You Ain't Right Club

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#1 From "Boogerhole". (if grandma says it , it must be so !)
#2 Bike trip in winter....
#3 Posting a video link with no description.

1 "Ain't Right"
2 "Ain't Right"
3 "Ain't Right"

T W O h s,,,, P. O.
"Stinkin' Badge" , NO "Flying Manure Spreader" !

Off Topic on the YARC ?.....
No Worries !......
Can't happen !
It was designed
with that in mind

Once you are confirmed as "Ain't Right" ,
pretty much everything you do "Ain't Right" ,
by default.
Motrukdriver said:
Thank you, thank you.  I prepared a little speech just in case...  (stands with his hat over his heart)  I stand here before you and what ever deity you worship including the flying spaghetti monster and I pledge to uphold the responsibility bestowed upon me for this badge.  I shall wear it with honor and will never tarnish the ideals it represents.  My whole life has been geared towards "making the grade" from the time I was the shoe shine boy at the local barber shop in town all the way to the wayward retired bum status I've achieved.  Thank you for recognizing my struggle for acceptance (wipes a small tear from his eye) and I shall endeavor to maintain and expound upon what ever "ain't right" as the once sharp but now fleeting memories will allow.  Again, thank you to each and every one of you for your patience and support (looks to the sky and whispers "Chris Farley, this is for you")

Aw, you made me cry, Motrukdriver! (Your nonsense is our nonsense!)
Does camping in a canvas tent in Maine in April or north central texas in July/August in same tent qualify one for this here club? If so, then I am guilty of both. That is how I started my full-time life on the road on April 1, 2013.
Well I sure think so Bonnie and if you did that I'll bet you did a ton of more crazy things. We are anxiously waiting more [emoji16]. We love good ain't right stories over here

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:dodgy: Did you just ask to join this exclusive club???
THAT'S good enough for me ! You definitely "Ain't Right" !
The story could use some filling out though......tell us more of these two camping trips ! And , do you still use the tent or something else a little more luxurious ? (We love pictures ! Did anybody tell you yet that we positively go Koo Koo for Co-Co Puffs when we get to see someone's set up ? )

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Gary68 said:
the sticker should be someone staring very intensely at a solar charge controller

Given my issues with trying to figure that all out, I volunteer to be the someone.
Putts said:
Have started daily morning exercise.

That definitely ain't right.
On joining a club, I hold with Woody Allen.

"I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member."

I know, it ain't right---but I'm never wrong.
It just ain't right.

Cammalu said:
I was only going to look out of one eye Jim. That would have decreased everything by half anyway right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What's one more ol' one eye between friends?
On joining a club, I hold with Woody Allen.

"I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member."

I know, it ain't right---but I'm never wrong.
It just ain't right.


Charlotte you are ripe to be a YARC member. Just waiting for you to post one of your ain't right experiences. I know you have a bunch. If you have time PM me. I really have info I can't post here for you.

Do yourself a favor and go back to the beginning of this thread and read it through. You'll get to know many of us a lot better. Might not be good for you psychologically however.
Charlotte\ said:
On joining a club, I hold with Woody Allen.

"I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member."

I know, it ain't right---but I'm never wrong.
It just ain't right.


As Badginator of the Ain’t Right mess, both here and in another place, I have to admit that we don’t have members, but a collective of ain’t right people from these boards.  It is a Stinkin Badge of recognition of uniqueness (We ain’t special, just unique).  :p

Give in to the weird side, young Skywalker. 

PM Camilia.
As soon as I read your post I knew what to do !

That quote was from Groucho Marx , "You Ain't Right" !
You sealed your own destiny...... :p .................
(I wish they were all that easy.)
If you haven't been told already , it might as well be from here.
"Stinkin' Badge"
rvpopeye said:
As soon as I read your post I knew what to do !

That quote was from Groucho Marx , "You Ain't Right" !
You sealed your own destiny...... :p .................
(I wish they were all that easy.)
If you haven't been told already , it might as well be from here.
"Stinkin' Badge"


(BTW. what's with the "Charlotte"?  I've always been Cha Cha to you.)

Perhaps since you now insist on "pinning me" with one of these filthy badges against my will, you feel you must adopt a formal, authoritarian stance.  Authoritarian stances just ain't right.   

OK, I concede.  Groucho may have said it first, & I am now  *compelled*  to admit being wrong.  Imagine that!
It just ain't right, & I hold you personally responsible for the fallout.

Cha Cha
Cha Cha

Well , ya always knew you were in for it when your parents called you by your full name .........

Your resistance was futile !

Now , to get you that awesome "Stinkin' Badge"
How 'bout a story ?
I suggest the topic of "I first knew I wasn't right when..................


We're still waiting for the details of your tent journey from cold to hot.
I may be more cynical and less patient than most but, to tell the truth, I've met more people who Ain't Right than ones who are. By far!
rvpopeye said:
Cha Cha
Your resistance was futile !

Now , to get you that awesome "Stinkin' Badge"
How 'bout a story ?
I suggest the topic of "I first knew I wasn't right when..................
Popeye, et all
(First off, resistance is never futile!)
All right, already!  You have my promise of a story.  As per your above suggestion, it may likely have  *shoes*  as the theme.  For authenticity, Catholic nuns must be included.      
But my story comes later.  After I have completed my chores for today:
1.  Remove another course of 16' stock panels from the goat pen & drag/stack them against water tank.
2.  Jack out of hard clay at least a dozen heavy metal T-posts & stack.
3.  Load bins of recyclables & thrift store donations in pickup for drop off tomorrow when I go to town.
Will I ever get all this done & head off into the sunset? [img=21x31][/img]
Heaven help me!
Cha Cha
Somebody que the Final Jeopardy theme..................................

fade to crickets.
So sorry for not responding back until now...have been without wifi for the last week do to a serious wind storm(something the weather people are calling a BOMBOGENISIS? something or other). been without power until 2 hours ago...
Anyway, for my story: April 1, 2013 began my full time living in a 9x12 Kodiak canvas tent and a Chevy Venture van...loading the van in the pouring rain til I could no longer fit everything I thought we would need to survive...Dropped off the majority of stuff at the campground, set
up camp, went back to the house, loaded rest of stuff in van to put in storage...spent two weeks at the campground in Texas then packed everything up and headed to Maine and my travel partners daughters house...Set up tent in her front yard and spent several weeks there...
Didn't stop to think that Maine in April would probably still be cold with a good chance of snow still being around...I mean it was nice and reasonably warm in Texas!!! anyway survived that (mis) adventure...
memory is cloudy as to whether it was that same year or another that we traveled back to Texas in July/August and set up the tent again
in same state park for another two weeks only this time in the triple digit temperature zone... Non-electric site so no fans to at least move the hot air around...
then we worked as camp hosts at another state park in Texas in October for a month...temps were again in upper 90's/low 100's...
one would think we would have things figured out by now as we have been living like this going on 5 years now...
but noooo, we're still doing some stupid stuff...
right now we are in Maine again...this time we arrived in May(black fly and tick season) partner is throwing in the towel and planting once his shed/cabin is set up enough to survive the winter I'm back on the road and headed for warmer weather...he can keep the cold and snow...hopeing to get out of here by mid-November...
After a bad storm in April in Texas(2016) the tent was worse for wear so we started living in the van, using a screen house for some protection from the elements mainly for cooking...
Oh, and I remembered the winter of 2015 when the tent was set up in my ex-husband's back yard and it caved in on us (travel partner and I, not ex-husband) during the night from the sleet/ice that had sleep the rest of that night as we were beating the ice off from the inside of the tent,,,
There are pictures some where but not digital for me to be able to post for all to see and shake their heads...
seems like the only stories I can tell about are related to our (mis)-adventures since we got on the road...
Summah don't officially staht up heah in Maine till 4th of July  dontchaknow Dee-ah!  
Yep , I'm on the southern coast near LLBean right now.
Lots of storm damage but didn't bother me much , (I moved the rig away from the trees Sunday night) though there were a few times I thought a couple of wheels might have lifted off the ground! The rig sure was a rockin' and I live alone !

While that story didn't fall into "Ain't Rightness" (for us anyway)
There are many others that would say living in a tent and a van is SO "Ain't Right" and that's all it really takes to be in the club !
The Badgernator is on the road playing chauffeur so ...
I hereby confirm and award you your Official "Stinkin' Badge"
Stinkin Badge.jpg

PM cammalu your mailing addy (if you have one) and you can get the non-digital version if you want one.
She will be expecting to see your acceptance speech either way,
nuttin' fancy required but have fun with it in any case...

If you do have any other stories of being "Ain't Right" post 'em up !


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bonnieE350van said:
There are pictures some where but not digital for me to be able to post for all to see and shake their heads...
seems like the only stories I can tell about are related to our (mis)-adventures since we got on the road...

To Bonnie, with cc to Popeye et al:

I definitely think Bonnie is an outstanding candidate for the YARC, as it appears she is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!? Fits right in where I come from! (although I have never again gone camping with yadayadayada and never will.)  Welcome, Bonnie, and may your summers be cooler and your springtimes warmer in the glory of the Great Southwest!

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