Eastern America Nomad Network

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nature lover

Well-known member
Dec 15, 2019
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Hello friends, I am known as nature lover on this forum. Those of you who know me know that I’m an East Coast snowbird. Florida in the winter of course and anywhere up north in the summer. I have started a Google group called Eastern America Nomad Network. This is not an attempt to take anything away from CRVL or HOWA. Because of geography those groups are based in the west where the leadership is and where the most members are. We on the East Coast are a part of this forum, HOWA, and subscribers to CRVL And for the most part we like it all. Unfortunately we sometimes feel left out because of our geographic location. So this little communications tool will help those of us who travel East of the Mississipp, weather full-time or part-time, to get to know and support each other. I don’t know where this will lead. It could end up leading to finding emergency help, trading or selling equipment, caravans, Boondocking leads… Who knows where it goes? In order to participate you should be traveling at least part of the year east of the Mississippi and have a Google account. To ask questions or join go to [email protected] or email [email protected]. I am really not an expert on how the google groups system works. but we can learn together as we build it and see what happens. Every person who joins this group will have to be approved by me. If I don’t know you I may ask for some references. Everything you or I post on the EANN site will be private to members only. Only members will be able to post or read what is on The site. The members only privacy Will only provide one layer of safety net for those who share personal information or locations. Of course no one will be forced to share anything they don’t want to. But knowing it’s not open to the general public we’ll give a little peace of mind. *****Anyone interested? Welcome aboard.*****
Hmmm. I am an about half time nomad who lives east of the Mississippi but travels both sides in a good year.

Southeast in the winter, west and north in the summer.

I would like to hear more about this but am not interested in joining a private Google group.

If you plan any gatherings, perhaps you could post those on these forums?
And what is this, NL?

Are there criteria for “admission” to this elite group?

I’m sorry, but this is a bit off-putting, to me
You are really not going to like the secret hand shake! Lol!!!
I've never heard of giving references to join a group.
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I've never heard of giving references to join a group.
Maybe not references like listing people we know, but many groups require that you send a comment stating that you are knowledgeable about the group topic. Or a test question. Didn't this Forum have us do that?
"Didn't this Forum have us do that?"

Many people come here because they wish to acquire knowledge that they don't have.
Wow! I didn’t know I would be so controversial. I had envisioned this group to be confidential especially if someone listed their email or their location or some circumstances they wanted to share that wouldn’t be shared publicly. Therefore I was going to have each person have some type of qualification. So that we knew that they really were a nomad, and on the road in the eastern US. I did not want to run into a glitch so quickly cause I think this thing could be valuable. But I was not going to just accept anybody who wanted to be in it without someone recommending them or verifying them as to who they were and why they wanted to be part of it. All of that because I want to separate and protect the members from the idiots out there. If y’all think that’s unreasonable I’m surprised but don’t wanna put off anybody. Ain’t that kind of guy. I guess the scenario is if a person is a solo traveler and they’re looking for someone body to pick them up because the rig is broken down they will feel better about only people in the group being trusted with their location. Is that unreasonable?
Wondering rose, I think you know me well enough from past posts to know that I would never create an elite group. I don’t think any of us are better than anybody else. But I had envisioned this group as a safe place rather than a public place. This group is not going to be like a forum. My vision was that it become a group of friends who have their geographic area in common and want to stay in touch with each other. I still plan to be part of this form if I have something to say to all van dwellers.

We have had people on this forum who weren’t van dwellers but we’re trying to write articles about van dwellers or projects for their school or people developing something to sell to the van dwellers. There is one website that follows this forum just to pull out Boondocking sites to Share with people who pay a fee. This type of group will avoid that kind of exploitation of members.

I am disappointed. If this really puts off people then I guess I’ll just pull it and we’ll all keep traveling on our own.
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It seems to be a lot of responsibility for you to take on, NL, to vet group members for other members so they don’t have to do their own vetting and determining of who they feel comfortable with.

Your intention may not be to create an elite group, but that’s kinda how it sounds, separating individuals out from this forum to a different one, yourself personally approving each member/their participation in your private group and asking for references from people you don’t personally know?

Would members be submitting criminal background checks?

You’re not talking about setting up a child care center, here.

If you want to get people in the eastern half of the US together, that could be done, right?
I am disappointed. If this really puts off people then I guess I’ll just pull it and we’ll all keep traveling on our own.
The idea is worth exploring. It might have gone over better had you included others on this forum in the process. Eg. You write a post about your idea, then ask the best way to accomplish your goal. Including the best way to ensure that folks are really nomads traveling east of the Mississippi.
You know what guys. I give up. I have been trying to do this and talking with people about this idea for a long time. At least three times it was mentioned on this forum actually on the old forum before it was sold. The reason a member would have to be approved by me it’s because that’s how Google groups works. Not that I’m an elitist but in order to get onto a group that I own I have to approve them. That’s Google‘s rule. Unless you want to have a public group it Has to be done. I thought we could organize a little bit better to give some of those of us traveling in the east A little encouragement. I have met more than a dozen in the last few weeks who don’t even know who Bob Wells is so I’m not soliciting people off of that forum. I’m not trying to attack the forum and separate people out of it. But I just can’t take this crap i’m not cut out to be a leader so that group will fold and I will disappear into the forest. :)
So NR, I travel from Michigan's UP to Houston and all parts East. I am familiar with google's process and agree with your approach, totally.
I'll PM you for details.
The reason a member would have to be approved by me it’s because that’s how Google groups works. :)
But you didn't say that:) And the text was all in bold (bold = shouting). It is a good idea. Don't give up so quickly.
I think it is a great idea although I don't think any form of communication on the internet is "safe". Anything that makes living this lifestyle easier for people and helps keep them east of the Mississippi I'm for! Lol!!!
I think it's a great idea.

I don't know about Google Groups. Don't think I've ever used it. I did get into a Facebook group or two once upon a time and quickly decided I didn't like FB and cancelled my account. I would suggest looking into MeWe.com which is another social media hangout. I've found it much more to my liking. Group owners can control who can participate, the idea being that you let anybody join, you articulate the rules and you kick people off when they break the rules. Nothing "elitist" about it. 😁

If you check it out and looks like something that would fit your needs, I'd love to assist in any way needed. Just let me know.
I can be contacted through my website at www.jeepliving.xyz

I would like to see a subgroup topic EAST of the Mississippi like there is all the other headings here, like women only or car or cooking etc. I think that is easier and welcome to many who would have an interest and that could grow in members and information. Now that Bob isnt in charge I dont know who or how to request that.

I wouldnt be interested in the google group you propose.

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