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Yeah, you definitely have to take melatonin and lay down and turn off the lights within a certain time frame.

We lost our phone and internet about 5:30 last night, it was widespread. Got the phone back around 11:30
and the internet shortly therafter. I looked at an outage report thing online last night, Seattle, New York, Newark,
Portland, Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. I guess we run with the big cities. lol

Spokane had power outages yesterday and told people to get ready for rolling blackouts today. I live almost
equidistant between two hydroelectric dams, I think our power grid is pretty good here. The only time I can
remember losing power for more than a minute or two was during a really bad windstorm in Jan 2007.
No problem sleeping here. Just a problem with not wanting to get out of bed and get to work. Hundreds of things to get done and no desire to do any of them. It is windy and chilly right now. That is a great demotivator when you need to use the great out of doors for a work space.

Time to get up and make some hot coffee so I can smelll it and my breakfast cooking. Drugging myself with caffine might possibly help.
Today was supposed to be our scorcher day of this little heat week.

Thought I would try the fry an egg on the sidewalk gimmick It was 114 at 3pm when I cracked the egg.1625012730882.jpg

There was no sizzle at all... I was really surprised however at what appeared to be some very watery liquid in addition to the white.

45 minutes later not much cooking had occured. It is simply drying out. Very disappointed.1625012437478.jpg

I'm  curious about the very watery egg. 3 days ago a friend was commenting about a very watery egg he had as well and now I  see what he meant. 
You can also see in the pictures that when the " water" evaporated no real residue was remaining..it wasn't simply runny white.

Anyhow.... has anyone cooked an egg on the sidewalk?..
Maybe a magnifying glass ????..hmm


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desert_sailing said:
Anyhow.... has anyone cooked an egg on the sidewalk?..
Maybe a magnifying glass ????..hmm
I think it works better if you crack the egg in a BLACK frying pan left in the sun

If the simply ambient temperature could cook it, it would cook you too!
wanderingsoul said:
...rolling blackouts...
Power is staying on here (AZ) but they are talking about water rationing.

Grid power is a shared resource, and now is the time for sharing. Officially 78 degrees is the recomended AC setting for sharing, but if you can handle higher temps like 84 degrees or so that is better for sharing. 

Also, get out your arctic air or other small fan and direct the airflow onto your core areas that are hot. The directed airflow will help you tolerate about 8 degrees more heat.

Put off physically demanding tasks until early morning hours when it is coolest. This morning the cool temps were about 4am and was a hot blast by 10am. Thats when I went to the big box and did the shopping for a few hours (I shop for someone who does not get out). 

So by starting at 4am I got a lot done today without getting too hot. Then I took a nice long siesta.
Find a crew doing asphalt street resurfacing. That stuff is 300 degrees as it's laid down.

Worst job in the world to have in summer.
The best eggs I ever had were during a year we had a plague of grasshoppers. The hens would prefer chasing down those grasshoppers over any other food. High protein food for the chickens, and it was free.
Good experiment, cooking the egg. I hope we see a repeat using a cast iron frying pan. It was only up to 111 here on Monday. Today was cooler but I saw 108.

There are two fires burning on the other side of the county. When I drove into Yreka yesterday I noticed the fire on Mt. Shasta and wondered if it was a fire, or an eruption. It turned out to be a fire.

I just read the discussions about it on Facebook. What a mess. The fire is burning in the Mt. Shasta Vista subdivision - a derelict place that almost nobody wanted to live in until a few years ago when thousands of mostly H'mong people bought cheap lots to develop large marijuana greenhouses... many of which, as I understand it, exceed plant limits set by our county board of supervisors.

The sheriff's dept. tried to control the illegal activity by putting limits on water trucks being used to water these cannabis gardens. (There is no natural water there on old Mt. Shasta lava flows.) Everything the sheriff does is called racist by them - doesn't matter that they violate the law causing law enforcement involvement.

An upscale community nearby called Lake Shastina is also evacuated. I don't know if any homes burned in either of these areas. People are accusing the firefighters of protecting Lake Shastina but letting Mt. Shasta Vista burn.

Anyhow, the firefighters are being accused of intentionally letting the fire burn toward, or in Mt. Shasta Vista. Again the racism accusation is coming up. There are complaints that the firefighters aren't allowing privately owned water trucks in to put out fires and save pot gardens. Worst of all, a man was killed... the sheriff said he pulled a gun on some officers during the fire when he didn't want to drive in the direction they were telling him to go to get out of the fire area.

I'm waiting for the fire to be over to try to find out what really happened. I'm wondering if any homes burned. No word on that yet.


In other news, I finished my van registration today. I've made my last donation to California. They charged me much, much more than they ever should have. I've learned my lesson. I'm planning my next move.
It is not hot where I am camped, high predicted of 79 wth wind gust up to 20mph. those gust come when the thunderstorm clouds pass overhead. It is mostly cloudy with a 60% chance of showers except thas for me is 100% as there have already been some spotty rain showers this morning. I am not not hearing any thunder yet. The long range forecast looks the same with low 80s as the high temp. But dont fire up your engines and come here as the NFS camping is still closed. I am hoping it will reopen after the 4th of July. Truthfully the Kaibab forest service would be sensible not to open camping before the 4th. Too many idiots out there who feel compulsed to get inebriated and ignore the firewworks bans.

Not sure what build task I will take on today but  maybe I will make the drive to Flagstaff and get some cabinet hinges. Finishing up the cabinet doors is a good inside build job I can do on the rainy days this week. But no decisions will be made until after coffee and breakfast.
"Is it pronounced "Why-reka"?"

Yes at least that is the way I have always pronounced it.

...market is high... wait 6-12 months before your purchase... then we will start to see a glut of vehicles to choose from...
Good time to sell,too. I might be able to get $5000 for my old van. I've seen many similar for that price on CL.
You never know what a new day will bring. This morning a possible near by work camping job turned up. Camping spot in exchange for making sure the people staying in an air b&b compound don't be so stupid as light any ca mfires during the current fire sasfety restrictions. The owners do not live on site. The job comes with use of an outdoor shower and toilet room!

My current host work for them doing the cleaning and maintenance. The owners saw my trailer in a video of the clouds my host took of the property I am currently on and asked who is that and it was exlained that I was a fire refugee because camping was closed in the forest. The air b&b owners then commented wondering if I would be intertested in staying on site to do the fire safety watch thing. I won't know until this weekend if it will happen. Of course I definetly hope it does since the NFS camping is still closed.

Having a cute as a pair of ladybugs brightly painted car and trailer sure helps a lot with making new friends as I dont look in the least bit threatening or like someone hiding out from the law.
That sounds like a nice gig! I hope it works out for you.

Yeah,unfortunately appearances do matter.
not trying to insult .. just an observation.. but everything(nearly) in the wild that is vividly colored trends to be highly venous. In particular red and black color schemes.

It is also a fact that the very best criminals don't look like criminals at all... as if there is a particular look to criminality. Those financial fraudsters definitely don't look like drug addicts but their crimes are usually far more egregious and impactful than somebody harming themselves with drugs.

Sounds like the gig will be a nice place to settle for a bit. But if no badge comes with it I'd pass.

My sister's little jack russell mix caught a hummingbird the other day and injured it bringing it to her.

the picture is not that great as I didn't want to stress it more than it is.  That is a water bottle lid inside that can be used for scale.
Her friends run a bird sanctuary in the area and are picking it up today to give it the chance for recovery.


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