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Me cut tiny bits of paper? .. lol, they make machines to do that stuff :) I am the button pusher.
No idea when I will be getting a booster. They are not yet offering them around where I am and I see mention of not until 8 months after the initial set unless you are immune compromised. I am not that so that is another 3 months away for me.
Yesterday my youngest son arrived in town, visiting from his new home in Reno. I'm talking to him about buying land in Nevada. Just in the daydreaming stage right now, and nothing particular picked out. I might stop in the area after my visit to San Diego and talk to a real estate agent.

Today he took my cargo trailer to my property. My son-in-law kindly cleaned out and trimmed the corner of the yard I plan to park everything in. The cargo trailer had to go there because of the evacuation warning we're still under even after 2 days of heavy rain!
Gypsy108, I wan you to remember something that is extremely important. Given your last experience when you went to a motel for a night and got overwhelmed, started crying and went back to that house in just a few hours.

Overwhelming tears might immediately happen again this time when you leave. You could likely feel like it is a huge mistake, you can't make it work, etc. Those intense feelings of distress are just pure emotional reactions. Having them does not mean they are true facts of life. So if you get those thoughts just let them pass right on through and back out of you without acting on them. Go get yourself settled somewhere for a week or two and then kick back and unwind before you start on a big trip.
Yes… I thought about that too…I think I learned my lesson…

As I write down my things to do list, I thought if one of the items I have could be used as a heater …. My iron… has anyone ever used a iron as a heating element ?

I have a BIG Mr Buddy/ Heater…but I wonder if it’s too big for my little car… I can use it inside a tent though….

The iron is 1600 watts / 120 V
Gypsy a small 110v heater is better than an iron. But unless you are staying in place with electrical hookups or have a generator neither of those plug into a 110 volt outlet options is going to be of any use to you. You can not use them powered by a small portable battery, it does not have enough capacity to run them for more than a few minutes of time and then you won't have juice left for anything else. Those portable lithium batteries such as the Jackery are not rapid charging, it takes hours of time to get them recharged. They do not have magical powers, it can't heat your vehicle.

Your best option to stay warm in cold weather is warm bedding and warm clothing. Fortunately that works, time tested and proven since the days of the Neanderthals.
Probably not the best idea on the iron Gypsy... 1600 watts would require a big inverter and lots of battery. But very innovated thinking. Might work if your plugged in. But not sure how long they should sit in the on position. And what if you bump it...
Did you hear about the guy who was ironing and went to the ER with burns on both ears?
Doc asks what happened. He said I was ironing and my phone rang and instead of my phone I put the iron to my ear. The dr said, well that explains one ear... what happened to the other ear. The guy says... he called back!
Ok….won’t take my iron… my Mr Buddy Heater is propane….so don’t have to worry about charging anything….haha… the Neanderthal’s probably slept next to a fire in the cave …with all those wooly mammoth furs…

Ben….did you just make that one up. ?  Haha 

I am gathering all the stuff I think I’ll need now….it’s overwhelming all the stuff I plan on taking…. But this is only stage one of the planning…. Haha…. Then stage two I will do a rehearsal with it all …. Stage three will be showtime….then we’ll see what kind of minimalist I am ….
Gypsy:  Personally, I would leave the Mr. Buddy--bulky, dangerous and single-use.  I'd trade that for a stove, thermos and a hot water bottle.  Heat water outside, put the water bottle under the covers, and keep the thermos handy for a hot drink if you get chilled, oatmeal in the morning, and/or a warm water wash up.  Maki is spot on with the warm bedding and clothes.  If you're dry and out of the wind, the goal is to keep your body heat in.  Oh, and I'd grab a stuffed animal, too, but...  I would.
Ok…when I get to Quartzsite I’ll put all the stuff I don’t need in the FREE pile .   I haven’t camped since the 70’s .   I know nothing about how to light a camp stove or Mr Buddy heater…. I do have a nice large stainless steel water jug (thermos)I could put hot water in….and I’ll get a water bottle… but I HATE stuffed animals….never got into that..they just collect dust mites…
I would think a Mr Buddy would be perfect for van or anything that doesn't have a furnace.I have one to give away.Puts too much moisture into a camper.Anybody in south Ga this winter,stop by and it"s yours.Welcome to stay a couple of days too_Or more.
How you light a camp stove depends o ghe stove, some of them have built in piezo lighters. Others you need a flame held to it. Pretty straight forward, have you flame source ready to go then turn the gas knob just a little bit on and hold the flame right next to the small holes in the central ring. Practice it outside but not in direct wind blowing on the stove.

Everything you need to learn about camping is in videos on youtube.
If you can strike a match or click a flame on a lighter and turn a knob then you can light a gas camping stove.

Of course Bob Wells has already made a video about stove options.
Gypsy 108, it is time for you to take a crash course before you get on the road. Bob Wells created the cheaprvliving videos with you in mind. You being a totally new to the life person with very few of the skills needed and very little prior knowledge of how to make a success at it.

For instance, here is a playlist he put together specifically related to living in SUVs including the smaller sized ones.

There are videos on that youtube channel on how to stay warm, how to cook, ways to wash yourself, your dishes, your clothes. How to keep food safe, where to park overnight, using solar power and devices such as the jackery.

He made the videos to help you, now start using them while you still have good high speed internet. It will help you decide what not to take along and what you should get. Watch those SUV videos to get ideas for how to arrange your stuff inside the SUV. They show ow to set up a bed and the toilet arrangements. How to cook on a rainy day. How to get fresh air and keep bugs out.

When I make my packing list, I imagine my way through 24 hours, starting with waking up and ending with going to sleep. I write down each item used in each step, including cooking meals, doing dishes, clothing, bathing, reading, hobbies. Almost every time I do this, I find something I would have left behind otherwise. Using backpacking gear and items saves lots of space. You don't need Texas-sized things to camp in a car. The best items are ones that have several different uses (such as a Swiss Army knife or leatherman tool).
Well… I’ve a gas fireplace I’ve shut down in summer and relit pilot in winter… I remember lighting gas stoves with a match when I was a kid….also have a gas stove now…. I’m pretty good at figuring things out… I watched that video after you posted it…..it would be a good idea to have propane too…. For 30 degree weather…as butane wouldn’t work when it gets too cold …I think I’d like to try something non-flammable next time
Maki, I’ve been watching his videos throughout the past 2 years … I binge watch suv living…. A lot of the people in tiny cars are young and tiny and in good shape… easy for them to maneuver around inside…

GypsyJan…. Sounds like a good way to think it through… thanks… I’ll visualize it too !!   Yes… multi-use items…I can use my pot to cook in & pee in  :D jk

Today I was looking at ways to store everything…. I think the backpack storage is a excellent idea… small… easy to move around…takes up little space … strong & durable… preventing you from taking large objects…
No Gypsy 108... if I made up that joke it wouldn’t be funny... it’s kind of an old one. Haha.

Your Mr Buddy might be ok. Just have a spot where your not going to put anything to close and just use it to take the chill off when you plan to get up. Have enough blankets to keep yourself warm for the night. And when using it, crack a window. If your using a heater there shouldn’t be much for bugs outside. 

Wow, getting to be crunch time... I’m able to run out to Utah and see my grandson play football, celebrate his brothers birthday, spoil a couple granddaughters and see both my daughters. Does it get any better? No camper, just back seat out and bed platform. My thermarest mattresses all leak but my cushions for my outdoor chairs worked this past weekend. And all I have to do is haul two canoes and my fuel is totally covered. Can’t stay long, gotta get back for a covid test on 30th and pulmonary dr on the fourth.