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Yeah, the map of the 2014 fire shows it came right down to the river opposite to HC. My downstairs neighbor at the time was a school bus driver who ferried fire crews around the west in the summer time. She spent a month camping near HC that summer. She mentioned how the crews would get drunk during the 10+ hour bus rides, and she'd have to pull over along the way, and sort them out, lol. 6 yo school kids and 30 yo little boys.
Sofisintown said:
Yes, dear, I'm artsy fartcy and this is my masterpiece! :D
All bad details will be unnoticeable and covered with a fluffy blanket, so no one is the wiser...
I did not even notice those aforementioned details. My thought was "Will the legs be secured to the van floor?"

[I hope you self annotated those images and they weren't sent to you.]

Looks like a nice bed frame and the height under the bed (as you said for the fridge) should allow for easier access to any other under bed storage. I went a little lower and it is a bit of a pain to move stuff out & in.
Another day, more work to be done.  Rained last night but this time it was dripping off a corner of the popo up roof splat onto the solar panel setting up a very annoying repative splat at regular intervals. I finally got out of bed and lowered the top. I will have to figure out a solution that is easy to deploy on rainy days when I need that headspace.
Working on window surround trims again. Hope to get them all cut and temporarily installed. not sunny enought to varnish them which is why I say temporary install because all sides of the boards need a coat or 3 of finish. pretty much a boring and tedious build day as will be tomorrow.
Maki2 just move someplace it doesn’t rain often. Then you will welcome the noise when it does!
Run a string down fr the corner where it drops down below the solar panel.  Water will run down the string instead of dripping.
maki2 said:
Another day, more work to be done.  Rained last night...
A few days ago, I mentioned Port Townsend has been on my "to visit" list.  My mistake.  I was thinking of Port Angeles, which friends who lived there told me is in a rain shadow.
Yeah, more time spent cracking code on my projects. It should say hacking code, but in my case the code is more so cracked than anything else. Last week were nice high-80s here, but this week back into the mid-90s.
And then you got in that other thread and wreaked havoc, didn't ya, little innocent girl in a green dress. We all know what's in yer other hand. A credit card, don't leave home without it.
Beautiful, we can start calling you "New Eve of Destruction Sofi". The way those holes just keep going through layer after layer kinda reminds me of the goo from Aliens. (just offhand, those pix are a bit fuzzy. Looks like you had your camera set for too short a focus. ??).
Sofisintown said:
They look very pretty to me now! And I'm not even done. :D
Want to sell them? Will you take a check?
They look great!
Can't wait til their installed. I really wished I had a drawer on my cabinet.  I didn't miss not having one til I just now noticed yours.
Hmmm, that reminds me of my favorite Dilbert cartoon.
Still hanging out in Port Townsend at the fairgrounds working on the build. But at the moment in town doing laundry, posting while the clothes dry.

You can of course build drawers but that does require some tools. Possible with hand tools but easier to do it in a workshop with power tools.  But if you make a cut list some lumber yards will cut for you. Never a guarantee for perfect cuts though, it really depends on the person running the saws. They dont aleays take the time to do it perfectly.

I wish I had in retrospect brought along my small skill saw. But using my model making tablesaw that can cut up to 3/4" thick i was able the other day to rip some 1/2" thick boards to width.  The campervan guy parked next to me remarked what a handy saw to travel with.  One way or another I will get 4 drawers made while on the road as well as all my cabinet doors.
Bombay Beach had three 4+ quakes today. 20 quakes from 2.5 to 3.7.
A total of 23 of the last 24 hours 56 2.5+ quakes worldwide happened in that area..
Most were offshore in the Salton Sea. Two, 3.2 and 3.3, were on shore in Calipatria.
maki2 light weight means you have to engineer thin wood to have the strength of thick wood. If you want a thick look use foam. Big part of the fun and having lots of time is doing more with less. I have made several pieces of furniture strictly by hand from rough cut lumber while I was in college. Minimum time to finished project for me was usually 2 full months mostly sitting with a file and whet stone sharpening tools! Makes you wonder at all the beautiful pieces made before machine tools.
Today was aluminum fabrication work, making cross bracing for my popup top. Too bad I  did not get the fasteners for it put into the iwood framing in that opening done to secure them in place. I could have tested it on theale force winds on the Straights of Juan de Fuca tonight. Just joking of course the top will be down tonight. Windows shut except for the small louvered vent i put in at the top of the door for fresh air without letting the rain in.

I also got the aluminum bars that go in the bottom hem of the window shades cut to size and slid in. Tomorrow if it is not too rainy I will put in the rest of the wood trim around the windows.

My little trailer attracts a lot of attention. I got interviewed by the local paper today!  a woman stopped and asked if I had built it myself and was astounded that it dates to 1971. She was out at the fairgrounds looking around because tomorrow the group she is a part of has an initiative to turn part of the Fairground camp site area into the winter low income homeless camping. They want to move in a dizen Tiny houses and also some travel trailers plus let some of the van and motorhome local dwellers stay there. The plan is the cost will be based on income level. They will be in the sites with electricity and water. Of course there is also a restroom with shower building. I wonder how the vote will go? If a yes it starts in October and last through until spring.  To cold and damp for me to deal with that in my little trailer. . I am sticking to my plan to be a snow bird.
Perfect weather here lately, a beautiful summer with few large wildfires in the west so far, at least outside of AZ. Morning coffee and oatmeal, yum.

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