You Ain't Right Club

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Let us all remain calm, consider the situation and then run like hell should be the state motto. This from a 40 year resident.
Gotsmart's coffee:

He's color blind
I would confirm Badgernator for a pine cone cluster but think he might have just drank it !

Nominator , I'm sure I speak for the whole tribe .
Glad it turned out to be no big deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No "Stinkin' Badge" , no new official title (you already have three!).
and no awards ,,,(we'd have to make up a new one anyway)!
I'll just quote 'ol popeye...
"Skheeeew , try to make a fool outa me , I'lll fixxx youuuu!"

We pause now , for an important , public service announcement ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Walmart Sells JUNK !

And now , back to our regularly scheduled "Ain't Rightness" !

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Scott7022 said:
That ain't right!!! On so many levels!! Color blind people sometimes can see shades of grey and if he making easter eggs later he might wonder WTF?

He left for the hardware store after drinking his coffee and eating an omelette. People are very friendly around here so I imagine he'll smile at least a time or two [emoji16]
All I can say is that was the best coffee she has made yet.   :p

As for the stinkin badges.  Poop eyes, she has FIVE badges and a full monte.  

Someone has not been following his own thread.  

AND THAT BE WRONG!   :dodgy:

Just because you grabbed a box of stinkin badges when nobody was looking does not give you justification to short those that seriously aint right.  

I nominate you, oh wrong one for a TINKI BAG. (For your head)  A four letter penalty for your wrongness.
Oh Yeah ?
I see your nomination.

And double it, back atcha ! :p :p
For taking Nominator to the ER , something TOTALLY RIGHT without a doubt!!!
BUT breaking out laughing WAS very"Ain't Right" so I pardon you for the above.
(I probably would have too)

I now bestow upon "She Who Must Be Obeyed" a new award  " The Medusa Headdress" (Redhead Edition) so she can turn to stone all those that dare laugh at her...

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Oh yeah , about that Best Ever Coffee ?
That "Ain't Right" but you liking it cancels out again.
A good sense of humor sure comes in handy around here !!!!!!!!!!

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
She drove herself to the ER. 
 (She Who Must Be Obeyed OR ELSE!)   :s

Who said I liked the coffee?  I just said it was the best she had made me.   :dodgy:

A Blue Red Headed Medusa?  How does that work?
Gapper 2.  It is my great pleasure to award this STINKIN BADGE to a man that is a shining example of all that aint right with the men of this world.  To brave the danger of flash freezing that which all men treasure more than any other part.  To boldly go where few if any have gone before.  This honor comes with a club name.  Yours shale be STANDS UPWIND.  To remind us all of the wisdom that must be involved when trying any experiment where nature is involved.

Upwind.  She Who Must Be Obeyed always demands a speech when a badge is accepted.  (Which is why I have give the Badges, and not accept them)

Now I need to make a quick run to the PawPaw Patch, and get my grubby paws on some PawPaws.  Stinkin Badgers love PawPaws!


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GotSmart said:
Who said I liked the coffee?  I just said it was the best she had made me.   :dodgy:

I guess I won't be making coffee for you tomorrow [emoji3]
The Badgenator pickin' Pawpaws but he ain't doin it right! Where's the basket? He's supposed to be putting them in a basket!

I had to look up Pawpaw. learn something new everyday. what do y'all do with them. highdesertranger
Cammalu said:
I guess I won't be making coffee for you tomorrow [emoji3]

After this morning, that might be a good thing.   :p

I made a run to the PawPaw patch, and picked a half peck of PawPaws.  with my own grubby paws.  Those things are addicting!

HDR, You EAT them!


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Mr. Gotsmart and crew,

  I'll gladly (I'll have to think about how glad) accept yalls STINKIN BADGE as long as I don't have to run a gauntlet of youz guys and gals.  I shudder at the thought of crawling or making my way through a group of AIN'T RIGHT grinning jokers. 

  I also shall take the name of Stands Upwind with pride.  kinda fits my Cherokee heritage.

  I know this is tmi but had to go through 4 layers of pants at ~-50F to conduct that experiment. :D 

  Hey Gotsmart, got a question.  Is she still blue?
Careful they look a little green, remember "picking up papas" best if you get them after they have fallen off the tree if the deer leave any for you, think ripe banana with lots of seeds.
Ick Bullfrog. I've had them like that and they are a yucky runny mess. I always pick them in August before they turn to liquid. They only have a few days shelf life so Gotsmart is going to be living off them just about.

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Told y'all I wasn't right. When they are green they make me pucker and run. Best one I ever had was being eaten by the deer my uncle shot after it became a deer burger.
I have these figured out.  Pick them when they start getting soft.  When they give some, right before squishy, they spoon out like prickley pear.  

Now Ifn I can figure out how Granny would pickel her pawpaws, I will be in HEAVEN!   :D
You can speed up getting them ripe by putting them in a closed brown paper bag if they are too sour. I always gave my kids there first one really green, they would be puckered up but could eat whole lemons after that no problem.

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