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In the Coconino Forest. This last few days I gave been seeing some mushroom hunters out along the forest service roads.


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What a lovely campsite! Great place to spend time - though now I'm wondering if you get enough social interaction. Do you ever want more?

Okay, I'm still here in the forest, the fire is still 8 miles away, and there's nothing much happening the last few days. I've been filling out papers for my daughter to get permission from the planning department to live on my property.
Travelaround If you are planning to travel solo and are doing dispersed camping you are going to be alone most of the time. If you require frequent companionship of friends around then you need to caravan with others. Fortunately I am personality wise what is known as an ambivert. I can switch between alone time and socializing time. I like a bit of both in my life.

I will be doing more camping with friends all of the late fall through spring. Being on my own is OK with me right now.

I do not have the screaming "I need someone to talk to" heebie jeebies as I have contacts through social media, texting with friends, emails with family and friends and phone calls with good friends. I do talk to strangers as I am not inhibited with shyness. I will be going into town today, I need another gallon of diesel, I have an order to ship out. I might go to visit a national monument site. So I will be interacting with other humans. But it would be an even better day if I also got to have some canine interaction time. Not practical for me to have a pet of my own at present as I do not have AC in my trailer and dogs are even more heat sensitive than humans.
i am a wreck....
I decided i will not live in the current suv i have....and i am trying to get help financing a Dodge Caravan.   No way will i be comfortable in my small suv.....i don't care if others have managed in a small vehicle or not....i will not be comfortable sleeping or living in my current vehicle.   But if i can't get financing I WILL HAVE TO DO IT.  But i don't want to.
I feel like i'm heading for a nervous breakdown.   I will NOT be able to tolerate any shit FROM ANYTHING ANYMORE.
If my car breaks down on the road....i will break down.  If i stay in my current situation i will go crazy.
I did accomplish a couple of things today along with shipping out a package. Visited a Goodwill store found a nice knit blouse suitable for going out with friends to a sit down restaurant. Also a couple of DVD movies. I have been looking all summer for a Zero Gravity style lawn chair that fits an average size womans leg length so that it gives just the right bavk support when reclining. I decided to make one more try and went into Tractor Supply and got lucky, the last one at a closeout price and the perfect size from the knee bend area to the chair back. Yes, that purchase really did make me a happier camper for years to come!

I also got diesel stove/heater set up and working again up for the fall-winter season use. Right now I only need it on the mornings I wake up very early and can't get back to sleep but that will change soon as the days get shorter. Then I will want heat in the evenings and early mornings. Hopefully there will not be any freezing cold days this winter in Southern AZ. Possible of course, they do happen now and again; just hoping for none. But at least I am prepared for such an event with heat, warm bedding and clothing. I have some extra layers of EVA foam insulation I want to add here and there in the trailer. But that can wait for a couple of months.
Gypsy, Hold on, you can do it. What I mean by you can do it if you cannot let this destroy you. A bigger vehicle is probably a wise choice but you do with what you got until you can get what you want. That’s the choice I made and I feel like I’m about financially going to crash and burn but I keep on keeping on. I don’t have much choice, and neither do you so keep the faith take a deep breath and do what you Gotta do to make it work. Easier said than done, but you can do it.

Have you considered a tent to go along with that SUV? The SUV can be at your place to go if the weather is horrendous. Otherwise it’s the storage for what you need while you’re camping in a tent. Just one possibility to help you get through it. I had a 9 x 16 Coleman instant tent that I could put up and take down myself in a few minutes. It wasn’t a heavy duty three season 10 but it worked and was easy enough to put up and teardown. If the weather got real severe I would take cheap tarps and tie them to a rope Strang from tree to tree over top of the tent. It’s just one idea I’m sure if you think about it there are others.

God bless all the nomads especially gypsy108 she needs it.
Lovely campsite Maki. What do you have in your clamshell?

Gypsy perhaps if you let us know what you are looking for in a van and at what price we can all keep an eye peeled there is a nice looking minivan just down the road from me now.
Hang in there gypsy108... I met a young gal tonight (I live next to our town beach and boat landing). She’s the same age about as my younger daughter. She really opened up about her situation. Her boyfriend has always had a problem with meth. She always thought she could help him and such. Pregnant with her third kid with him he was trying to kill her and the baby in the womb. She was able to get outta there and moved home with her folks. Tonight was getting a little alone time with her dog. And my dog wanted to meet her dog so I got her leashed so she could meet the new friend. I recognized the dog and asked if she was (I won’t say her name, but it’s the same as my daughters) I feel it’s good to listen to people and hopefully encourage them. The reason I recognized her is her dog. She raised German Shepard's and our neighbor had got theirs from her. She’s like yep, that’s me. Very nice young lady... I told my daughter and she’s like wow, she sounds strong... I read the last few posts and then yours Gypsie... I have no idea what your going through, but I hope you get out of your situation if it’s at all toxic. We all play our roles in things. But I just hope your safe, and can get into a better situation. It may mean sacrifice such as starting out in your SUV. ?
But watch for other options as far as living arrangements. Just be very cautious as it’s just as easy to just get into another toxic situation.
Reading Maki2’s comment about alone time... I can relate. I personally felt more alone being married then being... well, alone! I don’t trust my judgement and such. So being alone has worked out ok. I don’t know you, your situation and such. But hearing your comments it sounds like your hard on yourself. Your patience is maybe a bit like mine... none, zilch, nothing! Haha. Just want to say, stay strong... don’t keep selling yourself short. Stay real and in the moment. Whatever you do don’t give up! This is your time to shine!
Maki2, I’ll bet your sons situation has been about as hard for you as it is for your son. Tough deal when it’s our kids. Sounds like you have a very strong young man for a son. Suppose he gets that from mom.

Traveling around... I hope you get things settled.
I can’t even imagine having to ask permission for your daughter to live there. Especially in these crazy times.
Yes, asking permission to camp on our own property after a disaster ... that's a new regulation ever since about 2017 in this county. Ridiculous, really. We had people living in all kinds of things out here in the boonies before the fire, but now we have to get permission and pay... I'm not sure how much, maybe about $55 yearly, just because we can't afford to buy a new mobile home to put on our properties.

I got most of the paperwork filled out and handed it off to my daughter today so she could work on it. They're apparently going to hire a contractor to install temporary power poles. We need two.

Gypsy - life can be better - you just have to find what's waiting for you. Back around 2013 I got out of a bad relationship and moved 700 miles north and never saw or talked to him again. It wasn't all easy, but my life went through a transformation and it was all worth doing. Just take it a step at a time and don't despair. Your future is waiting for you.
According to theWall Street Journal,the town of Mannesun,Pa.is giving houses away to anyone who will fix them up.They have a declining population and need new residents.Anybody looking for a home might want to check it out.
Getting permission from the county to have someone camp on your land might at first thought feel like way too much government intereference but its reality is the intent is to reduce strangers from squatting on your land without your permission when you are not yourself occupying the property. That paper helps reduce county expense and legal hassles for removing unauthorized squatters on vacant properties. Things such as getting rid of meth labs with less hasdle.

The $55 fee helps cover the cost of processing the paperwork. Once it is filed your daughter has a legal document showing you have given her your permission to occupy the land. It might come in very handy when you are not around. They will have to deal with building departments, utility companies, liability. and propert Insurance insurance and pethaps even disgrunteled neighbors.

On another important note:I'll take Ga over USC and give the points,Fl vs Al and take the 14 points.
Travelaround..you asked what is inside my clamshell?

Typically there is my adjustable height scaffold, it can go as low as 20" on up to about 35". A quad folding camp chair. A small side table, it has a lift off top that fits over a frame with a canvas seat. Quit a handy little side table. I do have a plastic rv rug, it does not cover the whole floor.

My new zero gravity chair will hang out in there when I dont have it over in the shade with breezes under the trees for naps or reading while reclining on hot days.

I also tied stretch cord around the inside of the top of the walls. That acts as a type of clothes line. Today I will be using that line to hang up the cutting mats after I wash them. Then also hang them up to dry after putting repositionable adhesive on them.

My shelter is work space at times, it is hangout space at times. Also handy to stash stuff in when you want to empty a vehicle for reoganizing and cleaning. As I have panels for all sides, including making a zippered panel for the entry side, it can become a private space people can not see into.
Tshemp - mannesun. Pa ??? Never heard of it can’t find it on Google. Did the Wall Street Journal make up the story? Or am I spelling the place wrong? Would be interesting to read about.
I probably misspelled the name.It's just south of Pittsburg.If I didn't already have a home,I wou.ld be checking it out.
Just because you have a home doesn't mean you have to stay there all the time.Or even most of the time.
NctryBen. While I am very concered for my son my sad feelings for his suffering and fears about loosing him are miniscule compared to what he has been going through daily since last October. Acute Leukemia is a monster of a nearly year long process for treatment and recovery and it has been very painful all the way through it. But he is almost there!
I'm sorry your son, and you, have had to go through that. I hope for a good recovery for him.

I'm getting ready for a camping trip with all of my kids and their husbands/boyfriends. We haven't
all been together since the day their dad died last year, and this trip is going to be a memorial for him.

Our reservations are for next weekend, unless the forecast says constant rain and then we'll move
it to next spring. I emailed the Forest Service this morning about campfires in the campgrounds and
they said as of today you can have fires in the fire rings again. The campground page says the camp
hosts have firewood for sale, I hope that's still the case because town is 20 miles from the campground.