You Ain't Right Club

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If you didn't drive "She Who Must Be Obeyed" (at her insistence) then doing the "Right" thing must fall on her.
So your pardon is expunged.
Laughing was still kinda "Ain't Right" I confirm your "Stinkin' Badge" , AND as you're not able to make a speech (I question this as you do it all the time when awarding here) you are also confirmed for the Paw Paw cluster.

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She Who Must Be Obeyed
For driving yourself to the ER without knowing if you were turning into an alien from Star Wars AND polluting BAdgernator's coffee for being laughed at.
I confirm and award you the Pointy Princess Hat that should go nicely with your Medusa Headdress.

View attachment 15340

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
As it sometimes seems like so many awards to so few members..........................
(Hey , why not ? It "Ain't Right"!)

I hereby confirm all members that joined before "Stinkin' Badges" were implemented.

I think 1 "Stinkin' Badge" will suffice here.
But all get credit.
Thanks for your stories !

T W O h s,,,, P. O.
Pointy princess hats are treading dangerously close to the other site you posted.

I am turning the lights out and rocking silently with my vodka until the image goes away.
Cue J.J. Cale (made popular by Eric Clapton's version)
"If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out,..."
Are you saying "It Ain't Right"?

That's kinda a theme here.
I don't know how it started.......

I'm still waiting for She Who Must Be Obeyed to decide keep or refuse.

The pointy hats actually have been morphed into something that they were never meant to be. They were originally worn by Mongol women as men and women wore very similar clothing and it was how they could tell who to hit on........or something like that...
I saw Eric Clapton at a little road house in N. CA in 81.  There was one other couple there.  He walked in and after one look told the owner that they would be playing for beer instead of gate. :D

Good times...
i was at lollapalooza 2???,went to the bear garden,got a sausage and 2 beers,sat down and looked at the old guy next to me and recognized him,lean over and asked "are you Timothy Leary" yep he replied,had a pretty interesting convo with him,still have the ticket with his autograph on the back
Medieval Cone Shaped Princess Hats Were Inspired by Mongol Warrior Women
What we think of as the headgear of white Europeans actually began as the headdress of Mongolian queens

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mogul warrior headdresses
(Hugo van der Goes)
By Rose Eveleth
December 30, 2013

Nothing says "princess" like a pointy, cone-shaped hat. From kids' costumes to medieval paintings, the cone hat—more formally known as a hennin (or henin)—is a sure sign of royalty. But here's something you might not know about the hat that adorn the heads of pale-skinned ladies: they were actually modeled after the hats of Mongol warrior queens.
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   Warm, Wet Times Spurred Medieval Mongol Rise

The blog Medieval PoC explains:

   The European Henin is modeled directly after the willow-withe and felt Boqta (Ku-Ku) of Mongolian Queens, which could reach over five to seven feet in height.

   Mongolian women’s boqta also had a special role: because men and women’s clothing were more or less exactly the same in design, appearance and function, reflecting thousands of years of more or less equal rights between the genders, the women’s tall headdresses served to differentiate men and women from a distance.

According to Medieval PoC, Marco Polo brought at least one boghtaq back from his travels, and shortly thereafter there was a sudden boom in popularity of cone-shaped headwear amongst the ladies. Medieval PoC points to the book Secret History of the Mongol Queens, where author Jack Weatherford writes:

   The contraption struck many foreign visitors as odd, but the Mongol Empire had enjoyed such prestige that medieval women of Europe imitated it with the hennin, a large cone-shaped headdress that sat towards the back of the head rather than rising straight up from it as among the Mongols. With no good source of peacock feathers, European noblewomen generally substituted gauzy streamers flowing in the wind at the top.

Today, it's hard to imagine a princess without a cone-shaped hat. But what we think of as the headgear of white Europeans actually began as the headdress of these Mongolian queens.

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If were going to start talking about famous people we have seen or know.
All I will say is I am discouraged from doing that...............
It's an other side of the stage thing. ;)
I LOVE my new pink princess hat! It looks marvelous on me!

While I was mowing I told Gotsmart to feed the bass. Told him he could get close and feed them by hand....

Uh oh, I forgot about the snapping turtles! They like being fed also [emoji3]

Here. Here. Other side of the stage.

I did fall out of the balcony at the venue called the laundromat (it was really a place to do cloths later to be named Richards on Richards or Dicks on dick) on the first night of HardCore 81 DOA, Sub Humans, Black Flag. Broke my femur, got a large purple pill from a girl named Cathy. She drove a silver and black Wildcat. Spent two hours talking with Iggy Pop and the White Duke. Not an other side of the stage thing as they weren't really there. Henry Rawlins carried me to the street to wait for the ambulance. I think he waited with me. I couldn't talk by then.
Oh oh , are we gonna need another batch of Flying Manure Spreaders ?

I remember one tour with--------- we were headed out of Nashville on ----------'s tour bus.
Going to N'Orlin's for a New Year's Eve one off.
We were the headliner and ---------- was our opener.

We stopped at the airport to pick up --------and --------- then off to set up and do a quick mic check.
Those guys ! Always getting the squints to focus the two 3KW Super Troopers on me and intro'ing me from the stage.
Of course after that , I couldn't see the controls and guess who's sound suffered ?????
---------------------- that's who !!!
(Skheeeeeewwwww Try to make a fool outa me !!!!!!)
(See ? gig stories just don't work for me !)

However I can tell you about this !
Security spotted my Dalmatian and started hollering at me , so I told them to check her laminate hanging from her collar!
(She had all access and could go places security wasn't even allowed into.!) I can tell you this dog. Penny Lane or Rocket Dog for short...
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
:cool: :cool: :cool: ZZ Pop-eye
rvpopeye said:
As it sometimes seems like so many awards to so few members..........................
(Hey , why not ? It "Ain't Right"!)

I hereby confirm all members that joined before "Stinkin' Badges" were implemented.

I think 1 "Stinkin' Badge" will suffice here.
But all get credit.
Thanks for your stories !

T W O h s,,,, P. O.

As the Stinkin Badgernator, It is my pleasure to award the choice of either a STINKIN BADGE or a Flying Manure Spreader to those that are reading this thread.  Yall aint right to follow this drama.   :p  Deep down you know what you deserve.   :cool:

Remember that Princes She Who Must Be Obeyed is demanding an acceptance speech from each and every one of you.  In it please describe the qualifications and special "AINT RIGHT" talents that lead you down the path of insanity that Pirate Poop in the Eye has started.


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rvpopeye said:
I remember one tour with Barry Manilow we were headed out of Nashville on Leaf Garrett's tour bus.
Going to N'Orlin's for a New Year's Eve one off.
We were the headliner and Garrett was our opener.

We stopped at the airport to pick up blow and smack then off to set up and do a quick mic check.
Those guys ! Always getting the squints to focus the two 3KW Super Troopers on me and intro'ing me from the stage.
Of course after that , I couldn't see the controls and guess who's sound suffered ?????
Barry Manilow's that's who !!!
He must have left quite an impression on you Gary ! ;)
Not even close, but I'm not going to correct you here..........
Maybe someday around the campfire though.
I will give a clue though.
3 sets of drums and a LOT of guitars.

Confirmed , One Flying Manure Spreader for your very insightful version !
3 sets of drums? neil peart?
lots of guitars? rick neilson?

rush and cheap trick?

rush at the rose garden theatre of clouds,rose garden was designed for sound and theatre of clouds they hang giant sheets to kill any echo,best sounding concert i have ever been to

popeye,ever do any metal shows at the roseland portland,or between say 85 and 2000? because i was there a lot
o.k. so i liked weekend in new england growing up so i just went and had a listen and good song but manilow just aint got much to work with so i thought whitney houston would kill this song

has to clear the palate though so i'm listening to this as i type,iz gots bandwidth

Nope and nope ,,,and nope!
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
But you did get the right time frame !

You brought it up so good luck with the ear worms
This might help "I write the songs............") :p

All the other bands in the playground called him Barely Man-enough...
Actually , I did tour with a metal band and just about every other type too.
Rock , blues , pop , punk , country rock , southern rock , country (old and new) , bluegrass , symphony ,,,,,, and bar bands doing top 40 covers of all of the above .

It didn't make that much difference from the other end of the snake (that's the big cable connecting everything on or behind the stage with me at the controls out front..)

Sometimes I was a mad scientist trying to put perfume on all the pigs on stage and other times they were so good that it was like a vacation ,,,,with PAY !

I made a LOT of good friends , some big names and others not so much . I watched some throw it all away turning to and being consumed by drugs , and some start out small and end up on the big stages.

Sometimes it was great and other times really bad ......
But it was all my dream job and I have huge amounts of memories stored away ,,,,at least till I forget it all............................

And to once again quote Forest Gump "That's all I have to say about that."

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