You Ain't Right Club

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Well Oh Ayuh !! Tuh alldat ^^^^
Me sleeping ? This was a test!
You passed BTW.
I like what you did with the Junky Monkey
Award ! The modification to Gary69s award also shows promise in award creation .
(You do realize that the "Ain't Right"code now requires you to post that puppies wanted ad.......He'll have to build an addition like the sled dog racers have for all their dogs with the little head sized holes in the doors)

Enjoy your "Special Weird Something" award its.................well ,
I'm just not sure ,
It's definitely Something though.
Badgemaster has saved you by saying you're not an "Extreme Case",,,,,,yet. '
I can't wait to see who the Nominator finds for that great honor :(

I somehow have the feeling you have been here all along.?!
The "FULL MONTE version on your first try!
Badgemaster seems to know something I don't , that story after your speech is required as well , if you have any idea why he said that , but first and without further delay..And please use all the "Magic Words" !
I'd like to hear your speech!
(but make it a whopper so we can put the "Flying Manure Spreader" award up for all to admire and envy.

Twerking you ask ?
You might have known it by something else?
24 second lesson

bathes in rootbeer
So that's how rootbeer is made !
Who Knew !
I a fan of rootbeer going way back....

She Who Must Be Obeyed say's "phone home" .... and she's got chili!

bullfrog the Bullspreader
Sorry about the Pine Cone cluster but it's for the betterment of humanity ,,,,,Skuhhhhh Nooooo ! I was showing how I earned MY "Flying Manure Spreader" ,,,,are you working on your story yet ?
And your title is also confirmed
(now add it to your sig line before I forget it).

T W O h s ,,,,P.O.
The chili Cammalu is making sounds great and if The Great State of Texas had not penalized me for being just a tad late I could afford to go. Sales tax, late fees and I think there was a tip in there somewhere so I am grounded. At least I am legal.

I had a local small town Police Officer follow me for awhile, an out of date California Tag, my registration sticker has not shown up in the mail yet for my truck and I didn't have the title or bill of sale with me for the trailer. I had my sob story all worked out but he just looked at me as he drove by. Better things to do I guess.
RobndaHood said:
RobndaHoodThe chili Cammalu is making sounds great and if The Great State of Texas had not penalized me for being just a tad late I could afford to go. Sales tax, late fees and I think there was a tip in there somewhere so I am grounded. At least I am legal.

I had a local small town Police Officer follow me for awhile, an out of date California Tag, my registration sticker has not shown up in the mail yet for my truck and I didn't have the title or bill of sale with me for the trailer. I had my sob story all worked out but he just looked at me as he drove by. Better things to do I guess.


Perhaps it is those butterflys we were talking about? :angel: :D :D

Chili in a class C? If it was a van/camper/UTE trailer that would most certainly not be right!!

Things overheard that just ain't right leading to a catastrophy,  or Cat ASS Trophy, {say with a fake Russian accent and you will get the joke}.

I am waiting in line at the immigration line Saint Petersburg International arrivals. Previously, I got asked for identification, landing domestic flight. I have one expired visa with no exit stamp and a resident permit with a visa and no entry or exit stamp. So the young FSB officer was confused. Google getting Russian visa in Russia and you will understand this is impossible and why he was confused. He politely said he didn't understand the [Russian word (means legality and process)] says the easiest way to fix it is to go through international arrivals FSB as they are more experienced. Says I can use the Cabin Crew and first class line and that he will call ahead and explain his confusion. I obviously agree and thank him for his diligence and understanding. So I get dark hallway routed into the international section. 

While I am waiting the guy in the 5000 dollar Canalli suit, ahead of me, raises his voice. "Listen you corrupt little f#%k, I paid a great deal of money for this visa, I am here to do business with your starving country, and I don't like being treated like an *******!" What the booth FSB probably understood. "little f&*ker, I am rich I bought my visa and came to a country I don't like, treat me better *******."  A senior FSB was called and I moved up to the booth, handed, my passport to him. He smiled and said all is good the junior officer was just being careful. I thanked him and said I understood. He commented my Russian was good, and I said I am a resident so it should be. He asked if I'd translate for the American? I agreed.

The Man is waiting off to the side in a little line flanked by two booths, as I walk up both officers look at me and nose gesture to the man. He sees me. "SO the officious little pricks screwing you over too? I am not giving these ******** a fu&*ing penny more than I paid for this stupid visa."

"Does it look to you like we are in Denver having boat drinks?"


"Are we in Kansas, Toto?"

"No...What the hell are you talking about?"

"They asked me if I would translate for you. I said I would. If you don't want my help I will leave. Two things are going to happen in the next five minutes. You will be detained and denied entrance. The following 72 hours will not be good ones and you will be put on a plane, paying full fare, to fly home. Or I can explain that you paid a lawyer to fill out your visa application and didn't buy it. You had a long flight, and a few drinks, and were rude to the booth officer and you understand this was wrong."

"Who exactly are you I didn't see you on my flight?" 

"I am a guy that can speak Russian well enough to interpret for you." 

"Why do I need an interpreter? This is an international airport and they have to speak American as I am an American. But, you can tell them that and that I want to call my embassy."

"I suggest that course of action will not be productive and end in catastrophy."

I know the area is mic'd and that the senior officer is watching on video and listening. Russians use this word to mean FUBAR. When the official walks out of his office, he is smiling, He arrives at the space between the two booths; "Please Sir, follow me to the interview room." 
The Suit strides confident, he is now dealing with the man in charge, and passes the electric turnstiles. The officer turns and makes a circle with his hand around his butt. Yup, I think, Cat Ass Trophy time and I hear the officer say; "Would you like to call your embassy, Sir?"


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Scott7022 said:
Yup, I think, Cat Ass Trophy time and I hear the officer say; "Would you like to call your embassy, Sir?"

Jeezzz. People wonder why Americans have such a bad rep overseas... people like him sure spoil it for the rest of us.
Totally agree, I was going to leave out nationality but then; "the speak American" wouldn't have worked. No nation is without its idiots and I wasn't suggesting America has more of them. The good, the bad, and the entitled, every country has their share..
The ignorant American.  I once worked for a entitled jerk. (not for long) His little brother went on a band trip to Moscow for some reason.  He brought a suitcase full of Levi's for bartering.  He got drunk and somehow took the hat off a policeman.  He made it back to his hotel with it.  The last I heard, they were making an example for the rest of the kids.  Undeclared trade goods, assault on a policeman, drunk in public...

I was glad to leave that job.

As a plumber in the SF Bay Area, I was the one sent into difficult or unsafe areas.  I got along with everyone. It just took a smile and a civil attitude, perhaps a joke aimed at myself.  Attitude never worked.
Popeye, we lived across the street from a root beer stand back in the days when they brewed it on site. Nothing like it any more. It was our favorite place. I do have a just ain't right memory - it was in Wisconsin and we were walking past the root beer stand and there was a good shiny beautiful coat of ice on the out front railing. My little brother stuck his tongue on that icy rail. Then he grabbed the rail. If you are from the north you know what I mean about out door metal and ice. Any way he stood there and screamed until the ice melted off his tongue and hands. Sort of like putting a finger in a light socket as far as pain goes. He never did like root beer so much after that.
If your wandering ever brings you to the east coast of Florida, stop in New Smyrna Beach and go to the NSB Brewing Company on Canal. They brew root beer that is out of this world! And their other beer is awesome too.
Scott7022 said:
"Does it look to you like we are in Denver having boat drinks?"

I've flown into both Moscow and Moldova.... I always find it helpful to be polite and respectful.  It also just plain feels better.  
I haven't had any trouble in either situations.   As as aside, nice to get the "you speak good Russian " from a Russian.  Mine was terrible!   :D  And I haven't used it in many years. 

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]pnolans Wrote:[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]  [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] twerking.........WHAT'S IT?.......PUHLEESE[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]JEWELLANN[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]==================================================================[/font]

Txjaybird, I'm not sure what your post meant, I only used the word "twerking".  Is that a bad word?  
I did not post those other comments. 

I was talking about how bad it would be for an old big guy like me to be "throwing my butt" around.
The tongue to the rail...Cue Jim Carrol, Catholic Boy. Pull up the camp chairs.

Special Service Force winter survival training. I am about 19, just if I remember. We are up in the Canadian Arctic. I am getting the gears for rotating in during the bad segment. No one likes cold weather training. So we are drinking in the junior ranks mess and a dare goes up for anyone to lick the post. It is nighttime and as cold as the ice queen's toilet. Being young, dumb, and alpha orientated I step up after no one else does. I have been to Whitehorse and I know it will hurt, but the organ will eventually heat the area enough to release it. Perhaps a little frostbite, but I am not winning any awards for singing anyway. Out we all go into the dark, cold and gather around the pole. It has signs at the top pointing to tropical destinations. I stick out my tongue and as I am about to touch the pole some goof pushes me. My face hits the pole tongue, lips, nose and chin. They all instantly stick.
A female starts laughing; "Men are as stupid as they are unbalanced, us the weaker speices my ass"
She had pushed me. She had some sort of male hate issue I wasn't aware of.
Shouts for a bucket of hot water went out and I silenced them with a sound one is only capable of making while one's tongue is frozen to a post. I pulled out my gear and relieved myself of several beers directly up the pole. It was in the glory days of youth when I could 'cut the puck" in half in Cuba. The liquid did its magic and I was free.
I turned and walked past the person that pushed me. "Lets see you do that."
bathes in rootbeer
Was his name Ralphie ?
You have permission to send him a big "What were you thinkin'?" and a Ron White salute from the W O.
No badge , no clusters , no awards. :rolleyes:

So did the guy get the trophy ?

The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate was smiling upon you......
Good test of your stealth mode !

I can, with almost certainty, tell what the Embassy said "there is nothing we can do as to the situation you are in, if you are detained or jailed we can perhaps assist in finding representation".

I flew with friends from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar with friends while I was stationed in Russia. The official I dealt with was a bit confused with my Military ID and Passport and why I am assisting friends in an adoption. Speaking nicely and without raising my voice we were through and on our way in 15 minutes. Their security personnel are no better or worse than the ones in the US or Canada.

I made many trips between Canada and the US without an issue before 9/11, after wards, on my first trip across I was turned back because of a misdemeanor fight I was involved in. I had to 'be rehabilitated' which was a 4 month and about 600 dollar process. The last time I went across a very attractive young woman at the counter looked at my Passport, then looked at me and almost laughingly asked "Are you still rehabilitated?'. And away I went.

My tags for my truck came in the mail and I am legal with the trailer. No money left, but I am by god legal.
rvpopeye said:
So did the guy get the trophy ?

T W O    L-F A Y

The FSB only hand out stamps, detention, and deportation notices. LOL! I've rarely seen any smile. So I gathered the gesture he made for me was like saying; "Ah..very good you know what catastrophe culturally means here in Russia"

Yeah, I'd say he went home..FSB still can not travel outside of Russia so I think they like deporting people. Kind of like they get to vicariously travel!
OK , we're gonna need to know more about the dolphin.....
The infamous Black Dolphin prison. Seen it, they didn't sell t shirts
Nope I think not. That is reserved for the really SUPERBAD. Not to be confused by Black Dolphin Spetnaz, unless you want a beating for your ignorance. Usual members have a small Black Dolphin Tattoo on the outside edge of hand they salute with. I drink with a guy here that has one and thankfully I was told what it meant before I got physically reedumacated.
Well, I just took out the three big ribeyes I bought for Rob's big arrival dinner. Gotsmart and I will throw the on the grill tonight. It's too bad that Gotsmart's cat gets to eat Rob's steak [emoji16]. Sorry Rob, not saving it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was joking, as far as I know there are no Americans there. Noone leaves there, it is truly the end of the road. I was not invited when some of our State Dept guys went for a tour.

There is no ACLU in Russia.
pnolans said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]pnolans Wrote:[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]  [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] twerking.........WHAT'S IT?.......PUHLEESE[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]JEWELLANN[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]==================================================================[/font]

Txjaybird, I'm not sure what your post meant, I only used the word "twerking".  Is that a bad word?  
I did not post those other comments. 

I was talking about how bad it would be for an old big guy like me to be "throwing my butt" around.
:D Yeah, after a certain age all that butt slinging can hurt a person.

I don't know if it's a bad word....I just never heard it before so I was curious.   Personaly I don't believe  there are bad words.......... just words used inappropriately for a specific conversation, situation or in front of the very young.

On a road trip with my then 3yr old Grandson I slipped and said "damn".  He promptly informed me that was not a nice word.  I apologized. His response was "O.K."  He took a deep breath and said very seriously while shaking his head " Mason don't say shiiiit "   You don't?    " Noooooooo" still shaking that little head back and forth.  Out of he mouths' of babes  :)


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