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So I got put on an inhaler and on day three I think I feel a little better. ? I mowed the cemetery (most of it) today and I’m still kicking. Tomorrow the fire department is putting on a breakfast here. We’ll see how long I last... Gotta be able to meet a friend who comes from West Virginia every year to go paddling. We meet for dinner as he goes through Duluth. I’m not supposed to drive my truck much until I get a new yoke on my differential. But 150 miles round trip... eh.
I’m just beside myself that I could push through and not be out of it by now... whoo hoo! Not that I’m outta the woods, but that’s hard to do when you live in the woods. Haha.
Interested in that Apache tea Maki... sounds interesting. Is it good. And don’t say it tastes like chicken, that would spoil it! Haha
crofter said:
I actually thought it was kinda fun to have the run of the county fairgrounds, though it was a bit of a commute from La Posa South camping.

Navaho Tea, from plants with a purpose site, can obtain seeds to develop your own patch. This also grows in the low desert with a little irrigation.

Crofter you can do that plant a garden stuff if you own your own land. But not if you are a full time nomad.
NctryBen...I need to use an inhaler now and again myself as I have some bronchial damage. Did that this week as I noticed a bit of wheezing noise in my bronchials. My energy levels picked up right away with better oxygen intake as did my happy feeling mood.

When I was in Mexico last spring I got a years supply of cartridges for very little cost. I have prescription coverage with a small co pay but still ended up paying $30 for a cartridge everytime I needed a refill in the USA.

Great to hear you are doing a bit better. Don't overdo it, though!
maki2 said:
Crofter you can do that plant a garden stuff if you own your own land. But not if you are a full time nomad.
There are actually various types of gardens on public land. Everything from scattering some seeds where you plan to return next season, to getting a plot with water at a community garden, to being a member of a garden club or County Extension Master Gardeners where public gardens are planned and cultivated.

There are some limits to gardening on public land. For example, you cannot cultivate noxious weeds or illegal plants. Since your tea grows wild in the area, you should have no trouble establishing a patch of it.
People do not come out to BLM and NFS to garden.

There are no community gardens on lands with 14 day limits. Not even the LTVA areas hn the desert have community gardens because of the lack of water and fertile soil. At the most a few people in the LTVA areas might plant a cactus or have flowers , herbs or a tomato plant or house plants in pots outside their motorhomes.

Community gardens are for the townies who stay in the same area. You have to sign up for those plots and there is usually a waiting list.
Correction some people do to remote public lands to garden...  marijuana.
Ha... yes, that's been very common in my forested area. They also use insecticides on their products so I don't recommend them. Well, I wouldn't recommend them organically grown either, so that's just me.

The local fire is being beaten back with helicopter water dumps today thanks to better visibility (less smoke). It seems to be on the verge of burning a big organic farm out that way. Hopefully they'll get it stopped. It is much different fire behavior than the fire we had last year.

Tomorrow is my "venturing out" day. Today I'm at home, isolated, happy as a hermit. Reading books.
Dumping fire retardent on or next to an organic farm would be a bigger tragedy than just letting it burn. I hope it rains there very soon.
maki2 said:
Correction some people do to remote public lands to garden...  marijuana.
And that takes considerably more water to grow.

maki, kinda funny. I’ve mentioned before I thought my breaths are short. Man, I feel pretty good as far as that. We’re naming our ballfield after a gal who had moved back and got the little league stuff going again. Then a year ago was killed as a semi blew a stop sign. So today I dragged the infield and cut the grass. I’m pretty sore. (Guess I should have used the mower, haha) our township has treated me very well over the years. Tomorrow night after the sort of ceremony it will be our town board meeting. I’m giving reports and then hope to be stepping back for the winter. I’ve been doing this job for fifteen years. Kinda bitter sweet. Then maybe I can really rest! What ever that means. Haha!
It was another beautiful day in Pennsylvania. And tonight is beautiful also. I’m sitting here listening to screech out who’s keeping me awake. The sides of the fire roads in the forest are blooming with beautiful flowers that are toxic. White snake root. This is the plant that killed lots of people in colonial days as cattle ate it and the toxins were passed off in the milk. They called it milk sickness. Abraham Lincoln‘s mother died of it. It is a native plant and the butterflies like this late year source of nectar. (No toxins in the nectar) it looks like another plant called boneset which is actually a very helpful plant. The flowers are almost identical but the leaves give it away. Sorry if you don’t want all those details but that’s what I was seeing and studying today.

TA- I bumped into our local Forest fire crew chief. I mentioned your situation In looking at another fire near you after the disaster of last year. He said he and his crew were in happy camp last year. I took the liberty of thanking him for you. I am, as others, happy that this year’sis fire seems to be getting contained.

Maki- Interesting you mentioned marijuana on public lands. It’s a huge crop in eastern Kentucky it actually replaced the moonshine business. As I’ve said before I’ve spent lots of Time volunteering For a mission there and have a daughter living there. And two grandchildren buried there. The Place is sort of near to my heart.

God bless all the nomads, here, there, and everywhere!!!

PS - It sounds like my porcupine might be back, at least it’s not the bear. I used to hunt bear but now I wear clothes when I go hunting. Actually I grew up and don’t like killing so I don’t go hunting anymore at all. I let someone else kill my meat.
nature lover said:
TA- I bumped into our local Forest fire crew chief.  I mentioned your situation In looking at another fire near you after the disaster of last year.  He said he and his crew were in happy camp last year.  I took the liberty of thanking him for you.  I am, as others, happy that this year’sis fire seems to be getting contained.

Thanks, Nature Lover, I appreciate that. Those fire crew people get around! I'm planning to go to my brother-in-law's memorial soon in another part of the state and have already heard the woman (who I don't know yet) who is hosting the memorial has been on fire crews up here in the Happy Camp area multiple times. We're used to having fires nearby in the forest almost every year. A year without a fire would be unusual and in my 20+ years association with this place it happened only once that I recall. That's why none of us expected what happened last year, with the wind gusts pushing the fire toward town.
September is almost halfway gone! How did that happen so fast? No wonder it is feeling so cold in the mornings with no more monsoon season late season.

Essential jobs today, order the WA State renewal tab for my trailer. Send in my jury duty permanent exemption letter from my doctor. Fortunately I can do both things without having to travel to WA state. I do plan on spending much of the summer of 2022 there, most likely in the forest areas on the Olympic peninsula. Or perhaps as a volunteer museum docent that comes with free camping out by the Pacific coast. Maybe even both :)
Hubby has been picking, processing and canning pawpaw jam, pawpaw butter, pawpaw and blueberry jam, pawpaw and plum jam for a couple weeks now. I hope to find people to give it to over the winter. The less we have the better for him as he is diabetic.

The pawpaws ripen all at once over a two week period. Shelf life is only a couple of days so you have to move fast.
travelaround said:
Those fire crew people get around!

Last summer there were fires around Payson,AZ and there were out-of-state fire crews helping out.  I accidentlly was involved in a case of "stolen valor" then as I passed thru on my way to Flagstaff. One of the several ball caps that I own has DEPOE BAY FIRE printed on it. It doesn't fit so well and I seldom wear it. I couldn't find my regular cap so I put it on before going into a Walmart. On the way in I passed a man coming out who thanked me profusely for, "helping us out".  I was pre-occupied with my list of stuff I needed to buy and was in a hurry and also didn't hear him very well, so I just nodded and continued into the store. Inside the store I noticed that several of the customers and clerks were really smiley and friendly. After I got back to the van I then realized why they had been so friendly. Oops.
slow2day - that's hilarious... stolen valor. Well, nice hat anyway!

Today I voted! Also had an appointment at the clinic and did some laundry. That's enough. I need a nap.
Did not get my tabs ordered but I got lots of other stuff ddone. Moved my travel trailer over a little further in the campsite. Now it is gettin a lot more solar input. Went to the store for water, food, took outbtrash, filled my gas tank and also got a fresh gallon of diesel for my stove / heater. The mornnings are getting colder, dropping down into the 40s. No point in being uncomfortable as it is a very fuel efficient heater. Plus it is a stove so I can make hot water/coffee and breakfast while my trailer gets warmed up. Put on an audio book and worked quite a few hours today.

Nice to get back to having enough energy to have a productive dsy again. I did not accomplish everything I wanted but I feel good about what I did get done.

My son has had forward progress, no need for more blood products this week but also a set back as the PICC line that is used leading to his heart to transfuse medications developed an infection around it. So now he is getting intravenous antibiotics to treat that. Tough on him emotionaly as he was just days away from being able to say adious to all the cancer treatments and have that PICC line taken out for good. But now it has stay in for injecting the antibiotics. But maybe week after next there will be a big and only slightly delayed celebration party!!!
It’s fantastic that he was able to come through all that and kick cancer. What a scary time that had to be for him.

That’s great that you are gaining your strength back. Toothaches don’t sound terribly dangerous but I know they certainly can be.

I’m getting itchy feet and feeling more and more unsettled as the weather starts to cool. See ya soon.
I do have the itchy feet feeling this morning but I will ignore it until later. I have to go into town to mail out some orders early afternoon. Maybe I will play tourist and go to some art galleries if I can grab a parking spot... or maybe not. Itchy feet in the morning could be all gone by this afternoon. No one camped in my visual line of sight now and no offroad toys out on the trails, so nice and peaceful other than a few planes overhead now and again. Midweek morning camping bliss, too bad about itchy feet feeling. Oh well lots of tasks to get done this morning, I will put on my ear buds and listen to some music, not something I do often but perhaps it will help me get through the chores faster.