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Weather reports sure do change quickly. There was a 305mph gust predicted for Sunday. As I had moved mt trailer for better. Sun the other da y today I moved my screen room over next to it where the prevailing wind would be blocked by the trailer. I also added the extra tie down ropes I keep on it for higher wind situations. All done with that task, came in liooked at the updsted weather report and no more stong gust are predicted this coming week. Just some that could be up to 18mph. Oh well it only took a few minutes to put in the extra tie downs. I also put up the panels on the sides, they function as rain flies, it did very briefly sprinkle a few drops after I got those up. Might get some rain tomorrow but after that sunny and in the lower 70s. It should be a very nice comongweek weatherwise In the Flagstaff area!
Ah typos. 35mph not 305. Big fingers, small tablet and a dislike of using voice dictation.
Gypsy108,  are you longing for champagne on a beer budget?  just like last fall with winter on its way you are once again facing the same personal  crisis issue where you did not want to leave that warm, comfortable house for the reality of what is going to be living in a cramped space. Winter coming on will indeed send someonei into an I am trapped for another year panic mode. Recognize it for what it is. You can upgrade to a different vehicle later after you get on the road and arrive in the Southwest. lots of buying and selling of vehicles goes on all across the country. Pack up and leave while the driving conditions and camping are easy.

Maybe you can enter to win Bob Well's van giveaway raffle from HOWA?
Maki….I just want to be able to sleep comfortably & be able to go potty .   My trifold mattress is too big , I’ll have to put my luggabaloo on top of a frying pan to get more height… haha… it’s going to be rough for me…. I’m so out of shape & stiff… and my nerves are shot with all the stress the past 5 years….but I’m starting to get a handle on it now…organizing all my stuff…I still need to get a tent & Jackery…I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get a minivan… but I’d have to be a real gypsy to pull that off…… I got some plans for where to travel… I need to make a few stops along the way out west to see a few people… so that’s a good excuse to get the ball rolling…
Thank you Nature Lover & everyone for your kind words & thoughts 

Trifold mattresses are made out of foam which is easy enough to cut with a bread knife. A whole lot easier to make them smaller than to buy a different vehicle to fit a few pieces of foam.
Yep….thought about doing that….then I could double it up and have a 12” high mattress…. Haha….then I’ll need a ladder to get up there…ha….
Today I had lots of energy flowing…
It was a pleasant sunny morning here. I got one important work task done, putting a coating of repositionable adhesive on the 16 new cutting mats that I got from Amazon. I worked on those in my screen room with the rain flys up on the side walls. The sun made it warm enough in there to dry them quickly. So they all got dry before the rain arrived this afternoon. Now I get to read and watch videos the rest of the day and maybe fix a pot of spicy pasta for dinner using my diesel stove/heater as the rain has definetly put a damp chill in the air.

It is Rodeo Weekend in Flagstaff so not many campers out in the forest as there is a lot going on in town. Next weekend in Flagstaff there is a big Overland Expo event. That should bring out a bunch of people camping in the forest around Flagstaff. Too risky health wise for me to go to crowded events this year although I do like rodeos and would enjoy the Overland events as well. Not sure if I will still be here next weekend or head further West to the Kaibab forest for a few weeks. It just depends on how projects go and on the weather forecast. But I would enjoy going back to the South Rim Grand Canyon Park area for a few more weeks.

But speaking of health risk that reminds me I ought to take advantage of going into town on Monday and get the Senior,, high dose, Flu vaccine shot while in town. There have already been flu cases in Coconino County and elsewhere in Arizona.
Thanks for the flu shot reminder. Since I just had the COVID booster about a month ago I wonder if that might be a problem.

It’s getting to be real busy around here. We are still canning pawpaw jam and my sister is arriving in her camper in the morning. I don’t know how long she will stay but probably not a week. Im going to try to get John to sell the pawpaws next year at the local farmers market as I don’t think I ever want to see one again. We have a mass of seeds and he’s been walking thru the woods and shoving one in the dirt here and there. They are an undergrowth tree and done will do well in the woods.

The cats have shredded the front chairs and sofa in our rig and I bought a cover for one of the sofas that’s working well so I’m going to buy another that’s loveseat size. I might try to somehow alter a couple for the two front seats also. I hate looking at the damage the cats have done and don’t want the expense of getting everything recovered to have them go at it again.

The sofa cover I got at a discount store and it looks pretty good.
Mom, Callie dog, Bosley cat, and I are in tucumcari, nm in the motorhome. Half way to family in MO where I'll drop off Mom and head to KY. I thought neither pet (or Mom!) Would speak to me again ,but after sitting in the truck stop parking lot for awhile we are on good terms again. Time to hit the sack so I can get up early and head out again tomorrow. It is really noisy here, but I don't think it will keep me awake, I'm that tired.

My cat scratches the hell out of this cardboard type thing…. My furniture is leather….I don’t think cats like to scratch leather….oh and she also loves to scratch my thick wool rugs…which I rolled up and plan to take with me….


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The news releases I read mentioned that the flu shot and the Covid 19 booster can be both administered during the same visit. But that is something you need talk to your doctor or pharmacist about. I am certainly not an expert on any critical health subjects.
There is something you need to realize about camping, you can frequently get moths coming into your campers at night.
The camp site I stayed in on the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona when I was on private land was inundated with moths. They are also living in the forest and also at Quartzsite. You will need to do frequent vacuuming of wool rugs to protect them from moth larvae harm. I have one small hand dyed and hand woven navajo style wool rug but I am going to sell it this winter, it is too nice to let it get damaged by moths while camping.
I put natural fiber clothes (wool and silk) and wool army blankets in a bin with a cotton ball soaked in clove oil in an open jar. After a while the wool things take on the scent of clove and then can be kept out with no moth damage.

My plan is to get my Covid booster first, hopefully next month and then a flu vax towards the middle or end of November. My PCP says we tend to lag behind Seattle for the flu and the season usually starts here in January or so.
The flu season started early in Arizona, cases began showing up in August. So they are asking people to get the vaccine this month to help keep hospital beds empty and keep doctor visits down.
^^ oh boy, ok I'll keep that in mind. Perhaps I'll get my flu shot first of October and my booster in mid November or so
It was good to hear gypsys tone a little cheerier. Leaving the confines of a house (and leather interior haha)... can be a little intimidating. I just made a run delivering canoes driving 1500 miles in two days. I’m looking forward to not having to do that anymore. I have a couple more going west and if I get on my horse early in the week I can be out for my grandsons football game on Saturday and celebrate his brothers birthday. Whoo hoo! Of course right now I feel like I’ve been tackled by a horse, haha! I know what you mean Gypsy... my old bag a bones is going to have a tough time climbing in and outta the bed in my truck camper. I took the back seat out of my truck and had a bed made. Which I sleep on while making these canoe runs. I’ve lost a lot of my agility the last few years. I’d say but I’m not going to let maki2 show me up. Then I thought... I could never mess with the little pieces she cuts out and put that stuff together... not happening. But even this trip I’m being cheap and not hauling my camper. I’m hauling a couple boats on my rack to Whitefish Mt then to Salt Lake area for another canoe and a Polk... a sled you pull in the snow. Pays for fuel... that’s why I haul canoes in the first place so I can go see grand kids. Once the camper is on I’ll probably not take it off til I find a better living quarters. So no rack on the truck after that.
I wish I could get my pictures sized right to post. Our leaves are turning fast already. It’s beautiful here right now.
I downloaded a app called "Image Size"  :


My house is nothing fancy....it's a small rambler....the leather furniture was given to us by his father downsizing into a assisted living place....anyways...it's comfortable & has nice things in it for being small......BUT  by car has leather seats too.....and i will be sleeping in the back seat .....all my stuff is going into the cargo area & i will cover it all with a black blanket to hide .....i think i'll get a cargo storage bag on the roof for my trifold mattress....and a cot...and probably to hold the tent too.....

If i just sleep on the back seat it will be easier for me to get up if i need to "go".  Im not going to put anything on the seat to sleep on....it will just slide off i think....I'll just cover myself with a blanket .  Keeping it simple.   I have never slept on a back seat before either.....i could also put the front seats down to sleep.....I'll be experimenting once i get on the road what will work best for me......(i have no idea now)   

I think I'm feeling better because my adrenaline is kicking in... getting more organized & knowing I must do this .  I am at my weakest point now....but i need to be the strongest I've ever been.......
Wow Gypsy, what a great attitude. I was teasing about the leather... and thanks, I’ll try that app.
You know someone is serious when they start getting serious about organizing. Haha! Not trivializing your situation by no means. People could tell when I was going to make a move. In the back country (I did canoe travel) you have to be organized... I’m not the best at it. But when I knew I had to be it flowed into my everyday life. Now it’s like that for me... when I leave in November, I know I have to be organized. So I’m getting my mind set going that way now again. I get lazy when I’m not feeling good and it all snowballs at me. Sounds like your figuring it out!