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how is that jack thingy supposed to work any way. it just replaces one stupid thing with another. if you forget to jack your jack up sooner or later you are going to forget to remove it. same failure point, having to remember. as far as it hitting the tail gate that is because that type of hitch is phony and should never be used. it is the wrong angle and makes the tongue to short. highdesertranger
travelaround said:
The problem with the trailer is that when I go into a gas station driveway the jack scrapes on the ground - I can't get it to go high enough for a good clearance.

Ok...yes the jack-e-up (funny name, I know) will solve that problem. Assuming your tongue jack is mounted with bolts in a hole in the center of the a-frame. 

Basically, you unbolt it and bolt in the jack-e-up...then every time you hitch up, you raise the jack, then lift it up out of the jack-e-up, then store it in your vehicle or trailer. For an electric tongue jack you will need to add a quick disconnect.

With the extra clearance it provides, you don't ever have to worry about dragging or bending it again.
highdesertranger said:
how is that jack thingy supposed to work any way.  it just replaces one stupid thing with another.  if you forget to jack your jack up sooner or later you are going to forget to remove it.  same failure point,  having to remember.  as far as it hitting the tail gate that is because that type of hitch is phony and should never be used.  it is the wrong angle and makes the tongue to short.  highdesertranger

Yeah, you cant fix 'stupid'. It is not designed to fix human memory failure. But it does improve on a jack tube that hangs too low, even when fully retracted.

And it completely solved my issue of hitting the top of the jack with my tailgate, and lets me easily step over and thru that hitch/bumper area when hooked up.

Works for me, and that's all that matters.

Next up: SavAJack...you probably wont like those either...since they can be 'forgotten'....oh well....people are people. But for my little camper, they are great, I have all kinds of clearance at the back of the trailer now. 

Ive had some problems with tongue jacks dragging and getting bent. When i did my pickup bed trailer I got a jack that has a round socket that welds on the trailer frame, the jack can swivel to horizontal or be removed by pulling the pin. I completely remove it when on the road. I dont think Ill ever use an A frame jack again.

My current setup has the rear cargo rack over the hitch, so an A frame jack doesnt work anyways.
Yep some trailers will have a swing-away jack. Generally speaking those are not supplied on enclosed cargo trailers or RVs.

Obviously there are exceptions. 

But when you already have a trailer that has an a-frame tongue jack, and that jack will not go up high enough to clear obstacles when driving down steep driveways, backing over curbs, tackling rougher roads, whatever....then the Jack-e-Up can help solve some of those problems. 

At my previous S&B, I HAD to buy and install one, otherwise there was no way to back my camper into the sideyard...because I had to literally back both the trailer and my pickup, up and over a curb that had a corresponding rise in the soil base beyond it...and my pickup's rear tires were backing down into the curb gutter. Meaning the factory mounting of the jack tube would make firm contact with the ground, causing damage, if I had continued.

With the jack-e-up, problem solved.

I think I paid $60 for mine...I see on the website they have gone up in price. No matter, if I needed another one, I'd pay it.
I cannot begin to tell you how entertaining it has been working at the top of a long steep boat ramp watching trailers and their parts break, unhitch and disappear into the water usually because of human error! Lol!!! I stopped picking up jack wheels when I ran out of storage!
bullfrog said:
I cannot begin to tell you how entertaining it has been working at the top of a long steep boat ramp watching trailers and their parts break, unhitch and disappear into the water usually because of human error! Lol!!! 
Been there, done that, the day I sold the boat was the best day of my life, LOL.
tx2sturgis said:
Being 'offended' is often a choice we make, but it's one I don't make.
Good point. Just as an inquiry on the matter ....

Let's say Guy-A makes a post that Guy-B finds offensive, and then Guy-B calls Guy-A out on this.

1. Do the mods respond?
2. Do the mods delete both posts, or only the post of Guy-B who was offended?
3. Do the mods only delete the post of Guy-B if they feel that Guy-A's post was not really offensive enough to warrant  any action towards him?

Would be interesting to know what the mods do in this situation. But I think I know the answer.
I have been considering a Jack e Up. But now I won't be near an address where I can take delivery for a while. I will have to think on it. I can switch to a bolt onto the side swivel down jack for the time being. I will double check on my clearance. My Honda Element is not high clearance but is a bit better than the average small car. Of course my travel trailer is also not high clearance. I won't be doing any out backing roads. But if I ever needed to I could likely sell my vehicle and trailer combo for enough to buy a used cargo van in decent shape. But it is nice having an AWD vehicle so I will wait and see how it goes.

The main guy at the welding/trailer hitch company even said " I could go camping in that trailer all time!" Plus I get tons of people waving and doing thumbs up every where I take it. Not exactly stealthy but then again it does not raise any eyebrows with people thinking that I myself might be a sketchy security risk. There are pluses and minuses to such things.
Trailer hitch nightmares. I wish I didn't have to take the cargo trailer with me to Idaho. I'm going to try to get out of doing that. Carl can go sleep in a tent. Or a hotel room. Whatever.
Only got up to 96F here today. Didn't even need to turn on the air conditioner, just the fan. 1500' in elevation higher, it's in the mid-80s. Elevation rocks.
If you head west, you'll see mountains in every direction once you get past central Wyoming. You'll start calling yerself "Sofi easy rider", and you'll grow to love elevation. If you head south to Texas again, well .... at least you'll get to see the horizon. If you head back to Ohio, then ... oh well.
9:30 pm in Seattle and still 81 degrees. Good night for sitting out in lawn chairs but not so much fun for me as I am trying to work. Been busy all day and it seems like I got next to nothing done. But I did go shopping for some supplies so I can restrain the items in my travel trailer without any cabinet doors on the cabinet framing.

The trailer is now unhitched and back where it was when my workshop friend's son showed up. He finally realized that is the best place for it to be until I leave. He mistakenly thought it if was moved away from the garage door area that somehow having it at a further distance would make things go faster. All that happened by moving it was that it slowed things down. That contributed to my physical exhaustion, more back pain and also heat exhaustion.
Sofisintown said:
This easy rider has been in Texas and Ohio and many places in between and beyond. But I haven't been in WY or the grand canyon and the Pacific NW. So there I 'll go first...    :D

 Great picture, is/was that your bike? Still have it?
Hi friends I am dictating this so some of it will be confusing and spelled wrong etc. Things change fast for me yesterday and I’m not sure how they’re going to continue to change. But right now I am back in bricks and sticks mainly bricks because it’s a hospital. We’re still not sure exactly what happened first but apparently had a heat stroke was dehydrated and blood pressure 60/40 something. When I got to the emergency room they determined that this chain of events caused something called acute kidney injury and that’s what they’re working on now it looks like I’ll be here for several days I heard them talking about doing something in three days so here I am. Obviously not sure what the future holes. I have been living in the van for two months and was planning to get out of Pennsylvania here very soon oh well if you don’t hear from me that’s where I’m at I do have access to read you guys and my responses will be all broken up because the dictation and that screws it up as far as some of you have her give me advice on batteries I appreciate it and my refrigerator should be arriving in a few days and then I’m buying the batteries in the panel and that’s the last of putting the ship together but then we have to figure out how to put up the sails.All of these things are upsetting but I’m still no mad bye
Sorry to hear, n_l. Hoping for the best, good luck.

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