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Never tried veggie meat of any kind so couldn't give you a comparison. I did try tofu once and spat it out, yukkie to me. I think their spices must be what makes it though. It might just be salt and pepper too, I dunno.

I have never heard one person rave about how good a veggie meat is so good compared to the real thing.
My peaceful existence is now being disrupted by my workshop mates adult son. He is 45 and thinks he somehow has the right to evict me out of the space I am in and his fathers life. He came with his girlfriend for a one night visit and has decided he wants to stay and that I have to go. So he has been verbally bullying me trying to get me to leave. Fortunately his father told him to act like an adult or he could find some place else to go.

The big issue is their big standard poodle barks at every little sound and that is driving the son and his girlfriend nuts. A situation of their own making. The dog barking is not bugging me and I can sleep right through it. But because my workshop mate and myself are in and out through the shared hallway much of the day his son can't concentrate on his time on the computer and his sleep keeps getting disrupted too. They are already stressed out by the Covid situation so it has turned what is a normally reasonable human being in to a raving lunatic bully who is so paranoid he thinks that after 17 years I am trying to come between him and his father? I am not his problem, his dog is his problem. I am just a convenient target to take his frustration out on.

Of course I did present my workshop mate with an alternative resolution. He and his son can spend their time doing the labor on my trailer build and that way I will be out of here a whole lot sooner. My workshop mates first reaction to that plan was ...no way. But after thinking it over this afternoon he created a spreadsheet of the task list I had written on a white board of stuff that need to be done. I just have to prioritize it so he can put some of them into his calendar to work on. Then he got started helping me this afternoon :) He is a meticulous and highly skilled person. He does not want his son helping but he will change his mind about that before too long.

Lesson is when life hands you lemons along with a real human sour puss of an adult age child who is throwing tantrums to deal with get busy and make some lemonade out of it instead of coming unglued about the situation. Oh your son is upset and acting like an A-hole and driving us both crazy? You feel guilty about that? No problem, here is a plan B alternative to resolve this situation a whole lot faster by helping me to get out of here ASAP. For sure now I will be on the road in early fall unless my workshop mate has a ton of new paying work come in. Of course I won't hold him to that promise for help on my project if he has a chance to improve his finances.

Not how I had planned on getting my build finished but I can live with that change of plans!!!
@Maki - SO SO SORRY your situation there took a bad turn with the return of the adult son. He sounds like he's stressed or traumatized by what's going on in his life and you are a convenient scapegoat for his frustrations in life. I hope you're able to get your work done soon and get out of there if things don't improve. Who needs more stress in their lives? The whole idea of travel living is to reduce stress, right?

I've got my own drama going on. It is Linda against the plumbing. Bad and getting worse? Finally a guy with some plumbing experience came over today... can't say he's a real plumber as I don't think licensed contractors are a thing out here in the boonies. Somehow there's something very, very bad going on between my kitchen sink and the master bathroom's sink. When I drain the kitchen sink the water shows up in the bathroom sink stained brown. Drains clogged somehow someway. All drains to the street are clear so it is a problem in my mobile home. Very strange. The plumber tried for three hours today to fix it. Not fixed. He'll be back tomorrow, he says. Seems like a nice man. If this doesn't work, there is another plumber in town. Good thing that my vandwelling experience prepared me for not being able to take a shower... and I have a composting toilet in the van so I'm not 100% plumbing dependent.

Okay... that's how my day went. Got a lot of filing done and some painting... that was nice. I should go read a book. Try to get away from it all.
travelaround said:
Thanks Sofisintown - I will give that a try if it isn't fixed by him tomorrow. Not sure how I can plug the bathroom sink.
They sell rubber bathroom sink stoppers plugs at the hardware store. Use a ruler to measure the diameter of the drain opening before you go to the store. There is a fairly standard size but it is always possible in a mobile home to have odd ball sizes of stuff compared to a sticks and bricks build. But Sofisintown has it right, they do cut corners on things in mobile home situations. But actually it is also a good scheme when the code says you can only have so many sink drains in a house or when you want to add a sink on the other side of a wall without running a lot more plumbing vent stacks and major drain tubes. So not the best idea but it sure can be a money saver and problem solver when remodeling.

But in a mobile home of that age drains can run really slow if a birds nest was built inside the plumbing vent up on the roof. Not as likely though as grease build up from the kitchen drain clogging the tubes. Another alternative to drain cleaner, pour kettle full of boiling water down the drain every week or two to help melt and flush out the fats. It is a non toxic alternative to drain cleaner use.
the two sinks from one trap is also a trick to be able to put in more sinks than the building code allows. The code is about how many traps you have. So in some situations where you want to add another sink it is a work around to the code limit. I came across that tidbit of info when I was married to a chronic re-muddler; I ended up having to source out all the materials as well as figure out regulations and codes. He had a masters degree in architecture but was a bit short on the practical details of plumbing and other stuff as that is a different profession. They might show where the sinks go, they might do built in cabinet details, but they don't get taught that much about detailed plumbing and wiring. Of course I am not expert level plumber either but I can install a sink, replace a toilet etc.
I think the plumber is getting close to resolving the problem. He says the people who lived here before put a lot of grease into the pipes, apparently... must have been them as I don't use grease at all. (Vegetarian)
Glad to hear that progress is being made on the blocked drains.
Maybe we just need to have a mini van-build at my place for all the damsels in distress...

Oh wait, that's Jaime's gig....

too many damsels in distress for one man to handle on his own, especially now that he is engaged to a beautiful damsel of his own.  So go for it, you can become an "angel" if you want to be one. :angel:
Why not a female jamie? It's about time. Or .... 2 or 3 ladies running the show together, and maybe different skill sets.
The thought occurred to me to call it the "Lamie Van Build", but no, that doesn't quite sound right, :).

However, what would make sense is to hold the Nuevo Van Build twice a year, winter in AZ and summer in OR or WA. Twice as much fun. One possibility is where they hold Descend on Bend near the hole in the ground. Or maybe there is a good spot in NorCal.
I'd go to the Oregon van build, probably... if I could get someone to feed my cats. Check with the local forest service office - they might be able to suggest a place.

May/June are the best months here. After this we get high heats and probably a lot of forest fire smoke from now until the rains start in October. Happens almost every year.

Anyhow - the drains are all fixed. The plumber found a pipe clogged with something white that looked like grease. Probably leftover from a former resident cook who didn't know what to do with grease. I took a shower, washed some clothes and am recovering from the trauma, celebrating with a contraband cup of coffee.
Yea for free-flowing drains.

I see that Descend on Bend is cancelled for 2020, due to State of Oregon restrictions. No doubt a good idea, considering. Good photos, mobs of people.

I don't know why jamie always held his build around Havasu and Parker, and in November. I am guessing that maybe half the attendees came from SoCal.
The truth is that right now no senior should be doing a build including Bob Wells. Perhaps most especially Bob Wells if he is going to be in and out of his mother's home as her health is very fragile.

Now is the right time for the 20, 30 and 40 year old van dwellers to step up and do the work of the builds including the organizing and setup while asking for guidance from the senior members who have done them in previous years.

Maybe people should not be putting pressure on Bob Wells to do a van build right now but instead ask how the younger generations can be brought on board to deal with it at least until the Covid 19 situation is resolved with a vaccine.

We need to identify and develop more young group leaders to participate because they are needed to keep such work ongoing through the not just this next year but also future years. Notice I did not say replace Bob Wells, I said to have them do more participation because right now that is truly a need.
....Maybe people should not be putting pressure on Bob Wells to do a van build right now

Has there been talk about Bob doing an "organized" van build, aside from the side work he has been doing for individuals? I should think even RTR might be canceled this winter. Too much trouble to think about it, given all the other mess.

It's obviously premature to talk about any sort of organized van build, but maybe in the distant future. Maybe the US will finally start getting on the ball and doing the right thing, and by winter time things will be better. But I honestly doubt it. This country just can't figure it out. The EU has barred visitors from the US, whereas they are opening up for visitors from many other places around the world, where things have been brought under control. So they don't see any light in the tunnel coming from this side of the pond.

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