You Ain't Right Club

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mert6706 said:
volunteers dancing naked on tables at RTR, 

Don't think I could go through 50 pages to find that one, I'm needing new prescript glasses badly already, till RTR across the border. 

Tell me the page and it's a six pack. Now if it involves the " ladies " , it's a 12 pack. Now if names are divulged AND it's the " ladies " . That's a case.
YARC official flag of the realm.............

YARC Flag of the Realm.jpg

any questions? :p


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The fish were found floating in Monkeyfoot"s pond....
Wasn't the first time I have seen this .
Largemouth Bass , obviously ?
Looks like something my mom warned me about once !
Even fish can be greedy........
So.... Mert -- are you gonna ask her to come along next time?

Just tell her to shut up and do while aiming a container of pepper spray at her.
blmkid said:
Don't think I could go through 50 pages to find that one, I'm needing new prescript glasses badly already, till RTR across the border. 

Tell me the page and it's a six pack. Now if it involves the " ladies " , it's a 12 pack. Now if names are divulged AND it's the " ladies " . That's a case.

[size=medium]( Note To Self. If You Try This Type Of Humor, It Is Advisable To Use One Of Those ( Egad ) Smiley Face Thing's, Or Else You Risk The Chance Of Being Misunderstood. So Let's Practice On On It.  :D   :D   :D    :D  :D .  Okay , Now That Didn't Hurt So Bad , Did It ?   :(  :(  )[/size]
When I was in the Air Force our squadron patch had "elements of a game of chance" which the powers that be decided had to go. After reading the rules I designed a patch which depicted two rats stabbing each other in the back standing knee deep in brown stuff with the logo "Never Enough" above them which met the standards. It was decided that our original patch, 4 Aces with an old English joker in the fore ground and the logo "Joker in the Hole" was a Bridge hand and did not need to be replaced! Great choice for a flag!
blmkid said:
Don't think I could go through 50 pages to find that one, I'm needing new prescript glasses badly already, till RTR across the border. 

Tell me the page and it's a six pack. Now if it involves the " ladies " , it's a 12 pack. Now if names are divulged AND it's the " ladies " . That's a case.

So sorry, I don't know where the "dancing on tables" bit appears. I read the whole thread. If I remember correctly, it was in reference to one of the guys, and not sure it was even true! Not that anybody in the club would make stuff up--oh no, not hardly!
Now you're disappointing me.
That "Ain't Right".
EVERYTHING here is absolutely true!
It's true , I tell ya !
However some names have been changed to protect the guilty !
If you're innocent , we're printing your name , Whaddaya got to lose?
TrainChaser said:
So.... Mert -- are you gonna ask her to come along next time?

Just tell her to shut up and do while aiming a container of pepper spray at her.

Are ya kiddin me? No next time for yadayadayada with me. But pepper spray is a great suggestion, much less apt to get me in trouble than smothering her in her sleep. Why didn't I think of that?! Going to keep it on hand for the next time daughter decides to invite other parties along, or maybe I'll just say you'all go on and have a great time as I kick back on the patio with a glass of alcoholic something, some good music and enjoy the otherwise blessed SILENCE!!
I failed to mention something you may already know.
As you have just admitted ,,,,,,you read the whole thread.
And in so doing prove you have nothing better to do with your time....................
You have earned a place among the "Ain't Rightest" !
You shall now add the following to your sig line awards....
(The most rare award we have ,,,,the "Royal Order Of I Read It All"
may all your friends and family be properly ashamed of you..)

While the Leonard Cohen playlist would get him a "Stinkin' Badge" (musician rule , so anything he did would qualify)

Offering beer for just knowing the thread page that what may possibly be really old people dancing nekkid on a table at RTR was mentioned on is ALMOST enough for your badge , interest is one thing , but you weren't on the table ! So............
Just posting here is usually enough to get you in the YARC , so you did get that .
However , for the "Stinkin' Badge" we of course require a story of your own "Ain't Rightness"....(extra points for photographic evidence....)

T W O h s,,,,P. O.

That "Never Enough" patch you designed seems like something we could use here in the YARC awards cabinet !

It might even become a theme for the group .
How "Ain't Right" are we ? "Never Enough" !

I wonder if you might have a pic or graphic and if you do post 'er up !
I'm gonna run this post again......

Unipiper aka Darth Bagpipes.jpg

Magic mirror on the wall...
Who's the strangest of them all ???

If you've ever been told "you ain't right" you probably belong.....

Post your reason and qualify today !
OR if you know someone , feel free to tell us about them .

(If you're a musician , you're in with no further discussion.)

We will NOT sell or release the member list for any reason , or maybe I will cuz I ain't right !!!!


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As you have just admitted ,,,,,,you read the whole thread.
And in so doing prove you have nothing better to do with your time....................

Au contraire Cap'n Sir--I have plenty of other things to do with my time--sitting, rocking, staring at the ceiling, picking up a book, setting it down, turning on the **** tube, turning it off, pacing--you get the idea. It seems to me a life on the road as an "Ain't Right" nomad would be the cure for all this excitement in my life, which I can barely handle. It's about to give me (as my crazy grandma used to say) a conniption fit. I read the whole thread because it is just utterly fascinating. Haven't read anything so stimulating since Dick and Jane and Puff and Spot. I could hardly believe sane, reasonably mature, somewhat educated (my degree is from the School of Hard Knocks--how about you?) people would come up with such stuff. Kept waiting for a voice of sanity to appear but it never happened. I, therefore, am quite sure I deserve every badge, manure spreader, sticker, t-shirt, cap, etc you are able to bestow, and I will accept each one with a deep sense of humility and gratitude, acknowledging I am really undeserving but thanking you for the willingness to overlook my shortcomings, since I really, really ain't right. Just thought I'd mention that in case nobody noticed.
Mert! You gotta have some good stories. I can't wait to hear!

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you guys just aint right,hey dont i get a special award,spammer hunter gary69?or something like that
@ Spaceman Spiff. Yikes! My first-ever knot-crossing, on rappel, 15 feet from the top of a 203 ft pit, comes nowhere near the "ain't rightness" of This!
Gary 69
Just a reminder of what to look for........


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And what to do when you spot one.........
"Say Hello To My Little Friend"


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