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Ravella and X said:
Does this mean you're considering staying home?? I wish you quick and thorough healing, and for your turn with the subs to come up PDQ. If you don't go to La Posa South, I will be choosing another winter home. I've seen La Posa South. I was only going back cause you are my fav neighbor, ever.

Hell no I’m going! See ya there neighbor!
travelaround said:
Just came across this site about older Americans falling - it is very common! They have statistics and information on preventing falls and much more.

My first fall a few weeks ago happened when I was walking into a restaurant. The doorway wasn’t exactly flat right where the door sits. It was probably only a half inch difference and I didn’t see it so when I walked in I hit it and down I went.

Second fall was the shower. I didn’t slip but fell out of the shower door and it happened so fast I don’t even know how it happened. I landed half in and half out of the shower on that sharp thresh hold.

So lessons learned. No restaurants and no showers?

I’m never, ever going to stop doing stupid stuff Travelaround. If I haven’t by now, and I’m 62, I’m sure I never will. I’ve broken almost 20 bones in my life. I think last count was around 17 but I’m not sure. My bones are fine and not weak. I just land hard and have very weird accidents many not my fault. An example is going in to the hospital for a hysterectomy and waking up from the operation with my femur broken in several places.
Falls in the bathroom are very common. So are falls tripping on doorway thresholds. Difficult to totally prevent those kinds of falls other than by being hyper vigilant which few people are.
I'm heading back East in a couple of weeks for a reunion with friends near Bowling Green, KY. I'll try to take the new to me motorhome, but the trial trips have been stressful. Cammy, I may stop by if you guys are around. I'll PM you closer to the time.
Yes stop by. I have hookup for your RV if u want. Nothing much to do around here close but on Friday nights at an old barn down the road the pickers gather in and jam. It’s free. Good BBQ if u want to eat.

The weather isn’t bad if u want to camp at the pond but no hookups down there. I have a side by side you can use to get around and I drive around here in the streets with no issue. River is just a couple miles by road and a nice little atv drive. Your dog is fine to run free if you want. Hopefully a friendly dog as my dog will try to play. Night time the dog needs to be up as there are raccoons, possums and a coyote once in a while. The deer pass thru at night also.
I will mostly be passing through.  I'll drop mom off in Kansas City and drive I64 down.  Need to be at the reunion site in a Friday evening and leave Sunday.  The way things go I'll probably get away late on Sunday and won't want to drive the 600 miles back to KC that day.  I appreciate your offer of hospitality.
My mother fell twice in her bathroom during her 70's/80's . . . the second time she was on the floor overnight and spent months recovering in a nursing home. They wouldn't let her go home until she learned how to pick herself up from the floor. She hated physical therapy.
I hate physical therapy too. But it looks like this time physical therapy is going to save me from having surgery. That is good news to me. I have arrived in the Mountains of Perry county PA. It is much cooler here. God bless all the nomads wherever they are, and keep the old ones (like me) from falling.
I'll take your word for it Brian. I've never had PT yet. And I can pick myself up off the floor still using a technique I learned from yoga a long time ago. I know this is an issue for many seniors. It grieved my heart to think of my mom stuck on the bathroom floor for hours. One of her neighbors delivered her mail the next day and when she didn't see my mom, she decided to investigate and discovered her situation.
I once found an aunt on her floor. She’d been there overnight and wasn’t answering her phone so I ran up and glad I did. We had her in an assisted living soon after. Poor June... she was a sweet lady with very rich stories about the hard times of the thirties.
Don't know about the rest of you but I am in better health physically and feel younger at 71 than I did at 65. I plan to keep that trend going for a lot more years. Lets talk about what you are doing to get healthier for the nomadic life.

Working on your builds is one way to do that be it a 1st time build or making modifications. As long as you work safely, including not overdoing it, then the movements from doing work is good for you and keeps you strong as well as improving your strength. It is also good for your brain health to do 3 dimensional puzzle solving and using math too.
nature lover:

I envy your PA coolness. It will still be hitting the 90s here in Central FL next week....Probably won't cool down much until November, so take your time moseying back for winter.
I have noticed in the last month in tbe Arizona NFS camping areas that I have rarely seen a national forest ranger vehicle go by. My campsites have not beempn visited by a ranger. I now realize the staffing is likelly very nonimal so that rangers could be released from normal duties and sent to help with the fires in California. I have seen news reports of the top specialist fire crews that are part of the AZ NFS firefighting crews are now assisting in California. So it is logical that any rangers that can be spared are also being sent to herlp out.

In June when the forest fires were going on in Arizona the forest here were also closed not just to prevent fires but so that personnel could be released from other duties and be sent to help out where the fires were active. Same thing is being done in California with the closing of all the forest to place the employees from other sections that have no fires into areas where they are needed to help out with many different task.

Definetly a troop deployment action in the war on the forest fires. Hard and dangerous work, a lot harder than herding campers.
@Nature Lover - Fall? Could we say Autumn instead? I thought you were waiting for me to fall down again.

@NctryBen - sorry to hear of your health situation. I hope there will be an improvement.

Today was a commemoration of the one-year anniversary of our devastating fire and loss of 200 homes here. There was a gathering in the park which I did not attend because of the high Covid increase in this county. People can think me unfriendly, obsessed or whatever, but I've got a big trip coming up to be with family and it would be wrong to go where I could be infected in a large group. I'm committed to bringing the healthiest me possible to visit my siblings.

My sister rewrote my entire itinerary ... called me last night and offered me nice 300 dollar rooms in Marriott hotels all up and down the state which will be paid by her points. Couldn't say no to that. I'll be staying in Chico, Fresno, and Ontario. She even did a lot of research to figure out which Marriotts had the best reviews. I don't mind being pampered even if I don't deserve it. I'll be driving only about 2 to 3 hundred miles each day.... then will be in San Diego a week and my brothers and their wives from Oregon will be there too.
Travelaround, what a nice treat from your sister to stay in very nice rooms. For sure some of the budget motels in California can be bit sketchy as to some of the tenants. At least that was true when I stayed in some areas places in Califonia in places such as Motel 8 back in 2002. Never had any bad incidents but I am much happier when camping in California than doing budget motel travels in the more populated areas.
I'm having a great time putting things back into my travel trailer in a more organized way. Unfortunately, our town might not be 100% safe from the fire yet. We're still under an evacuation warning, and firefighters are busy doing whatever they can to secure properties on the other side of the river. And yes, fire can jump the river. A burning ember can fly several miles to start a new spot fire. That said, the fire is still 8 miles south of here at this time and I don't want to live in a state of paranoia so I'm organizing things and putting some things back in cupboards.
maki2 said:
what a nice treat from your sister to stay in very nice rooms.

Yes, I've never had a luxury hotel experience, so this will be a unique treat for me. I'm glad she's not really having to pay for it - she has a credit card that gives her points and she funnels all her household expenses through that one card and it builds up to the point where she has more points than she can use. So she's happy to share these with me as my van isn't ready for me to stay in yet.