Maybe you have noticed? I have not been posting here for sometime. I am sorry to report I am dead.
Thanks to all my old friends here, I may be coming back to life. I don’t know how many of you will understand this but emotionally and mentally I’ve been about as low as they can get. When I first became a full timer over five years ago, I bragged. about the fact that I had escaped from a nursing home now I am facing the prospect of ending up there again. Maybe even in a straight jacket

Those of you who believe in power prayer, can help by praying. Those who believe in the power money, can send money. Those of you who don’t give a damn, can you sit on your hands.
I think I’m going to be spending my time preparing for a Life as a fantasy nomad. Hey, they have armchair quarterbacks, I might become a “wheelchair nomad“. I know I’ve seen Bob’s videos of some who have been able to do it with a wheelchair, but you have to have money to do it with a wheelchair. It takes extra special equipment and more. But it doesn’t cost any money to fantasize. And escape from reality is all that’s needed and I’m already “half nuts”.
We will see what happens stay tuned, and while I’m saying all these absurd and stupid things, I must add that I love you all.
God bless the nomad‘s and those who fantasize about it.