You Ain't Right Club

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an acceptance speech...hmm seems last night when I couldn't sleep, hoping with great anticipation that I would be accepted into the fold I had a very lovely acceptance speech all figured out...but for the life of me I can't remember one single word of it...
must have been as my mom would say, it was either a lie or not important enough to remember...but that can't be right, as being a part of this group is important!!!
anyway, I want to thank all the higher ups who took the time to review my story and consider me for this great honor...I am deeply touched by your action and for accepting me into the fold...I will wear the badge with great pride...and wrack my brain for other stories to tell of my past adventures, maybe even some from previous life...ta ta for now!
mert 6706: thank you for catching the "ain't rightness" of my story...the really sad part is that none of the adventures were pre-planned, they just fell into place...I'm traveling by the seat of my pants most times with no real agenda/schedule to follow other than to try and avoid the bad weather(that's working real well, NOT) and just explore the U.S...When I told folks/family what I wanted to do they ALL thought I was nuts...have always marched to the beat of my own drum...
Personnaly, I think the ones who DON'T live this kind of life or at least long for it, are the ones who "ain't right"
Charlotte\ said:
Popeye, et all
(First off, resistance is never futile!)
All right, already!  You have my promise of a story.  As per your above suggestion, it may likely have  *shoes*  as the theme.  For authenticity, Catholic nuns must be included.      
But my story comes later.  After I have completed my chores for today:
1.  Remove another course of 16' stock panels from the goat pen & drag/stack them against water tank.
2.  Jack out of hard clay at least a dozen heavy metal T-posts & stack.
3.  Load bins of recyclables & thrift store donations in pickup for drop off tomorrow when I go to town.
Will I ever get all this done & head off into the sunset? [img=21x31][/img]
Heaven help me!
Cha Cha

The official BADGINATOR gets the honor to award the STINKIN BADGE to the most worthy candidates. It is my official opinion that you AINT RIGHT one little bit. First, you know Popeye.  Second comes from the experience of years. Jacking posts is the most AINT right job on the farm. Time for a tractor with a bucket and chain. 

In honor of your Stinkin award, you are issued a name fitting of the situation. In anticipation of a spectacular catholic story, I give you the name of Sister Cha Cha. 

You know the rest.
GotSmart said:
"...Jacking posts is the most AINT right job on the farm.
Time for a tractor with a bucket and chain. 
In anticipation of a spectacular catholic story, I give you the name of Sister Cha Cha."

Tractor with bucket & chain?  If I owned a working tractor with a bucket & chain I'd be tempted to drive it to the RTR, line the bucket with a trash bag, chain up Desert Bag, & fly a State of Jefferson flag.  I'd discreetly make camp near HDR's Road Warrior installation & sign up for some private lessons.

As to forthcoming story of shoes/nuns---I am awaiting the mood/muse.  And here's a hint:  I am not Catholic.  Which explains the many problems I had with Catholic nuns.  As to the shoes, well that must come later.   After I finish my chores for today.

1.  Set up tall ladders in living room, mask off woodwork & built in bookshelves, & roll on first coat of fresh paint.
2.  Bake a big skillet of chili corn bread.
3.  Slowly sip a nice glass of Cabernet while I recover.

I agree to answer to Cha Cha, so long as Popeye consents, for after all it has always been his pet name for me.  But Sister I cannot abide.  Not a good fit, misleading, & smacks of rosary beads.  Just ain't right.

The club does have a change your official title if you hate it that much clause which has been invoked on a few occasions. (In the 2000+ posts to the YARC).....
I figure if you're "Ain't Right" enough to get a title in the first place , you are more than qualified to select a more "fittingly descriptive" one.

There is another way......
As time goes by you may post something that earns you yet another official title that can be used interchangeably or as a total replacement.
(At the discretion of The Weirdo Overlord)

You can post sooner and more often to increase your chances for this high honor !

Unfortunately , with time we will get to know more about someone and there may be a spontaneous issue of title when it becomes obvious what it should have been all along and the change your title if you hate it that much clause is suspended....

A final one time disclaimer.
Posting to this forum thread can become habit forming and in some cases highly addictive. I should advise you to use this power with caution..............
We Ain't Right !
:p :p :p :p :p :p

"I 'Ain't Right , but I can change , but I don't think so , NO WAY !

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Poor Popeye is confused  Twenty Thousand, not two thousand.  His mind is gone, which is why The YadaYada is perfect in his position.  Titles come and go.   It could be Monkeyfoot or, She Who Must Be Obeyed or even the large number of titles our pie rat claims  come up with a good enough story and a new name will come out of it.
Let's face it: the female of the species has always been enamored of shoes.  (Imelda Marcos, despite owning over a thousand pairs, never got it right.)  

Since ancient times, shoes figured in folk tales & mythology & have held the power to convey magical properties to the the wearer.  Think: Puss In Boots, The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella.  Whether ruby-jeweled or sparkling glass---in the collective unconscious, women's footwear unlocks the promise of romance, trancendance, personal power---& escape.

And what irrepressable young girl (held hostage by stern Catholic nuns armed with wrist-slapping rulers), wouldn't yearn for escape!
My grandmother, an intrepid world traveler, encouraged my nonconformist leanings.  So, when I was nine, she surprised me with a pair of genuine wooden shoes from Holland---& just my size. She suggested I wear them to school!  And at ten, ditto with the bright yellow roped-soled Mexican espadrilles.  And at eleven (my favorites), the turquoise suede Navajo Kaibab boots with real silver conchos.  

On each occasion I was shamed & scolded by the nuns!  My unorthodox shoes were simply not deemed appropriate footwear for decent uniformed school girls---Catholic or not!  Not to mention my pet horned lizzard, a secret, lurking beneath my desktop.  
("It just ain't right")

highdesertranger said:
uhm wooden shoes and lizards in your school desk.  I think that qualifies. 

Stranger, you are a man of few words!  Strong, silent type?
Since you are the only Ranger on this forum, I suppose I must consider myself deputized.
Just don't try to pin anything on me.  And I don't need a badge, incognito more my style.

Charlotte aka Cha Cha
Most esteemed Badgernator.

Not trying to find fault with your finding fault but your count is not of posts (maybe views?)
1530 on CRVL YARC and 564 on the new YARC
Mine was a little low from memory but 2093 wasn't too far off and that total now is including all posts since my last.....

I'm sure this oversight is probably a result of the amazing number of miles you have driven the last month ( and all the other things taking up your time ) and not having enough time to devote to your part of the "Ain't Rightness" we are now so surrounded by.
Sure is getting intense following everything of 2 forums huh ?

Take some "you time", maybe a whole day off , and keep the "hopping monkeyfoot" on that PT and in plenty of ice....

Keep the greasy side down and shiny side up!
Cha Cha

Your "Stinkin' Badge"
Stinkin Badge.jpg

Now you need to post a pic of the Navajo boots .....
.....maybe you can work it into a story somehow ??
Part 2 of the one about school ?


  • Stinkin Badge.jpg
    Stinkin Badge.jpg
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rvpopeye said:
Cha Cha
Now you need to post a pic of the Navajo boots .....
.....maybe you can work it into a story somehow ??

(By the way, don't let GS get your boxers in a twist.  He's just jealous of your insider connections.)

But if you think for a moment my fondness for you entitles you to make demands for pics---you are wrong.
The last pics I took of anything were years ago when I made  *photographs*  with my 35mm SLR.  These
days, I am a near Luddite:  no GPS, no cell phone, no email, no PM---just a tinfoil chapeau & a damn good
supply of TP.  It's fun, isn't it?  Getting to know your fellow "badgers"! 

Time permitting, more stories will follow.  But topics will be at my whim. 

Don't worry: I've got plenty of whims.
Cha Cha
Cha Cha

Fair enough !

No worries..........
We just pick on each other for something to do when things get a little slow :p
Normally we rely on stories posted for entertainment.
rvpopeye said:
"No worries..........We just pick on each other for something to do when things get a little slow 
Normally we rely on stories posted for entertainment."

Popeye,  we have a deal!
But there are plenty of worries---over on the women's forum. :s

Why not beckon Cammalu back over here to offer comic relief?   We could all use some...
As to picking on each other for something to do when things get slow, I'm all for that! 
Just so long as you don't pick on me.   I'm  *sensitive*.

Cha Cha
Oh Pops...  This is a new world with the rules of mathematics coming direct from the appointed head of education.  Just think of it as orders from the Raider of the U S Treasury Go Yuuuge or go home.   :p

New name for SIS.  Boots.  :D
JustACarSoFar said:

Wow!  Now this (virtual) badge is just what I've  *always* dreamed of.  More, even, than other longed for,
but never received items:

1.  Tiny monkey in a teacup
2.  Flash Gordon secret decoder ring
3.  pink plastic submarine powered by baking soda

JustACarForNow, you are a real sister!

:angel: Charlotte
GotSmart said:
Oh Pops...  This is a new world with the rules of mathematics coming direct from the appointed head of education. Just think of it as orders from the Raider of the U S Treasury Go Yuuuge or go home.  :p
New name for SIS.  Boots.  :D

Good you've made a reappearance!  A bit of subtlety sorely needed.  It's a new world all right, but
it's a Brave New World.  Perhaps to say a New World Order would not be putting too fine a point on it. 

In these perilous YARC times, what's needed are more  Raiders of the Lost Lark. 
(Surely, by now, we all know where the 'poo goes.) 

Never name a new pet before you've got a good idea what you've got on your hands.   :s :shy: :rolleyes:

:p Charlotte aka Cha Cha
My plastic baking soda submarine was yellow...........
rvpopeye said:
My plastic baking soda submarine was yellow...........

Yellow?  My pink one predated the Beatles.  Yellow?! By then, weren't you a bit old to be playing
with back-of-comix toys?  That just ain't right, Popeye. 

Have you still got it?  If so, that explains why you've got a Class C.  So you could play in the bath tub. 
Makes sense, but still ain't right.  Overall tho,I still say you are A-OK. 

But what do I know?


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