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Here in PA it’s hot and humid real feel temperature 100. I’m cheating sitting in an air-conditioned room online. Due to health issues a few weeks ago I’m camping in a friends yard. The doctor wants me to stay where people are around me In case my health turns south again. LOL I am the one who will be turning south to KY. My solar panels are supposed to be delivered today. That means the only thing that stands in the way of my leaving PA is cash for gas but that will come too. God bless all the nomads even the ugly ones like me.
maki2 said:
I am sticking to my plan to be a snow bird.

That's what I said last year, Maki. I was on my way to Jamie's van build in Parker, before I got derailed in Happy Camp.

Super cool that you got interviewed and met the homeless advocates ... hope the homeless will be warm enough this winter.

Today I have to get my van ready for the trip to Yreka and an oil change.
My 10 days at the Fairgrounds are up after tonight. I will likely return again, just have to leave for 2 days. But I want to go to a differt town that has a Best Buy Store as well as a Home Depot and or Lowes. So that means heading not too farof a distance to the shopping town just soth of where I lived in Poulsbo, Wa. Of course I plan to stop in Poulsbo and visit a few old neighbors, of course at a social distance.

I did wake up from one of those newly on the road anxiety dreams night before last where you feel like you have no one you know in your life.  i used to have way more friends before I moved to Seattle. But I  did not do much socializing the last 5 years or so.  I will have to work harder at that now. Of course this is a difficult time to socialize  so no overnight miracles will happen in the immediate future.
Another miserable day in paradise here. That's our local greeting.
I did nothing worth doing today. Tomorrow is coming anyway.
Well, I may have done something, but at this moment can't remember what it might have been.
The cats got fed. That's the important part.
I think I've had too much anxiety all day in anticipation of an out-of-town trip.
"God bless all the nomads even the ugly ones"

Well, thank you Nature Lover, LOL.
Gypsyjan notice I said ugly ones LIKE ME. Glad you got a laugh. It is a pleasant evening here in PA. Thunderstorms took away all the humidity or most of it and the temperatures is mid 80s. I moved again. I’m in Lancaster County at the pond I talked about earlier. After my stay in the hospital my doctor thought I had to stay near people so I was in Lebanon County with other friends. I got my solar panel from Dokio yesterday. So now installing the batteries and hooking the alternator to the batteries is all I have left to do till I am on the road to Kentucky. But I might still have to wait till payday in order to afford the gas. Did you hear that the Martians have landed on earth that’s the bad news the good news is they eat garbage and P gasoline. God bless all the nomads including the good looking ones like gypsyjan.
Enjoying a day in Yreka... getting the van serviced and visited the hospice store and bought books. Fun. While I've been isolating myself in that mobile home life goes on pretty much like normal. A beautiful day for driving on the Klamath River Highway.
Qxxx said:
Normal, with or without wearing masks?

I saw both masked people and scofflaws there at the Ford dealership where I got the van serviced. Thought about going into Walmart but the parking lot was packed so it looked like a place to stay away from.

Here in CA we're supposed to wear masks in all public buildings. I was surprised to even see people wearing masks while walking down the street alone! Whaaaatt? Why? What about oxygen deprivation while walking? Hmmmmmm...

You see, out here in a tiny town in the forest, it is easy to forget what civilization is like. In the past there were times I spent so many months here without going out there, I actually had culture shock when I got there because things had changed - like types of items stocked in the supermarkets.

So - it was fun seeing that people out there are just carrying on with their lives normally and not being isolated and alone like I have been most of the past five months.

I got the van serviced in anticipation of the trip to Idaho. We are now just waiting for the skoolie tags to be sent here from Idaho DMV. They want it to be legal before it gets moved.
If you're on the street in a city or town, you are passing other people, so someone was being extra careful. Plus they were probably going in and out of buildings.  I shouldn't worry about wearing one when off in the woods.

Were the "employees" in the Ford place wearing?

(hmmm, I think in the future "wearing" is gonna have a similar connotation as "carrying" has today, good lord).
Picked up a cheapo wall clock for the rig.

The second hand ticking away is soooo LOUD when in the silence of night. I thought it was raining.. with a drip drip drip drip drip drip... OMG all night long.

I wonder if by simply removing the seconds hand the clock would still work but yet eliminate the drip?
desert_sailing said:
I wonder if by simply removing the seconds hand the clock would still work but yet eliminate the drip?

No, the ticking will continue as that is part of the inner workings.  Also, driving down bumpy roads, the clock may lose time as it has to fight the bumps to lift the second hand if left in place.

A digital clock is better.
Yesterday was spwnt traveling to a town with a bestbuy store. They were unfortunately out of stock on the cell phone signal ampliFiers but I ordered one delivered to tghe store. It wont arrive right away but at least I will have one within a couple of weeks. Also got a GPS for driving directions, my old one was so old maps could not be updated.  

Today was set aside to deal with technology issues that iI have been avoiding by focusing on other physical task work on my traIler. Such as my newer computer saying it was not equiped with a wifi connection. Solved that one by reverting to the previous driver. Then setting up a small VPN device to use when on public wifi with that computer to protect my private info. Part way there, just need to take it someplace with a public network, then get it setup for my phone, tablet and older laptop.

In town right now where the cell signal is better so that I can install the app to get free maps to use offline from the WA state department of natural resources. I can do free camping on those lands with my $30 a year Wa State Discover pass.
I was going to move to a state park campground yesterday but the spaces my trailer can fit into are all booked up for most of this month.
Qxxx said:
TA, since you're the intellectual here and you read lot, out there in the great NoCal Bigfoot Forest, I thought you might be interested this book...

I might read that book. In my secret regrets, I would have liked to have been a scientist. I hope that if there's another version of me in a different dimension, she's employed in a lab with some seriously useful purposes.

Earlier this year I read the memoir of a botanist: Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren.
desert_sailing said:
The second hand ticking away is soooo LOUD

In my other home, an independent living apartment building in North Idaho, there was a sweet old woman who walked around with bags pinned to her dress... she brought me clocks! At least three times she showed up at my door with one of these old clocks with the loud-tick-tocking second hands and she even taped batteries to cards to give with them... I took her clocks and never told her I wasn't using them because they would have seriously driven me c-r-a-z-y with that constant tick-tocking. I waited a few years, and after she moved away, I put the clocks out on the table... which means, I made them available for whoever wanted to walk off with them.
travelaround said:
I might read that book. In my secret regrets, I would have liked to have been a scientist. I hope that if there's another version of me in a different dimension, she's employed in a lab with some seriously useful purposes.

Earlier this year I read the memoir of a botanist: Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren.
That's why we have books, to visit the worlds we'll never get to. Eg, better to read Moby Dick than to have been on a whaling boat in the 1800s.

This other book came up in an email discussion of mine earlier today. Rather fascinating, the author is a trained Neuroscientist who watched firsthand as she was having a stroke. I was reminded how my own father had a series of ministrokes that started not long after he had had a hip replacement. 

God save us from strokes. They run in my family. My mom died a week after having a major stroke in 2017. Her mom had a series of strokes, the last one leaving her unable to walk or talk right for six years. I think I'll go check my blood pressure. Goodnight.

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