You Ain't Right Club

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Now that is a Mickey Mouse version.   :( 

It aint right.   :-/ 

Entirely too PC, PG, and anything else requiring supervision.  :p
I don't think they truly understand what "You Ain't Right" is about.
Everybody wants to be a fairy princess for ****'s sake

and I know if I tried to explain it there I would get banned for life !

Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh kuh :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
I need input. I think I've found another potential YARC nominee. Well, I think I'll go ahead and nominate him and see where the cards fall. So, without further ado, I, THE NOMINATOR and Monkeyfoot do hereby nominate gapper2 for ain't right scientific experiments:



Let the decision makers discuss his ain't rightness and I'll PM him to come to the Club.
just made a completely aint right purchase for the fat van,not going to tell until i receive it but saw it this morning and all day i was like"i gotta have that,it's perfect" so i bought it
Now for the ultimate Y.A.R.C. story


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I get a panicked call from our own Nominator.  HELP... IM TURNING BLUE!

Sure enough.  She was turning into a Smurf.  (Her words)
We get to the ER , And nobody had ever seen anything like it.  

Finally the guy came to check her blood.  Hhe asked a couple questions.  

Then he took out a steral wipe.  It came up blue.

Iron in the water.  

That aint right.
John I got rid of your double post. around here iron in the water turns everything a rusty color. in fact everyone says don't go in the Colorado river in anything white as it turns brown. highdesertranger
Gapper ??????
I've seen stuff like that done with boiling water , but that boy just "Ain't Right",
Badge 'im up !

Gary 69
No , but I did sign you up !

You sure you weren't hanging out around someone spray painting their rig blue ?????
"Iron in the water"??
Was it from showering in the RV?
Are you sure somebody didn't put some blue food coloring in the water tank ?
Did you get a box of wipes on the way home?

Did you stub your toe?
Were you SINGING???
Full moon ?
Cool Hendrix T btw......

T W O h s,,,,P.O.

and popeye,i dig disney have the first year 1955?? postcard and tom sawyer steamboat ticket,disneyland was a cool place when i was a kid,well except the tick i found crawling on me
Gary Club 33 serves drinks, and no ticks.

Blue Bayou Restaurant serves booze if you order an N-Jim Lemonade. Add 10 buck tip to the bill in addition, and very little incidents of ticks.

Blue from iron poisoning? That ain't right and doesn't sound right...In the red deserts of Africa I have seen and had Iron poisoning, but it usually only shows up for us white people after a sun-burn or on sun damaged skin. It is not hard-core smurfism like you can get by poisoning yourself with silver cordial or other hokus pokus concoctions. The bad things about iron poisoning for adults is pooping and inability to sleep.Unless it gets injected as a treatment for misdiagnosed  anemia and destroys your liver. Take care of each other!  
article-1212557-065EE48A000005DC-965_468x345.jpg Too much Silver turns man to Papa Smurf


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We are talking about someone with red hair, and fair skin.  Apparently the phlebotomist was in the navy and had experienced that before.  

She has lived in that house at least 10 years and this was a first.   :huh:  The blue iron water is a Kentucky phenomenon.  

I was laughing too hard to talk for a while.


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And here I thought Kentucky only had blue moons and grass! (NO pics...oh hey wait.. No sorry)

Ah yes the Red/ fair "takes them a week in the sun to turn white" complexion as my black brothers would say. Luckily I got the Irish liver and temper and the black Irish skin.
Glad all is well, and ouch that looks like my rib cage after playing the slap game with Dimitri here at the bar. Thanks for taking care of our tribe!! You are a great person.
Jeezzzzzzz. This was so stupid. I was in the shower when I noticed that both my arms had turned blue. At first I thought it was a shadow so I put my arm in the light. Nope, definitely I was blue. It wasn't my whole arms but the inside of my arms and I could clearly see where the blue ended and the white began.

I kinda start getting a bit of anxiety and quickly finish my shower, get out, dry off and get dressed.

I checked my arms. Still blue. Well maybe it's my eyes. I call John who is out bunked in my RV for a few days. He came to get my cargo trailer to get his daughter and boyfriend moved out to CA. He decided to stay a few days and help me out around here and take a bit of a vacation.

Anyway he comes in the house lickety split and sure enough tells me I'm turning blue although as he's color blind he could be lying.

He goes back out and I'm looking on the web to see if there is anything. I know about the blue people of Kentucky but they are born that way - a genetic thing and I'm not related in any way to them anyway.

I find all kinds of things on the web- heart attack, loss of oxygen, blood clots. Oh hell I start breathing a little funny and I'm moving to get to my car. I call John again and he's with me in a minute and we are headed to the ER.

Luckily I live in a small town and the longest Ive waited in the ER is about 15 minutes. This time, with me turning into a smurf, I don't have to wait at all.

Back to the room they save for the critical ER cases and on the bed I go. The nurse is telling me to stay calm and I am although my anxiety level is peaked.

She gets me hooked up and asks me a million questions which I try to answer. No, I haven't eaten anything weird or gotten into anything today, no not allergic to anything but sulpha drugs, no I haven't been bit, etc.

The doc comes in, a very friendly guy I've met before. He asks me a few questions then I get to see pics of his little boy and eclipse photos he took on his phone. He asks me questions in Spanish (this is a small town) and I answer them. Pretty much the same questions asked by the nurse. He tells me he's never seen anything like this but he's going to run blood tests and also order an ultrasound to check for blood clots.

He leaves and I can see him out there on the phone making phone calls - yep, about the blue lady.

After awhile the guy shows up to draw blood. He takes one look at my arm and asks me what was I doing when I noticed this and a few more things. I ask if he's seen this before and he says yes then gets his little swab out for my arm so he can stick me with that big needle. He swabs and looks at the swab.... blue comes off. Oh hell! WTF! I'm now starting to turn red. I look over at Gotsmart and he's cracking up. I snap the photo of him laughing like crazy.

More swabs come out and more blue comes off... I tell the vampire he better go tell the doc. I look over at Gotsmart and he's busy typing away with a giant grin on his face.

The doc comes in laughing and cracking jokes. He puts his hand under the little machines they use to wash their hands as they go in and out of rooms and gets a bunch of the foam, slaps it on my arm and roughly rubs it in and tells me to wipe my arm on the sheet. Off comes the blue.

They said it could be iron in the water but I'm remembering wearing a new blue shirt that hasn't been washed and that's from Walmart.... I was out all day in it even mowing and sweating.. jeez. John will be coming inside soon and his coffee might be spiked with food coloring...


The maid will be here in about an hour and she's pretty clever. Between both of us we will think of some way to get back at Gotsmart for that giant laugh at me. He couldn't stop and I thought he was going to pee his pants. He's had it.
Couldn't attempt to top that!!! I'll be grinning all day.
Cammalu,  I'm glad your ok!  GS needs a  spanking for making fun of you. Maybe you could have a sherrif deputy come in and question him about the part he played in poisoning you. That might lurn him, durn him .


I love that we can all laugh about it and it was nothing serious. Great example of what fear does to bright, intelligent people. So we can laugh and learn from it.
1st take away. Don't do self diagnosis via the internet. Doctors go to school for years to learn that ****. Probably shouldn't build solar or electrical systems this way for the same damn reason!
2nd take away. Remember how resilient children were? What happened? Sure we all got a little older but really we ain't all that brittle. I am living proof we are pretty damn hard to kill. Most **** goes away. We got smarter and we overthink stuff far too much. Tigers don't always eat you and that puffer fish was probably prepared correctly.
3rd We all gots back up! The tribe is here for each other and this is an awesome example.

I remember writing late one night and hearing a crash outside. Out I ran, but I put my glass of vodka in the Engel cooler that sat beside my desk. After two hours of dealing with cops and ambulances and drunk teenagers I came back into the house. I sat down, relit my cigar and retrieved my glass of vodka. It had mixed with the diluted ice cube and turned into a bit of a slurry. I continued writing and the evening went on and my glass went down. I reached the bottom of the glass and noticed a hard chunk of ice. Only it wasn't ice it was glass. The vodka glass had one of those fancy bubbles in the bottom of the glass. I had washed it in the dishwasher and water had gone into the little bubble. When the ice froze it broke up into the glass. My anxiety ruined my vodka buzz and I tired to put the pieces of glass back together in order to determine how much glass was missing. Images of lacerated intestines danced in my head and further, down the chain, more dramatic images fought for attention. I went to the internet computer and pulled up google and remembered what my Dr. PHd, and medical professional niece had told me about googling medical stuff and stopped.

I pulled out the vodka bottle and took a few good pulls from the neck. No pointing in facing a lacerating large intestine and tattering balloon knot sober. Then I called poison control. "Ah look this might sound kind of stupid but..."

"It's ok Sir I get that a lot." The interrupting voice said calmly. "Before we continue I notice you are calling from a cell phone. Are you at the address the cell phone is registered to?"

I calmed down. This was an incredibly intelligent question. Mommy had just walked into the room, and as we all know one could be missing a limb, from a less than affectionate tiger and "Mom gots this." I explained my culinary failure and she listened and reassured me that the virginal properties of my ballon knot would not be violated by a wayward glass episiotomy. Then she did something incredible. She told me to look at the internet and see how much glass stupid people eat all the time and survive death and internal evisceration. I did and with a few more good pulls from the bottle I let it go.  

I am glad everyone is fine and that the situation has been resolved with She Who Must Be Obeyed NOT turning into Smurfette. But in the back of my mind I hear Ron White's voice "here's your sign..." "You'll might be from Kentucky but...this ain't right!" I think a badge might be in order for both of you.  Cue Jimmy "Purple Haze is in my brain...."

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