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Just remember that only a few weeks ago most countries were barring travel from other countries. Also remember that the situation can revert right back to that within just a few weeks.

Found a dentist office in my neighborhood that can do a crown for me in a 2 hour visit. Fortunately it cost considerably less than the old ways of making crowns. It is a harder material that can cause more wear on the teeth above but its mate above also needs a crown within a couple of years. I am hoping to do that in Mexico. Maybe the Southwest will be a lot less risky by next spring. Perhaps there will even be a vaccine high risk seniors can get by then. :)

Maybe I will buy some lottery tickets and get lucky ...

There must have been drugs in my dinner to bring on all this optimism.

It is cold tonight, I had to turn on the little space heater. Pretty crazy for it being almost July. But I would rather have a cool summer while finishing my build than a scorcher.
@Maki - yeah, I hear you about the cooler weather being preferred. I don't mind using an extra blanket at night and turning on the heater for a few minutes in the morning to take the chill out of the room.

Thanks to fixed plumbing I did two loads of laundry.. this second one being my bedding. I will go to sleep clean in a clean bed and that always feels so good. Still sleeping on my van mattress on the bedroom floor here... will I ever grow up? Isn't this something 18-year-olds do?

I have the nice double decker cot in the van but haven't taken it apart to transport indoors yet. I think I should consider doing that tomorrow. I'd like to empty the van 100% and then invite my son over to help install the ceiling fan, which he offered to do. He lives practically across the street right now but won't be there forever. He works full time so isn't available most of the week.
July, heater???

It was 82 here this morning. If only. The AC runs around the clock as well as the electric meter...
The high desert is the place to live. In the 90s in the daytime, and cooling off to rhe 50s at night. 300 days of sun every year. No humidity. Easy to sum it up in one word. That's why they call me HDQ, High Desert Q.
Guess what, I don't stay at home in the winter, I go to AZ.
So it's the place to live in summer. That is why we move with the seasons. I prefer mountains and a water feature in the summer. I get enough desert in the winter.
In truth, winters are not bad here. We get less than a foot of snow total, and the temp has never been below 15F since I've been here. Plus mostly sunny too. But it's a secret place, not unlike where John Galt lived.
Qxxx said:
Has there been talk about Bob doing an "organized" van build, aside from the side work he has been doing for individuals?

I think Bob's van builds are for HOWA. I don't know of anything planned right now.
Qxxx said:
In truth, winters are not bad here. We get less than a foot of snow total, and the temp has never been below 15F since I've been here. Plus mostly sunny too. But it's a secret place, not unlike where John Galt lived.

Winters where I live are about the same. Summers, it will get up to about 100 or a few degrees more but there are swimming holes to jump into if you want to cool off. There's nothing like wet clothing to make a summer day go by easier.
HOWA's builds are going to be no build builds IIRC. Jamie is the one that did all the builds. I think he is in Kentucky now clearing trees to have space for a van build on the east coast.
I was waiting to see what effect, if any, my last post had. So the final word is that there are probably several  dozens  of places in the US which are similar to where I live. You just have to find one. And I was going to point out that TA does indeed live in a very similar place, :).
Yep, houston kinda falls into that category too (snow every ten years or so). Lots of places meet that criteria. HOT in the summer and somewhat mild winters. If it weren't for the circumstances that I find myself in, I would be gone except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I would probably miss a few of those too :p
So..any ideas where on the mainland it is 75-80 year round?

I have tried to look online and there is a ton of sorting to find that info.
Jaime is reportedly in northern Georgia...north of Hotlanta somewhere near Mineral Bluff...

Somewhere with trees, so it sure as hell ain't here where I am!
B and C said:
Yep, houston kinda falls into that category too (snow every ten years or so).  
I know some of us have obligations that must be dealt with. My observations work better for someone who is able to move when the time comes.

(Houston is "not" on my list, lack of snow is only one of many criteria. I drove through there in the mid-90s and the humidity and fumes in the air from the oil refineries about killed me. Maybe some places in west Texas might satisfy my criteria however ... as long as they have chicken fried steak).
desert_sailing said:
So..any ideas where on the mainland it is 75-80 year round?

I have tried to look online and there is a ton of sorting to find that info.
75-80 year round would probably be San Diego, ie, on that latitude and near the ocean. But of course, there are down sides to living there.

It took me 2 years to find a place like John Galt lived, but I also found several others along the way. So the time was more in making a final decision than actually searching for places. You just have to do the leg work, as I said there are no doubt dozens of places in the US that meet the 4 or 6 criteria I listed. I'm sure HDR, the other high-des, could rattle them off in a minute.
Qxxx said:
.... That's why they call me HDQ, High Desert Q.
I tried to use "high desert crofter" as my handle when I joined the forum and was politely told that was like someone else' on here. So I had to minimalize it down to "crofter."

Have you tried to do title work lately? I titled something in January and it was a 5 minute project at the local motor vehicle place. They changed their process in February, and now it takes two or three weeks online. I have called back so many times in the past week I have their hold music memorized. I am currently erasing my musical memory by listening to some ancient rock.

On to the thrill of laundry day! (Dancing queen playing so gotta dance around first)
Qxxx said:
(Houston is "not" on my list, lack of snow is only one of many criteria. I drove through there in the mid-90s and the humidity and fumes in the air from the oil refineries about killed me. Maybe some places in west Texas might satisfy my criteria however ... as long as they have chicken fried steak).

Drove through in the summer, huh?  I don't know if it still qualifies but there was a time when houston was the most air conditioned city in the world.  I grew up just north of dallas with no A/C and slept on the top bunk :(  It was hot but at least the sweat evaporated.

You probably got the fumes from the papermill in pasadena (stinkadenda locally). I haven't noticed refinery fumes.
crofter said:
I tried to use "high desert crofter" as my handle when I joined the forum and was politely told that was like someone else' on here. 
You know me, crofter, I do it to razz the "other" hi des (Oh, Bad Dog !!!). Not to mention, that is who I am.

Our local DMV is a 6 block disaster zone. Last time I was down there I spent 5 hours, and then got kicked out before my number was called, and had to come back the next day and start over. OTOH, I was amazed this past week. I made my last payment to the credit union on my van in early June, and received my "lien-free" ownership certificate last week. Yea. They did it automatically, the credit union obviously contacted the DMV and the DMV cut the new paperwork.