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desert_sailing said:
I have to go to Kittitas county in the next week and a half..

Anyone familiar with good boondocking  close to Ellensburg?
I assume you know about freecampsites.net. It shows a lot of boondocking places near Ellensburg, as well as plenty along the Snake River between LCV and Pasco, as I mentioned previously.

You can simply click on the map anywhere and it immediately shows the local spots.

FWIW, a couple years ago I used freecampsites to find the best boondocking spot I've ever seen, and came to discover that a famous youtuber had left there just a day before and had left 2 fire rings full of garbage (I filled a 30-gal bag), plus 20 empty beer cans and 20 empty beer bottles. Lots of partying and hit the road fast. Famous schmamous. YMMV when using freecampsites.
maki2 said:
It would be way too much strain on my back to lift 4 or even 5 gallons of liquid. My tanks are set up so I can pump them out to empty them.
I hear 'ya!  Maybe a small bilge pump from that marine store (s/b under $20)?  (I use one to pump shower water--both ways.  Works well.)  Or maybe a liquid transfer pump https://www.harborfreight.com/battery-operated-liquid-transfer-pump-63847.html  These are a little "delicate," perhaps, but work.  I use a food quality version to pump water from a 6 gallon carboy into my makeshift sink.
Qxxx said:
came to discover that a famous youtuber had left there just a day before and had left 2 fire rings full of garbage (I filled a 30-gal bag), plus 20 empty beer cans and 20 empty beer bottles. Lots of partying and hit the road fast. Famous schmamous. YMMV when using freecampsites.
Caravan Carolyn?

Thanks for the link. I knew of some of those areas before as a teen my buddies and I would take the dirt bikes up to many of them and party on the weekend. I have a good bead on weekender mentality ..LOL

I have to be in E-burg for business and need to find something basically in town. Maybe it is my chance to do stealth mode? I will be there about a week.. possibly a little longer.. :(

Darn just checked and the Ellensburg Rodeo during Labor day has been cancelled. I would have hung out to enjoy it. Bummer!
B and C said:
There is a casino there.

It has been many years since I have been there and had no idea they put in a casino.. I was pretty sure there was no Reservation in that part.. thats odd/

Oh I see.. I just went to the site.. They call it a casino.. but in reality is just a card room.

Real casinos in Wa. State are on the natives land and have all the slots and other various games.. roulette and whatever it is.
Card rooms are great if you play poker and blackjack and such. Out in these parts, a card room is NOT where you would want to park and stay a bit. It is no different than parking outside a bar... I would rather park at the Flying J.

And for me.. I neither gamble nor drink..and have a very low tolerance for those that do. When I was in my 20's I did work as a bartender.. LOL>> A non drinking bartender is not who you want. I was more of a babysitter than a part of the "party"

If you need to cut someone off or slow them down.. ALWAYS put the ice in the glass before the booze. It will look full when you put only half the amount of booze in..then.. lower the price to equal what they are getting and tell them it was because they are soo great and fun.... drunks..gross...stupid
desert_sailing said:
Caravan Carolyn?
.... is a saint. Saints don't do that sort of thing. (end of 20 questions).
Alcohol and Arizona. You people are full of great information today. I have never worked as a bartender so this has been illuminating. So glad Maki doesn't have to lift water. Am trying to understand why anyone would want to be in Ehrenberg during the summer.
travelaround said:
 Am trying to understand why anyone would want to be in Ehrenberg during the summer.
Ellensburg, as in WA.

But speaking of AZ, they have brought their daily positive count down from 28% to 10% in the past month, so somebody must be listening. It's not happening in TX or FL, and they mentioned on NPR today that ID has a large uptrend in positive cases.
Qxxx said:
No mention of covid on their homepage, so must be one of those full commando places. Let it all hang out. Three sheets blowing in the wind.
Considering CWU is there, one would expect a slightly more educated populace....

That link of the "casino" the guy with the coonskin hat.. immediate put off. Do they really think that is an enticement for people from Seattle?
desert_sailing said:
That link of the "casino" the guy with the coonskin hat.. immediate put off.
First thing I noticed, too, lol.
Hello All....

Well... here's the latest with me now.....i decided living out of my car is the LAST resort....so i am looking for section 8 and low rent studio apartments....i am looking ALL over the U.S.....focusing more on the S.W. It kinda feels like what i will wind up with is the first section 8 i can get into.... (if it is NICE). Or if i can find an apt/studio for less than $500.

My credit is shot (but my rental history is excellent)....don't qualify for financing a nice Van... i have is a Toyota Sequoia with over 300,000 miles.
It would be hell for me to have to live in a vehicle. One good thing that has miraculously happened is MY ENERGY LEVEL IS GETTING BETTER & THE HORRIBLE FATIGUE IS GONE !!!

I haven't yet been diagnosed with anything specific.
Vehicle dwelling isn't for everyone and sounds like since you have made a decision that some symptoms of depression are going away. Good luck on your hunt.
I should think that smaller towns away from cities, ie outside typical commuting distances, will have lower rents. Just a guess.
I am certainly not getting dehydrated, not tracking my water intake. Forr siure I am drinking more than a quart a day. I just get thirsty, it is summer and I am working on projects so a good sized glass of water when I take a break just comes natural. Not doing. Much in the way of other beverages except coffee in my water in the morning. But maybe i will brew up some tea tomorrow and stick it in my fridge, I have some lemon juice, that will make a nice treat in mid afternoon.

A bit windy this evening, but my popup top is super stable with its new cross bracing.

I will try to find a few more pieces to my plumbing puzzle tommorow if I can. Almost done with it. Next up is tackling the wiring, it is partially done. But will likely take 3 days or so to wrap it up. Lots of twisted bending to do and with a dicey back it slows things down into small increments of time to prevent muscle spasms.
Fluid intake requirements vary enormously. I see Seattle weather for the next week is 75-80F and 70% or higher humidity, and good chances of rain, so it's not likely someone would become dehydrated unless working extremely hard to the point of sweating quite a lot. 1-2 quarts may be enough, in addition to that present in foods.

Where I live the temps are in the 95-100F range lately with humidity under 30%, plus the buildings don't cool off very much at night. Plus I sweat all the time. So I need probably at least a gallon a day to stay hydrated. In addition, when you drink that much water, you also need to replenish electrolytes lost in sweat, so you also need to include some amount of gatorade, juice, tea, or milk. Of course, many places are well over 100F so hydration is even more important. I hope crofter is still ok, plus I notice Vegas and parts of CA are in the 110-115F range too now. The situation is also more critical the older one is. So drink.
Gypsy108 said:
living out of my car is the LAST resort....so i am looking for section 8 and low rent studio apartments

The apartment building I was in was pretty nice for age 55+ in North Idaho... and a lot of people there are on section 8. I hope you'll find something as nice as that. I agree that an apartment would be better than living in a car full time. So sorry you have to make this difficult decision.
My daughter got the tags for her skoolie today! Looks like I'll be headed to Idaho sometime this week. Cool deal. I'm looking forward to a traveling adventure. Will be weird with her spouse with me, but when there he will probably help me load my van and he will have his skoolie to drive back south, so I'll be alone then.

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