Apparently, he couldn't figure out a way to scam other people into paying for that for him.

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