You Ain't Right Club

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makes me wonder if we have stood in the same room at one point of time
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

I've stood in the same room (or outdoor area) as probably way over a million people.

There was only one or two of people like me in each show you have attended.

Kinda boggles the mind , no?
rvpopeye said:
There was only one or two of people like me in each show you have attended.

Thank goodness for THAT! [emoji12]
yea,popeye,at every show i have been to there has been only one me there

i remember i was pluming my outside spigot,was a T and 90 short,didnt want to drive to town,came in had a sandwich and some ice cream and then i woke up at 5:30

got a sharp piece of metal and a squirrel in the mail,thanks
rvpopeye said:
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh

I've stood in the same room (or outdoor area) as probably way over a million people.

There was only one or two of people like me in each show you have attended.

Kinda boggles the mind , no?

You hang around anywhere.  What is so mind boggleing about that?


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I didn't know you had a parrot Popeye!

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Oh sure , I got a bunch of 'em.....
On Me RED shirt ! ;)
Besides that wasn't me , it was one of me crew that didn't row fast enough !

I don't really enjoy going to shows now.
It has something to do with not being able to be in control and hearing so many things that aren't being done......and then there's the aspect of not being paid but having to pay so much to be there ... Oh well , around 3000 shows before I stopped counting.
so I guess I got my share.
Peg leg Check.  
Hook, Check.  
Eye patch.  Check.  

Are you telling me that all pirates are that "unlucky"?    :rolleyes:
I have just finished earning the highest award possible.
R.O.O.I.R.I.A. (Yup Badgernator , the alphabet again)
The Royal Order Of I Read It All award.
All 135 pages .

I have a list of all Official Titles awarded and I didn't even try to count "Stinkin' Badges .
Which I will post later..............

Oh BTW ........Badgernator you are always saying that I don't pay attention to my own thread..... well , I think you doth protest too much !
You clearly stated that Nominator had earned a "Six Pack" of "Stinkin' Badges" and the "Full Monty" as well , then several posts later you said 5 "Stinkin' Badges" and the "Full Monty".............................who's not paying attention now ????
And those were your own posts !
Skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh
It sure is an impossible task to keep track of "Stinkin' Badges"..

I guess the only way to REALLY find out how many Stinkin' Badges" everyone has is to earn your own R.O.O.I.R.I.A. and start-a readin' !

Just kiddin' , it took forever , not askin' anyone to do that again , what a freakin' waste of time !.....unless you want to prove how "Ain't Right you are !
And get a really , (not worth it) , cool title !

Now you know where I've been when you thought I wasn't paying attention , and remember , just because I'm not posting , it doesn't mean I'm not reading...........)

I still think it should be up to ALL "Ain't Righters" to put their Badge and all other awards count , and Official Titles in their signature line for all to see at a glance.
(Keep it as short as possible too , I have found out that not only can we not put emoji's in the sig line we have to keep it less than 128 characters !)

(Yes , I said ALL=EVERYBODY! If you don't think you have a "Stinkin' Badge" , think again I just awarded one to everybody that has ever posted here you all have at least ONE !)

Oh yeah , another notice to ALL

I noticed a lot of posts that I never read before and it would seem they were all just before one I posted !
The old "posting while I was typing trick" so maybe a good idea if everybody looks back up the post list to check for that after you post !
(Some of them were doozies ! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to respond to them too. So if you're wondering why a good post you made went unnoticed ,, because it did go unnoticed !)

And FINALLY , I didn't find any Official Title for someone that should definitely should have one........................GUNNY !

I hereby award the Title of....................WHATEVER he wants !
That's right Gunny , pick your own ! ANYTHING !

T W ,,,,no this time I'm going with the full thing
The WEIRDO OVERLORD has spoken,,,,Peace , Out !
Gunny has left the building for good this time.   :(

He is working on calming down, and shoveling his poop into one manageable pile.   :D

Gunny/RobInTheHood, We will be seeing you on the road along with others.  His friends are looking foreward, and his non friends are looking over their sholders.  Everyone is keeping an eye out for him.   ;)
"Keeping an eye out !" Arrrrrrgh , sounds like a pirate thing !
Well , It has been awarded none the less and he can fill in the blank whenever he want's to .
;) A phone call will work ! ;)
Let it be known !
(Wish I had done this before he left but it must be done.)
Gunny Rob now has an official YARC Title .....
"He Who Does Not Give A **** "! :p :p :p :p (H W D N G A F)

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
So , I've finally got a list of our members with official titles.
(And earned the exalted award "The Royal Order Of I Read The Whole Thing"
which is available to everyone , just a "few" short posts away = 136 pages...)

Will everyone add their title(s) and other awards in their signature line
so everyone can use the correct title in their posts / replies.

I do know that many of us don't have an official title (yet)
as we didn't start giving out titles till way after the club
started and many had already joined up. That can easily be cured by posting a story of your "Ain't Rightness" or even just a good reason why you think "You Ain't Right"
and if there is a title in there somewhere I'm sure somebody will see it and the rest is history.

Forum Name -- YARC Title
(in no particular order , roughly as they were awarded)

rvpopeye -- Stinkin’ Weirdo Overlord , Pirate On Vacation , Popeye The Sailor Lizard
Got Smart -- Stinkin’ Badgernator
cammalu -- Stinkin’ Nominator , Monkey Foot , She Who Must Be Obeyed , Enforcer
Optimistic Paranoid -- Lord High Executioner
High Desert Ranger -- Wayward Prospector
Texas Jay Bird -- Accidental Discharges , Queenie's Slave
Gary 68 -- Stinkin' Weirdo Gary 69
Abuela Loca -- Red Fraggle , The MindReader
Ballenxj -- Outlaw
Jim In Denver -- Sparky , Minister of Power
Putts -- Drunk In The Mud , Keeper Of The Dingy
Sushi Dog -- Mud Bug
Walden Bound -- Kitten Abuser
Snickwahjm -- Bathes In Root Beer
Scott 7022 -- Beast Master , Junky Monkey , Drinks With Wolves
Van Man Dave -- The Holy Mascot , Baldy
Masterplumber -- piper
bullfrog -- The Bullspreader
Lenny Flank -- Smilin’ Joe
Stern Wake -- Surfer Boy
bLEEp -- Tick Terminator , Possum Man
Tx2sturgis -- Bigfoot Trader , Stands In The Corner
squatting dog -- Curly
pnolans -- Gipedo , Wolfie
One Awesome Inch -- Inch Worm
Stormy -- #1000
Gypsy Joker -- Four Fingers
gapper2 -- Stands Upwind
Bob -- White Beard Bob
Gunny Robndahood -- He Who Does Not Give A ****

Now , aren't the rest of you jealous ?

If you decide that an official title is what you dream of , you will have to post
a story of your "Ain't Rightness" and maybe you too can be called "something else" !!!!

First you must learn the club prayer.............

“I’m Not Right , But I Can Change , But I Don’t Think So , NO WAY !"

T W O h s ,,,,P. O.
I also have a few new Official Titles to bestow after my long and side splitting journey through the thread.

Tx2sturgis -- Banished Retiree
Sushi Dog -- Captain America Levee Jumper
29 Chico -- Kilowatt Chico

T W O h s,,,,P. O.
Well some of you haven't applied for a badge by PMing me an address that I can send a badge to. They are free!

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Hmmmm , a new forum avatar in the pointy princess hat!
Have you been waiting for someone to give you one of those for a long time ?
(I expected you to go with the red headed Medusa...)

BTW 1 new rep point for making the "Stinkin' Badges" and giving them away !
I love mine !!
here's an aint right story

when i bought the fat van not only did i not test drive it,i dint even start it up,didnt take the doghouse off,didnt look at the engine
the guy was honest and i asked,chevy small block and trans was at the bottom of the list,he said it was fine and would get me the 20 miles home and thats all i cared about,ran fine,shifted fine,steering tight

unless you are an obvious tweeker i will trust you 100% until proven otherwise
Always look to see if the seller is wearing a pair of these untrackable shoes before you do things like that !

Untrackable shoes.jpg


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Yes I put in an Avatar. I had to have a princess pointy hat!

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