Amateur radio

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Hi All,

I will be at the RTR along with my portable QRP HF setup in my 5th wheel in Jan. You will be able to find me by the 40ft fiberglass pushup mast. Planning on PSK31 and SSB (5w) conditions permitting as well as 2m, 440 and DMR modes.


DangerBird said:
Hi All,

I will be at the RTR along with my portable QRP HF setup in my 5th wheel in Jan. You will be able to find me by the 40ft fiberglass pushup mast. Planning on PSK31 and SSB (5w) conditions permitting as well as 2m, 440 and DMR modes.



From a total novice, I hope I will be able to learn a few things while there!  


Just as a reminder, when you post your call sign, you are posting your real name and address (for those who care about internet anonymity)
IGBT said:
Just as a reminder, when you post your call sign, you are posting your real name and address (for those who care about internet anonymity)

That is why I never post my call sign.

It's your privacy, you have to protect it.  No one else will.
IGBT said:
Just as a reminder, when you post your call sign, you are posting your real name and address (for those who care about internet anonymity)

Some will use a P.O box as there license address for this reason. Whenever you transmit, you are giving anyone with a radio the same information, (Law requires you to identify).
So whenever you transmit and identify in amateur radio everyone effectively knows where you are and who you are. Just like IP addresses that are linked back to you via your internet session with your internet provider. Just like your user ID has a registration email address that can be hacked out of the forum you are posting on. Hmmm. Scary for tin foil hat folks where everyone is out to target them for harm.

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Goshawk said:
So whenever you transmit and identify in amateur radio everyone effectively knows where you are and who you are. Just like IP addresses that are linked back to you via your internet session with your internet provider. Just like your user ID has a registration email address that can be hacked out of the forum you are posting on. Hmmm. Scary for tin foil hat folks where everyone is out to target them for harm.

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And just like those paranoid folks who thought that the Maginot Line would NOT stop Hitler, or Winston Churchill who everyone was tired of listening to while he railed about Htiler and the Nazi's.  

Stalin was so blown away by the German Army invading the Soviet Union that he went to bed.  By the time he would talk to his generals, the Germans had already pushed so far into Soviet territory they ALMOST got to Moscow.  They destroyed the Soviet Air Force the first day or two. 

Native American leaders who said you can't trust the White Man ... were they paranoid too?  

Not saying it's the same examples are extreme...  but sometimes paranoia is called for.  Historically speaking.   The truth is, many entities, both corporate and government, are desirous of more and more info about you.  It's simply the truth.  

If you need a tin-hat, I've got an extra one!  :)
pnolans said:
Not saying it's the same examples are extreme...  but sometimes paranoia is called for.  Historically speaking.   The truth is, many entities, both corporate and government, are desirous of more and more info about you.  It's simply the truth.  

I couldn't edit it, so allow me to add this comment.  I was a Database Administrator for ~35 years.  Of course, the industry changed a lot during that time.  A lot of fads came and went.  The latest is called "Data Science"... it's about technology designed to scan through truly massive amounts of unformatted data, and build "models" of information.  It is a big deal, because it's capable of scanning through millions of messages and collecting data , for example, on your or my buying trends... this is fed to marketing departments to assist in product development and advertising campaigns.   That's not paranoia, it's quite real, and getting more effective everyday. 
Another buzzword is BIG DATA.  Google it.  

In reality , corporations and the government have lights shining up places we may not like.  If you're on the communications grid at all, you have to accept a certain amount of it.   Use due diligence to not share more info than you would want stored online about you, in such a way that anyone could see it.
Goshawk said:
So whenever you transmit and identify in amateur radio everyone effectively knows where you are and who you are. Just like IP addresses that are linked back to you via your internet session with your internet provider. Just like your user ID has a registration email address that can be hacked out of the forum you are posting on. Hmmm. Scary for tin foil hat folks where everyone is out to target them for harm.

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The FCC database is a double edged sword.  It's easy to ID real users, as they are required to broadcast their call signs, but on the other hand it IS a database and one can be anyone they want to be. (preferably from several states away)  It's easier to spoof a call sign than an ISP address or MAC address. Although I don't recommend doing this, it is super easy to do.
First is was BIG OIL COLLAPSE will kill us all. Then its OBAMA WILL TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS. Now it's TRUMP WILL BE HITLER. one of these must be true.

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I think I have this......
I should KEEP the tin foil hat I got in Roswell.
I REALLY like Big Data (the band anyway).
And being able to imitate a repeater call sign in perfect computer voice is a plus !
A bit of timely QRM goes a long way.
I can't believe all the people here who've fallen for the tin-foil hat nonsense.

Goshawk said:
First is was BIG OIL COLLAPSE will kill us all. Then its OBAMA WILL TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS. Now it's TRUMP WILL BE HITLER. one of these must  be true.

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You forgot about Y2K and 12/12/12 and that Mayan calendar thing.  I hear what you're saying.  There are plenty of "Chicken Little" kinds of "End of the World as we know it"  scenarios going around , all of the time.   Most of them would be funny if the people talking about them weren't so earnest in their concern. 

I was merely trying to point out that at times in the past, the doom and gloom guys were right.  Like Churchill.  Honestly, I don't wear a tin hat!   And I just plain look at it as give out as little info as possible.  On the other hand, I have posted my call sign.  KE0KIV.  it will not tell anyone anything that's not easily available somewhere else.  

I hope you don't think I was giving you a hard time.  I wasn't.  I'm here to learn.  and share what little I DO know. 

Optimistic Paranoid said:
I can't believe all the people here who've fallen for the tin-foil hat nonsense.


Absolutely right.  The whole TIN foil thing was started by the aliens so that they could still read our minds. Although, I'm pretty sure it's like watching Hee-Haw to them. Or the Newlywed Game.
speedhighway46 said:
Geez . . . I thought this thread was about Amateur Radio . . .

Sorry, man.  I let myself go off on a tangent.  Will cease and desist forthwith.
Well , I suppose it's only fair........every time someone starts a thread about CB , it always ends up being about ham in about 10 posts or less........................and besides , lead is bad for you. Remember lead paint?.

Seems there is only so much to be said about any subject.

Oh yeah , Happy New Year ham heads !
pnolans said:
Absolutely right.  The whole TIN foil thing was started by the aliens so that they could still read our minds. Although, I'm pretty sure it's like watching Hee-Haw to them. Or the Newlywed Game.

Wait wait wait, I thought it was BIG TIN who perpetrated that fraud? Ohh, ohh, the aliens are in on it with them *stuffs more lead foil in ball cap*
I crafted a couple of co-phased "horns" on my hat and connected a full wave of coax to shoot HF .
I'm my own tower !
Back to ham radio before the thread gets shut down ---

The Main Trading Company will let you trade in for credit any ham radio that can be sold. So you have a way to move things, if you don't like eBay.

Am looking at creative HF antennas in mag loop configuration lately. Relatively easy to set up and compact.

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