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Currently 108 where I am and 106 in Portland, but the afternoon is just getting started.

Doesn't really phase me. I haven't felt hot all day. Must be all this air conditioning.

Watching Booktube videos (always making new friends there) . . . and will read a book after a while. Such ambitious plans...
Myhrr & Amber & Turquoise  (another gift to a friend) I'm good at giving things away !!! I don't know how to sell anything !!!!

myhrr & amber & turquoise.jpg


  • myhrr & amber & turquoise.jpg
    myhrr & amber & turquoise.jpg
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Also lovely! I used to have a necklace of amber beads, I have no idea what happened to it. Guess I'll make myself another one.
crofter said:
My friend on Mount Hood said it is indeed that hot. 

I am parking during the day up at Timberline Lodge. Nearly constant breeze, which makes it bearable. As long as I don't move too fast or eat too much, I'm reasonably comfortable. Haven't seen a thermometer up here, but I am guessing low 90s in the shade. Which there isn't much of away from buildings, it is timberline after all!

I MAY head for Astoria tomorrow. It's reported to be in the low 90s there, but I am worried it will be muggy. Any one know? If it's gonna be hot, I definitely prefer it to be dry and hot.
I can just imagine you and half the people in Portland migrating to Astoria for a few days. Might be better to stay where you are! Can you go inside the lodge to get away from the heat? Or do you have your own air conditioning? Or just stand next to the Columbia River - there's sure to be a breeze............

Happy Sunday, everyone!
crofter said:
Elevation of about 6000 feet helps with the breezes. The lifts at top listed at 8500 feet elevation wow that must be a ride.


Never done the lift, but it's on the list!

A little further down the mountain, the moving air has warmed up, but up here it retains a noticeable amount of coolness.
travelaround said:
I can just imagine you and half the people in Portland migrating to Astoria for a few days. Might be better to stay where you are! Can you go inside the lodge to get away from the heat? Or do you have your own air conditioning? Or just stand next to the Columbia River - there's sure to be a breeze............
 That was my reasoning for not heading over there! I did spend a few days at my sister's just west of Seattle earlier this week. It's some cooler there, and they have indoor A/C.

Surprisingly, the Columbia was glassy flat on Friday, when I left to come up here. Very little wind.

I have a real fan, a room-size Vornado, that actually uses less juice from my battery than my laptop does. Van windows and doors are open, and with the natural breeze and the fan, I'm pretty comfortable. Now and then I dribble some water onto my shirt...
Wishing I had a cooler full of ice for drinks this afternoon.  One of these years I might prioritze some space for one.
In the meantime I will fit a bottle of water into my fridge as I have room for it now that some of the other food stuff has been consumed.

Break is over, time to quit avoiding finishing the stove repair job. I am ready to lift it out of the counter now. Then I need to figure out how to secure the part that came loose out of its bracket from the bouncing on rough roads. It has to be a fix that can take high temperatures. Maybe some wire.
Just checking in :D

It's hot where I am, too. However, there is a warm spring swimming pond at the campground at a comfortable 80something degrees.

Y'all drink loads of water and stay safe!
Goal for the day of taking out the stove, doing a better securing of the fuel line and reinstalling the stove and wiring is all done : )  I have not yet tested the stove to make sure it fires up properly. I will save that for another day. The primary goal was to make sure it was ready to travel safely over more rough dirt roads. This camping spot requires going over a couple of miles of that type to reach the paved roads. Boondocking in the NFS or BLM lands comes with plenty of bumpy roads.

Next on the list is taking on the task of replacing the damaged vehicle side 7 pin trailer light receptacle fitting that is at the rear bumper. That needs a bit of consideration to get the new one installed up higher for better ground clearance. It might mean fabricating an adapter bracket piece to mount it higher. A puzzle to solve in the morning before I head to the hardware store. Splicing the replacement plug receptacle into the existing wiring is no big deal, that is the easy part of the job as I have the tools and the splice butts in my supply kit.  Yet another victim of a bumpy road.

I will  have to make sure I don't lie down on a little cactus, thorny bush or an ant nest. My host has a bunch of cardboard boxes in her take it to the dump pile. I will borrow those for the ground mat to lie down on.
maki2 said:
Wishing I had a cooler full of ice for drinks this afternoon.  One of these years I might prioritze some space for one.
Put this to the test this week with great results:  https://www.walmart.com/ip/TAL-3-Liter-Zeus-Double-Wall-Insulated-Water-Bottle-Black/443650856

The silicone bottom is rubbish (came off in no time, but is not needed anyway), but otherwise, it is awesome.  Nice handles make it comfortable to carry full, but fold back over the bottle to save space.
You're at the best place to be in the country.  Wish I was there!

Got my empty twist up things today. going to make a batch of dry heel balm sticks tonight.
This morning I replaced the original 12v plug on my fridge, it was staring to be intermittant in power. Turned out to be internal to the plug components corrosion. Not too surptising it is an older fridge that was kept on a boat for occasional fishing excursions on Puget Sound. I had on hand a new, marine grade , plug to replace it with. Problem solved, it is now a secure connection.

Then I went into the town of Wiliams AZ to run errands and stopped at Safeway to buy groceries. There were two NFS people at a table by the door with maps showing the status for the Raphael fire that is in the Kaibab forst area east of Williams. They said the authorities are hopeful it will soon be contained, possibly by tomorrow morning. Once that hapoens the FS personel will be released from fire fighting and can go back to their normal duties. They said the camping might possibly reopen in a few more days in Kaibab Forest other than in the burned areas.

So glad I chose to go into town today and got to learn of that great news. I really did not want to have to leave this region. I am trying to stay in nice surroundings, where it is not too hot and I can get some supplies for working on finishing my build. Plus of course supplies for my Etsy store business.

Not too hot today but it is quite gusty at the moment, the trailer is rocking just s little from the gust. But now it is time for the mundane stuff, clean out the fridge and prep the veggies that need to go into it. Tortilla wrap for dinner tonight, lots of crunch of fresh veggies plus some cheese, avocado and red pepper humas for the filling. A fairly common meal for me in the summer time, no cooking required, healthy and filling as well as tasty..
Went to DMV today - once again, frustrating... they could not give me a second extension. I explained about not getting the build done yet and she gave me two day-passes to drive the van... she said I can drive it two days in the next sixty days - once to the place where the work will be done, and once to DMV.

So the alternative is to register it as a commercial cargo van I guess which means getting it weighed and paying whatever, according to that weight - perhaps another 200 per year? (Already paid 610 a few months back.)

NEVER move to California - these regulations are crazy.
It’s 2:15 AM Here in Pennsylvania.I’ve been trying to sleep since 9 o’clock. I couldn’t get to sleep so I got on the forum. My alarm is set for 5:45 so I can start a busy day. I hate taking a sleeping aid but melatonin seems to work. The problem is I should’ve taken it a couple hours before I went to bed Did you hear about the agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering weather there really is a dog. I hope posting here made me tired enough to fall asleep for a few hours. God bless all the nomads and give them all a good night sleep.
I used to take Melatonin and noticed that if I didn't immediately lay down and try to sleep within about 15 minutes after taking it - then I'd not be able to sleep later.