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Sorry, maybe not the best material to be thinking about.
Sofisintown said:
If you remove the seconds hand, you will miss only the seconds count.
The noise will still be there, because the noise is from the gear moving the hand.
Just cover the thing with a bowl or a towel, depending on where it sits.
Found a digital with temp and alarm for 8 bux... 2 dollars more than the drip drip. Unfortunately I threw away the packaging and can't return the old one.

I am usually pretty good about keeping all the packaging and always the receipts. Yesterday I did a round of return items.. bins, bathmat,floor trimming, water jugs... got about 80 bux back and still have another small pile to possibly return.
Very thrifty! Good show.

I'm not feeling my best but getting through it. No exercise today, but the diet is still happening.

I really enjoyed my trip to Yreka on Thursday and now am looking forward to the Idaho trip. It will do me good to get out of town more often. It is so easy to just stay here and be a homebody, but there's a big world out there to be explored.

My son came over to visit today - that was nice. He's 29 this year. Usually he's working hard at least 5 days a week so I don't see him much even though he lives only a few homes away from me. We had a nice conversation about the safety and dangers of spelunking. He's planning another expedition - this time to Bigfoot Cave in the Marble Mountain Wilderness.
travelaround said:
I'm not feeling my best but getting through it. No exercise today, but the diet is still happening.
TA, I was feeling pretty queasy yesterday. One problem with high desert is that pollen from weeds like rabbit grass are worst in the late summer and fall. I have been taking antihistamines. That plus high heat and dryness made me realize I've been getting too "dehydrated" lately. Normally this isn't a problem but seems to be this summer. Dry mouth all time. Need more fluids.
JFTHOI, I checked weather.com for HC and Houston. I see both places are getting around 100F with humidity 65-70%. TA, you could move to Houston and "feel" right at home now. Just like Brian. I think the forests must create their own humidity.
The coast creates the humidity. Southerly breeze from the gulf.

I move here in '74 for a job and never left :( I was younger then and could take the heat and then the job became a desk job as I got older. Retired and planned to travel from after christmas to around thanksgiving so we wouldn't have to put up with the heat :p
Still hanging out in Port Townsend working yesterday and today on plumbing for the sink. My fresh water and holding taanks were a bargain. They have a 5 gallon capacity with some ready mafe threade d i lets tl the tank. I chose them because they were the right size to fit my cabinet space. But it means finding exactly the right size adaptdr fittongs r
To fit the threaded holes so the can hook to the sink drain. Fresh water inlet, faucets and of course a way to get the waste water out of the grey tank. I need to be self contained for some of the places I want to stay.   Making progress on getting all the puzzle put together. At least there are some hardware stores in the town and nearby smaller town, plus a marine supply store.

Not an exciting day weather wise, the temp is expected to top out at 80 miday. I am hanging out some reflextive tarps to keep the sun off the windows.
Yeah, Houston in January must be nice.

Previously I've been winging it regarding fluid intake, but I just filled 2 half gallon containers with water to put in the fridge. Easier to track daily usage.
February is grey, cold (can freeze) and wet. Generally, 6 weeks of fall, winter and spring, the rest is summer :(

Forgot to add that snow about every decade.
maki2 said:
working yesterday and today on plumbing for the sink.

I'm impressed. You deserve to have an awesome little rolling home. Good idea to get 5 gallon tanks rather than 7 or 10, as those would be that much heavier to lift when full.
I wanted to go back to Texas this last January, but life intervened. Maybe someday I'll be able to go there again, but right now is not the time.
4pm.. 107..14%..LCV

The news said mid week it was going to be cooler..LOL ya..93-97.

I have to go to Kittitas county in the next week and a half..

Anyone familiar with good boondocking  close to Ellensburg?
A mask is not a plastic bag.

No printed warnings about how a mask is not a toy and keep away from infants and children. No printed warnings about wearing a mask longer than X amount of time can result in dire consequences up to and including loss of life.

If O2 deprivation with a mask is a real thing, how would cardiac surgeons perform those hours long procedures, without having to exit the OR, dispose of their PPE, wash up again, then put on fresh PPE, returning to the OR, in the middle of the procedure, while a human chest lies open.

PPE is Personal Protective Equipment.
wayne49 said:
A mask is not a plastic bag.

No printed warnings about how a mask is not a toy and keep away from infants and children. No printed warnings about wearing a mask longer than X amount of time can result in dire consequences up to and including loss of life.

If O2 deprivation with a mask is a real thing, how would cardiac surgeons perform those hours long procedures, without having to exit the OR, dispose of their PPE, wash up again, then put on fresh PPE, returning to the OR, in the middle of the procedure, while a human chest lies open.

PPE is Personal Protective Equipment.
Thats some fancy footwork there.

Surgical masks the n95 are more of a respirator style with a "filter".and offer some additional protections.
The cloth masks everyone is wearing is not even near being a Personal Protective Equipment and the CDC has indicated that those are to protect others from spittle that is emitted from talking, sneezing, slobbering...etc...etc.. they do absolutely nothing for the one wearing it.

It is quite the stretch but maybe they should be called Public Protective Equipment??



Billions spent on vaccines and treatments and yet no one can make a mask that protects the wearer??!!
Qxxx said:
Yeah, Houston in January must be nice.

Previously I've been winging it regarding fluid intake, but I just filled 2 half gallon containers with water to put in the fridge. Easier to track daily usage.

travelaround said:
I'm impressed. You deserve to have an awesome little rolling home. Good idea to get 5 gallon tanks rather than 7 or 10, as those would be that much heavier to lift when full.
It would be way too much strain on my back to lift 4 or even 5 gallons of liquid. My tanks are set up so I can pump them out to empty them.  The fresh water tank can be filled through a port on the outside of the trailer using a hose or just pouring in water from a jug.
maki2 said:
It would be way too much strain on my back to lift 4 or even 5 gallons of liquid. My tanks are set up so I can pump them out to empty them.  The fresh water tank can be filled through a port on the outside of the trailer using a hose or just pouring in water from a jug.

You can use a small cheap 12v water pump, hook a couple of clip leads to a battery, attach a couple of pieces of clear plastic tubing and it makes the job of transferring water from a jug sitting on the ground up to the fill port on the trailer much easier.
travelaround said:
I'm impressed. You deserve to have an awesome little rolling home. Good idea to get 5 gallon tanks rather than 7 or 10, as those would be that much heavier to lift when full.
A gallon of water weighs about 8# (actually 8.34), so a 5-gal container is 40#, and 10-gal would be 80#. Far too much for most olderly backs.

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