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Qxxx said:
I'm interested in your comments on the following ...

From what I've read, sports drinks are better for quick replenishment after hard exertions rather than for extended use, as over the course of a day. 

However, I spent 20 years doing 6-10 hour hikes in the mountains of Colorado. This involved medium level, long-term activity. So my scheme was to carry 2 quarts of Gatorade watered down 50%, as well as another pint of plain water. I never had any problems.

However, there is an issue with many current sports drinks. Some like Gatorade use dextrose (sugar)....
I use gatorade if I am getting muscle cramps, also I have some electrolyte packets from Trace Minerals that I mix in my water on hot days. 

The gatorade comes with too much sugar, so I lightly mix it in one cup, then strain off the good stuff and throw the excess sugar away. The sugar free gatorade has some nasty stuff in it, that I don't eat.

I used to use a sports drink powder called Tough but I have not seen that one lately. It also had healthy mix of minerals without hfcs.
I  don't want to think about hot springs today, but come Oxtober they will sound mighty fine. some. clouds came in early this evening, that dropped the temperature right down to pleasant! MMaking some good  headway now on getting stuff sorted out. 

A couple of years ago when I was first starting the trailer rebuild, from a neighborhood Freecycle offer I snagged custom roller blind rods and fittings and antiglare shade cloth, the kind you can see out of but not so easy to see into the interior. Today I was cutting the tubes to length. I had to splice tubing together for the two longer windows. But the splice turned out easy to do as scedule 40 PVC was a perfect fit inside. A bit of Plastic weld epoxy which also sticks to aluminim and the are now "welded" to the right length. I had priced out what it would cost to have the shades made to fit and it was over $300.00 which of course was not as good as free materials. I will install them later after I get the wood trim around the windows. I just wanted to get the rods cut while I had access to my friends special metal saw that makes perfectly square cuts.
maki2 said:
.... special metal saw that makes perfectly square cuts.
You are going to have a precision build, thanks to knowing the tools & skills. I'm sure it will be a beauty when you are done.

My tools for the build were my B&D jigsaw and my drills. I started out with a DeWalt drill and wore it out. Now I have the Ryobi battery drill and a Ryobi electric drill that was practically free. Another handy tool is the battery air pump. I use it for tire maintenance.
crofter said:
The gatorade comes with too much sugar,
Which is why I always cut it 2:1 with plain water. And I always do that with any juices too, and also on the rare occasion I have a soft drink.
The Thermop hot springs are best in winter. Once when i was in the outside pools with snow on the ground a couple girls came out and made snow angels in their swim suits, then ran back in and got in the pools again. :) Was funny to watch.
In response to the new guys poems, I offer some Robert Service verse, some ive always really liked and I think of when thinking of nomading.

The Call of the Wild
Have you gazed on naked grandeur where there's nothing else to gaze on,
Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore,
Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets blazon,
Black canyons where the rapids rip and roar?
Have you swept the visioned valley
with the green stream streaking through it,
Searched the Vastness for a something you have lost?
Have you strung your soul to silence? Then for God's sake go and do it;
Hear the challenge, learn the lesson, pay the cost.

Have you wandered in the wilderness, the sagebrush desolation,
The bunch-grass levels where the cattle graze?
Have you whistled bits of rag-time at the end of all creation,
And learned to know the desert's little ways?
Have you camped upon the foothills, have you galloped o'er the ranges,
Have you roamed the arid sun-lands through and through?
Have you chummed up with the mesa? Do you know its moods and changes?
Then listen to the Wild — it's calling you....

The entire verse is here... https://www.gutenberg.org/files/207/207-h/207-h.htm#link2H_4_0007
The wild called me and I ended up in a small town in the forest. Now I have a home complete with ants, spiders, mysterious flying objects, and the occasional earwig or frog. Isn't nature beautiful???

Skunks on the porch,
Deer eating the roses,
A wild raccoon seeking food...
Mamma the mountain lion....
All that a nature lover could want.
travelaround said:
The wild called me and I ended up in a small town in the forest. Now I have a home complete with ants, spiders, mysterious flying objects, and the occasional earwig or frog. Isn't nature beautiful???

Skunks on the porch,
Deer eating the roses,
A wild raccoon seeking food...
Mamma the mountain lion....
All that a nature lover could want.
That sounds a bit glossy there TA..
      ---video of forest life as imagined by Disney.
Come on show us the REAL way it is.
Right, I forgot to mention bats and owls and bramble bushes... but I'm strategically positioned to avoid alligators and crocodiles (not my favorite creatures). Nature isn't all it's cracked up to be. Poison oak. Mosquitoes. Yeah, let's go enjoy some nature!
Sofisintown said:
Well the question is ... ...

"Can you skin a Grizz pi'grim?"

[size=medium](I can't)



 That was a great scene! 
 I didnt skin it but butchered a black bear that one of the guides shot at a lodge I was working at, he only wanted the skin, I split the meat with another guy, it was pretty good.

 Ive touched a live grizzly, that was pretty cool. It was tranquilized for checking and relocating after it hung around the wrong places. Their feet are warm. :)
Sofisintown said:
Well the question is ... ...
"Can you skin a Grizz pi'grim?"

Funny little girl ... as usual ... holding a flower behind her back and hiding something in her other hand, lol. Skinnin' knife, maybe? (ha, and I finally figured out what that flag is).

I had gotten out my DVD of JJ the day before you mentioned it last time, :). But not watched it as yet. Maybe tonight. Last night I watched The Odyssey from 1997 with Armand Assante, really excellent.
travelaround said:
 Nature isn't all it's cracked up to be. Poison oak. Mosquitoes.
Say what!! That's exactly what nature is cracked up to be. People have just forgot. I used to go into the Colorado back country in winter time (actually all 4 seasons). It was always nice to get back out alive and have a hot chocolate and burger in a warm restaurant in Nederland end of the day. Easy peasy.
Heading to bed late and exhausted once again but a couple of hours in the erarly morning of packing things out and the downsize is done. after that i head to the trailer repair place to get my hitch replaced.
My sink an stove/diesel heater are now set into the counter and secured in place. Buut i have not hooked them up yet. They safest way to carry them was too bolt threm down in tbeir nest box.
Dosing off now. Zzzzz. Zzzzzz
You've been through so much, Maki - you deserve a rest. I hope your travels are relaxing and happy.

Monday morning - I should do something productive today. Get back to work... read a book.

I'm considering backing out of my plan to return to Idaho later this month. It seems there's a lot of coronavirus in the northwest right now. My only issue is the payment of 52 dollars monthly for storage. Maybe it is worth paying for another six months, if I can delay my trip until next spring, hoping that by then the epidemic will be over.
travelaround said:
I'm considering backing out of my plan to return to Idaho later this month. 
It's difficult to know what to do right now, so easiest thing is to just sit tight and watch how things go. In my town, only a fraction of people are wearing masks, even though it's the mandate. This country has so completely screwed everything up, it's a total waste. The major countries in Europe were able to bring the mess under control by being smart, although they still have local outbreaks that they have to attack. It's just not going away.

OTOH, I am in regular contact with people who are full timers in ID, UT, and WI, who are staying near smaller towns, and they are doing ok so far.
Sofisintown said:
Don't blank out,
Yeah, don't blank out. If you could only see inside my brain. I have no idea what's in there. :-/
Qxxx said:
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif](NOTE: I'm not a doctor but I play one in my own personal habitat).[/font]
LOL.  I'm not a medical profressional at all--just a garden variety know-it-all.
I'd say you and Crofter are totally on top of the electrolyte scene! :)
As difficult as it is avoiding people has worked pretty well for many here. We use Schwan’s, UPS and USPS with internet orders as well as going to stores and laundry mat (which we disinfect) when no other visitors are there always wearing masks until every item is wiped down. Biggest problem so far is gaining weight due to being unable with the heat and crowded side walks and trails to get out and exercise. Temps over 105 degrees can kill you as well. Wish the nation would get a testing program that worked well enough to identify those that transmit the virus without knowing it, especially with schools opening.

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